Response to review of me from NTX972

lol.... You obviously havent been around here much. While I may not have posts on this site, I was quite an active member at the site before this. So, I *do* know how it works around here...

The term "roses" refers to more of a "attitude" than dollars. The discussion of how rediculous even using the term has been stated many times over here and on the old forum.

No, its not all I could find. But I think the rest of Kayla's post filled it in pretty well.

Are you wanting a count?

#1 - You wont be well liked around here for a "GFE upgrade". Most of the people here do not want complex pricing. They expect a GFE anytime they set an appointment. Greek is something completely different. Not all of us want that. We ALL want GFE.

#2 - LOL, "One pop and out the door!". Again, you really have a lot to learn in the business. You would be hard pressed to find any YES recommendation on this board on someone who pulls that.

#3 - Most people around here are going to look down on you iF yOu EvEr TyPe LiKe ThIs or refer to cash as "roses". Sorry, but its the truth. Craigslist and Backpage postings are known as seedy, dangerous, fake, and risky ventures.

You can run your business any way you want. That is one of the great things about this country. But when you give a sevice that is not to the standards of what people are use to, dont go crying because you get a bad review. The old board (was) and this one are a rather great place to find details on who provides good service. Even in your first post of this thread, your own words, I think just about every hobbiest on this forum would pass. On the other hand, as I said, if thats your service, good for you. But dont expect the people in this forum to think highly of it.

As for the statement you made to "If it was a good time, they dont write a review"... In some cases you are right. However, I do see many more "YES" recommendations than I do "NO"s. But to compair, just as in going to a restaurant, if it was ok, I probably wouldnt say much... If its outstanding or horrible, I will probably be more likely to get the word out.

It is sad. You are very cute and someone I would be interested in having a session with, but your way of business just doesnt mesh with my expectations.

Anyways.... Best of luck to you on craigslist and backpage, since you said you were leaving.
Guest101610-2's Avatar
This last post of your's M, would be classic defense/redirection. You can't post something and expect 100% of the people to side with you. If you didn't care what us silly people thought, why did you post at all? The attempt at cheap shots against me is in bad form. Now what I'm about to say is also in bad form but you should be aware that there are those providers that don't need to advertise on any thread. Some of us just really are that freaking good at this. What I said was right on the money (no pun) for this neck of the woods.

I feel as though I've said this... gosh... maybe one or two times, but if you'd like to play in the grown up sand box, then don't bring hand crank tinker toys. We will usually end up rolling over you with the bulldozer. Now relax. From what I've read, you've been welcomed here and given some outstanding advice. Advice that could make or break you. Don't be another silly stat. Listen. You can gain knowledge from everyone you meet, no matter how silly they may be. This would be a thread I'd love to hang around on all day but I actually do have appts that have nothing to do with something I wrote at 3 am. Shameless plug or not, I really am dumb enough to let hr's turn into 75 min.

Having said alllllll of that, let me say this.... You posted a defense of yourself. Why the redirection of what everyone else has done wrong. This whole thread is about you baby. Not what anyone may or may not have done. You have thrown it out here, now take the licks or the information and use it. It can either go to waste (which it usually does) or you can take it and say, Hey maybe I should pay attention so I understand how things work around here.

What you did in that session honey is not acceptable for these guys. Continuing this in private may be the best option. I mean you no harm. I am the way I am. Ask around. I'm a hard teacher, but I can promise you I can take you from wherever you are now to at least tripple your current income and level of client. Nothing in it for me. Think about it.
It is natural response to fight back when it is perceived that you have been wronged. An experienced gal would have resisted the temptation to defend themselves and sent an email or PM to NTX and try to make amends and let him post a retraction if he felt satisfied. Good luck with all the drama about to unfold here.
Jasser's Avatar
1. Read LovingKAYLA's response, several times.
2. Remind yourself that every time you post, thought should be put into it and it could effect your business.
3. You are attempting to run a business, try to be professional. Every post you've entered lacks professionalism and sense.
4. Read Kayla's response again

Once again, most of us probably weren't aware of this situation until you posted this. Now we are all aware of your character, or lack of, how you run your business, and most of us will probably stay away now. Nice!

Believe it or not, there is more to this biz than a nice set of tits and ass (lol, not much more though). Unfortunately, a shitty attitude can ruin any appealing attributes you may possess.
SweetAterPie's Avatar
Miley, I would hope you hang around, get verified and participate more on the board for your own sake. None of us are ever too old to learn and improve, there are a lot of good people here and a few shitheads.

That being said if Kayla offered to befriend me I would find that to be an offer I couldn't refuse.
shooter6.5's Avatar
and I will close it out right now. Make sure it is your right decision as the staff will not activate it again for you for atleast 90 days. Do not let your temper do your thinking for you.
Randy4Candy's Avatar, uh, make that Alfred Einstein....
before you go, do you have a website?
p-m me monk!
dodger's Avatar
Miley07's own words chill me. Ladies often make the point that a client is paying for their time and company. Anything that happens between two consenting adults during that time is their own business.

Not Miley07! This person is clearly selling services. Ungracious. Unseemly. Illegal .. at least the services which appear to be for sale.

Confusing, if nothing else ... I can imagine ads coming that read like:

One hour base session: 150 fishies
One hour GFE session: 200 tadpoles
One hour PSE session: 250 squawking geese
- bbbj
- swallowing
- island hopping

-- any two for an additional 100 corpulent porpoises

Would make a guy choose another hobby.


You should hang around but in case you don't, good luck hun. You're easy on the eyes.

Trooper H
Guest101610-2's Avatar
She's just very unaware of how we are here. Being under the iron fist of a "manager" can really damage you. None of us have said anything mean but when someone is so used to defending themselves, we do come across a bit rough. I wish it weren't so.

Many, Many, many guys here are on BP. Everything is connected. Everything. If you leave, you will not be able to come on and show everyone your personality and be apart of things. You will still be getting bad reviews which will hurt your business though. THINK. Remember that no one here is your friend though we will all take care of you (in our own sick little ways.) Always assume what you say will be taken apart and brought back to you in pieces AND you will be expected to explain how to put them all back together again coherently.

It would be a shame if you did turn into just another stat but trust me, it's rough waters here at first and very few have the stomach to take it. It's not a bad reflection on you. Not every one is meant for this place. If you'd like to stick with the rapids you know, that is understandable... however... if you'd like to spread out a bit and test new waters, we have a spare PFD that has your name on it and you are very welcome to use it.

Allowing your dark moods to control you is like choosing cowards to command your army... Boy can I tell you all about that someday. Don't get your feelings hurt just because you find something is not what you expected. The world outside of "management" is as different as the constitution and o bama's policy.

Be smart chicka.
Hey I personally would like for you to stay. I like your fire and I find it quite refreshing, stick around we ain't so bad. At least you will always know where you stand, and once u link up with some other providers things will get a lot easier in the biz for u.

Either way, good luck and I'll keep my eye on u..Take care.
You just need to relax. I will be the first to tell you a lot of guys on Eccie are douche bags. There are way too many guys who are way too into Eccie and the "hobby."

You just need to get over whatever is bothering you and take a shot at the "hobby" doing things the right way. Let go of your pimp, CL, and BP and try something new.