Trumpettes for Trump Bites the Dust!

I guess the sniffing Donny jr was unaware that he met with Russian mega donors before the 2016 election if they say so the cult will believe more lies
HedonistForever's Avatar
I didn’t write the article! I’m perfectly fine the way the article sits as it is!! You want a hidden meaning between the lines and spaces? Have at it! RW conspiracies are always good for a laugh! Originally Posted by dumars

Which tells us all we need to know, that you don't know the answer and you don't care. Put this one in the "pitiful" column.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-20-2022, 04:59 PM

With all due respect to WTF and Dumars, the $25,000 is nothing. And the pardon Trump provided the consultant was for an offense that had nothing to do with the Russian’s indirect campaign contribution. Maybe the pardon was deserved and maybe it wasn’t, Originally Posted by Tiny
Just wtf does a pardon say?

It says to Russia, keep on keeping on with dirty money.

It does not matter that the pardon wasn't for the Trump donation. Trump pardoned his 2012 conviction? Why would he do do that? Think Grasshopper!
  • Tiny
  • 11-20-2022, 10:38 PM
Just wtf does a pardon say?

It says to Russia, keep on keeping on with dirty money.

It does not matter that the pardon wasn't for the Trump donation. Trump pardoned his 2012 conviction? Why would he do do that? Think Grasshopper! Originally Posted by WTF
Keep on keepin on, $25,000 at a time! Well this proves one thing. If Trump's handing out pardons for every time someone gives him a $25,000 campaign contribution, he's no billionaire.

Do you think I could get a blow job from Ivanka for a $100,000 donation to the Trump PAC? Oh, I forgot, she's out now. She didn't show up when her daddy announced he was running for president again. Then maybe a tryst with Melania instead? Yeah, you could buy 200 pokes with a $500 provider for $100,000. But think of the bragging rights! Melania Trump! Maybe I could get them to throw in a photo of me with Melania in bed! Wouldn't that be the cat's meow? I'd frame it and put it on my office wall.

Come on WTF, get real. You think Trump was paying the guy back with a pardon for a $25,000 campaign donation? Sending a message to Russia to keep on handing over $25,000 contributions through facilitators that take a 75% cut? Twenty-five thousand dollars is NOTHING.
dumars's Avatar
Yup, pity those who laugh away unsubstantiated conspiracies!

Which tells us all we need to know, that you don't know the answer and you don't care. Put this one in the "pitiful" column. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
HedonistForever's Avatar
Yup, pity those who laugh away unsubstantiated conspiracies!

Originally Posted by dumars

And those that laugh it off when asked to substantiate........... because they can't and have no need to with the current crop running this country.