Guys, avoid underage girls

If you have urges for women so young that they push the envelope then perhaps you shouldn't seek out girls that appear to be underage? Recapturing one's youth by fucking a woman that's just recently reached 18 raises the question of whether you're genuinely seeking out a woman that's over 18. A drivers license isn't good proof and if you're compelled to ask for one what does that say?
ShysterJon's Avatar
There's a comprehensive discussion of this topic in the legal forum:

"Texas Laws Regarding Underage Providers"

This is what I wrote in conclusion:

So what should agencies and hobbyists do to avoid criminal liability for dealings with underage providers? I always suggest the "Klong Rule." (A "klong" is a Yiddish word for the sick feeling a person gets in the pit of their stomach when they realize something is wrong, like when you pull your wallet from your pocket to pay a provider for the great time you've had and you realize you forgot to go to the ATM). The Klong Rule, applied here is:

If she looks as if she COULD BE 17 years of age or younger, then assume she IS 17 years of age or younger, no matter what she says or what's shown on a document [or a card, such as an ID] she produces.
elgato111's Avatar
There is no sure way to know when an ID is truly fake. Also there is no proven plan that works to stop underage girls being forced into the business.

In other parts of the world underage girls are bought and sold every day due to poverty levels in almost every country of the world. This is something that many good people with good intentions have fought against for a long time. Laws have been enacted to prosecute the sickos that seek out these girls, but it still continues to flourish.

Unfortunately there is no way to stop it as long as there are men willing to pay for it no matter what the risk is to themselves or the girls.

Since I joined this board last year the number of ads for "18 yo girls" has increased substantially. Every time I see one of these ads I wonder, is she really 18 or just looks like it. I have no way of knowing, so I don't see anyone younger than at least 30. I don't want to spend the rest of what life I have left sharing a cell with some pedophile.

So be safe, be alert and trust your instincts. If you have doubt, walk away as fast as you can gents.
skirtchaser79411's Avatar
Was the girl on this site and what was her name
Torito's Avatar
The discussion in this thread makes me nervous. I have been watching it since I saw it this morning. Our Forum Guidelines specifically forbid discussion of under age sex. I realize that the intent was to say that we should avoid any possibility of underage sex; however, it has gone on and there are too many references about the subject. Some referring to Mexico, yet is is still the subject. Then asking to publicly name someone on this board who might fit the bill. If that exists, staff needs to know, but it does not need public discussion.

The subjects forbidden by the guidelines are there for a reason. In addition to violating the Guidelines, this kind of discussion could create too many problems, legal and public outrage, that the site, and we as members do not need.

Time to close.
