Rates going UP

ammonite's Avatar
I agree with Mokoa, 1/2 hour is just not enough time to do much, and for me it is more than just physical gratification. Crap. it takes me longer than that to whack off, maybe it's an old guy thing lol.
textodd11's Avatar
Personally, I think that there's definitely a place for 1/2 hour sessions. Especially for a first time meeting. Unfortunately, most all of us have been disappointed at the door at one time or another. So as a safeguard, I like to make that first session just a half hour just to see if we click at all. If we don't, then neither party has wasted too much time or money. If we do click, then the rest of my sessions with a provider will usually be at least an hour for the reasons mentioned by others. I can usually tell within 10 minutes whether I'll be a repeat client.
pickupkid's Avatar
Well I do't hobby a lot....but when I do I choose the hour session , the sex my not last that long, I do enjoy the company. but I also you should think of he economy as you will lose the people that can't afford.it...like being in a in a hard place and a rock.
I don't hobby often. When I do, I am seeking something extraordinary, not a run of the mill excursion. Whenever I see that a woman offers half hours (or even 15 minutes--lol) my sense is that the woman is a wham-bam kinda girl and I am not going to have my needs met. I am not a cow, and while I recognize that there could be several men before me and several to follow after, I do not want to be "next", as if I am waiting to be called to get a new phone at the Sprint store. Nothing turns me off quite as much as the much advertised -"blow and go".

I'm older (54). I will readily admit my needs/desires when I was 34 were probably different, so I am not making any judgements. Since I don't hobby often, I am probably not a valued client to anyone. But if you offer 15 or 30 minute sessions, chances are I won't be interested in you at all.

This is just my take, and please, take it for whatever it is worth to you. Nothing more.
WOW! I really appreciate the feedback! I assumed that most gentlemen enjoy being pampered and want the time spent on them. But it is always so good to get it straight from the horse's mouth. I am really impressed with the positive response! Thanks gentlemen!
Mature Companion's Avatar
I don't hobby often. When I do, I am seeking something extraordinary, not a run of the mill excursion.

I'm older (54). I will readily admit my needs/desires when I was 34 were probably different, so I am not making any judgements. Since I don't hobby often, I am probably not a valued client to anyone.
. Originally Posted by barneyrubble
I don't know you. But I'm going to disagree with your comment.
Men such as yourself, are valued more than you realize.
There are women in this adult lifestyle who cherish men like you.
Always remember that.
oldyoungkid's Avatar
Luckily, to this day, I haven't had a "need" for a 30 minute appointment. So, that being said, I usually don't pay any attention to those fees. I'm a nervous wreck, so it takes me a while to calm down, hence why I go with the hour or longer.

I DO see why there might be a need for them.

So Brittany, at the end of the day, if you feel more comfortable changing things up, then go with it. Because, if you're not comfortable at THAT moment, the other person in that room could feel your unease. And who knows how that uneasiness could be interpreted.

Which brings me back to my nervousness. If I sense that the lady is uncomfortable, then I'm going to be uncomfortable, which could possibly lead to a bad/poor session. And both parties do NOT want that.

My long-winded .02 cents aside, good luck Brittany. Hope it all works out.
I'm a nervous wreck, so it takes me a while to calm down, hence why I go with the hour or longer.

And I thought I was the only guy that was a nervous wreck.....thanks Oldyoungkid.
9pinBowler's Avatar

And I thought I was the only guy that was a nervous wreck.....thanks Oldyoungkid. Originally Posted by Woody Cialis
LOL. I'm that way too with somebody I've never been with before...
I say screw it..you ladies do what you want. I have never really enjoyed the half hour sessions anyways because I am the one who feels rushed as if I am on some stop watch by some providers. Afterall, I am the one who is paying so why rush me out the door and make me feel like I know you got someone else on the way..Just sucks and kinda rude. I like the 45 min session idea the best but its not up to me..Brittany, I am still trying to get 5 mins with you lol and we can never get on the same page. I think us guys are making too much of a stink about it..bottom line is if we are horny we are going to get what we want, rather its hour or 1/2 hour or whatever and they are plenty of lovely ladies to choose from..I think you putting this on here that your gonna do it opened up a shitcan of worms and you should have just did it..As breathtakingly hot you are, no one would have given a shit...just my honest opinion
redrum's Avatar
I would love to spend time with you Brittany but I can never get a hold of you I hate quickies personally and I like to get to know my providers.
fatenchilada's Avatar
Maybe thirty minutes isn't quite as much wear and tear on the old money-maker as sixty minutes of constant pounding, but it's still more wear and tear than nothing but DATY, so if it were my choochie I'd only rent it out for as much as the market would bear as long as FS is involved.
There are providers around here that keep lowering there rates to gain business I have seen many go as low as $100.00 for an hour.....YIKES

The way I see it the competition around here has gotten out of control to the point that many hobbiest now look at any rate higher than $100.00 to much. Its been a rollercoaster ride at trying to figure out what rate will suit a hobbiest to see me. Im sure other providers are having the same problem.

Providers need to stop lowering there rates all together a half an hour or an hour it doesnt matter the lower you go the lower the type of hobbiest your gonna get>>>And the higher you go the less likely the hobbiest will see you since theres like 10 providers ahead of you lowering there rates to a ridiculous desperate amount>>

I say that there should be a set rate for ALL providers so theres none of this Ill see her for a cheaper price than her....Then have a totally unpleasant rushed non-verbal experience on both parts...Now thats my own opinion soooooooPEACE OUT!!
HOOK'EM's Avatar
Hi BiBi Joy,

I agree with you and I am saving everyday just so I can spend 2 or 3 hours with you!

pickupkid's Avatar
Well as the rates go lower...you get a different class of people , while some providers charge a higher fee to only attract those that can afford it.So it all depends on the client....which is why some clients go after streetwalkers.