"You are listening to a 29 year old Imbecile, try not to act like one"

  • oeb11
  • 02-17-2019, 02:55 PM
That sounds more Libertarian.
Do you believe in say giving Wal-Mart a tax break in your city if say you owned the local 5 n dime and were afforded no tax breaks?

Do you believe in local citizens paying for stadiums for billionaires?

I do not....so while I do not think this chick understands how the game actually works....she got it right in spite of her ignorance. Originally Posted by WTF
I completely agree with you on this post.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Yeah the old Washington gamer sssssssss
  • oeb11
  • 02-18-2019, 10:26 AM
AOC gets big credit from the MSM for standing up to the Big Bad Amazon.

That deal was crafted through Gov. Cuomo and Mayor DeBlasio with many inputs and lots of time.

Those powerful DPST politicians will not forget what she did.

Count on them to do everything to torpedo her re-election in 2020.

She put herself in the sights of her own Party politics.

another poster is right- she will be on CNN in 2021 as an employee.
themystic's Avatar
Whats so funny is you right wing loons, your kids and grand kids are voting for these extreme left wing flakes. They would rather vote for the dumb brown chick on the left than the hateful old man on the right

I think thats funny. Not very good parenting
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-18-2019, 10:35 AM
She is Tea Party left.

As the GOP found out....they are not as easy to get rid of as one might wish.

Shit we still have Ted Cruz
  • oeb11
  • 02-18-2019, 10:53 AM
We shall see - i think she will not be re-elected.

She will fail in the Dem Primary.
It is written "If one is not a liberal in one's youth, One has no heart. If One is not a conservative in adulthood, One has no Brain."
bambino's Avatar
Do you believe in say giving Wal-Mart a tax break in your city if say you owned the local 5 n dime and were afforded no tax breaks?

Do you believe in local citizens paying for stadiums for billionaires?

I do not....so while I do not think this chick understands how the game actually works....she got it right in spite of her ignorance. Originally Posted by WTF
How did she get it right? Local property owners would have seen their values go up. Many other businesses would have sprouted up. And the local five and dime store wouldn’t have paid 27 billion in taxes. Not to mention 25,000 high paying jobs. Amazon agreed to build a school along with other infrastructure projects. No, she got it dead wrong and so do you.
We shall see - i think she will not be re-elected.

She will fail in the Dem Primary.
It is written "If one is not a liberal in one's youth, One has no heart. If One is not a conservative in adulthood, One has no Brain." Originally Posted by oeb11
Well, this stupid woman defy that logic. I consider her young, and she has no brain.

What is shocking many is how moronic she is on things that any educated person should know. She would be a prime candidate for one of Jay Lenno's "Jay Walking" segments.
themystic's Avatar
How did she get it right? Local property owners would have seen their values go up. Many other businesses would have sprouted up. And the local five and dime store wouldn’t have paid 27 billion in taxes. Not to mention 25,000 high paying jobs. Amazon agreed to build a school along with other infrastructure projects. No, she got it dead wrong and so do you. Originally Posted by bambino
Bambino my Brother. My olive branch is still extended. Lets be friends, ok.

Im sorry that you are wrong about this. Glad you have friends in here. I got your back Bro
LexusLover's Avatar
She .... believes she has Sephardic Jewish ancestry. Originally Posted by friendly fred
She should talk to The Indian about a DNA test.

Hopefully, she'll rinse before they swab, or no telling what the results will be.
How did she get it right? Local property owners would have seen their values go up. Many other businesses would have sprouted up. And the local five and dime store wouldn’t have paid 27 billion in taxes. Not to mention 25,000 high paying jobs. Amazon agreed to build a school along with other infrastructure projects. No, she got it dead wrong and so do you. Originally Posted by bambino
It was a slam dunk economic boost to NYC. She(and) others blew it to chase Amazon away.

Getting on the wrong side of Cuomo and DeBlasio in NYC is not a wise move. We'll see how it comes out for her.
LexusLover's Avatar
We'll see how it comes out for her. Originally Posted by eccielover
Swallowing may end up on the menu after all.
How did she get it right? Local property owners would have seen their values go up. Many other businesses would have sprouted up. And the local five and dime store wouldn’t have paid 27 billion in taxes. Not to mention 25,000 high paying jobs. Amazon agreed to build a school along with other infrastructure projects. No, she got it dead wrong and so do you. Originally Posted by bambino
Ha! You're correct. Amazon did agree to build a school: https://afrotech.com/nyc-schools-jus...t-announcement.
As usual, mystic misses the mark. Cortez "won" election with less than 10% turnout in her district. And still only won by under 2,000 votes over the incumbent, who didn't run and said he wasn't running. The more she opens her mouth, the more likely the Dem establishment will ensure she doesn't last.