So How's Your 401k and Stock Market Retirement Investments Doing?

My 401k is doing great. I moved my investments to a conservative position starting last October. The downturn didn't affect me much.

Just became full invested in stocks again.
  • pxmcc
  • 04-10-2020, 11:12 PM
did anyone bet the don't? (it's a dice term, but in the stock market i believe it's called selling short.)

i didn't have enough liquidity (my money is in real estate and my small business) to take a big bet either way, but anyone who bet the don't should have cleaned house.
I leave that shit to my hedge fund managers Originally Posted by Slitlikr
Cuz you are smart!!

I may or may not have invested in a few Pharm companies because I feel like one of them will be holding the Patent on a certain virus immunization that I will not speak of.

It kinda seems as if some Sheeple are listening way too much to the media about this dam panic
  • r66
  • 04-11-2020, 05:23 AM
20 to 30 million unemployed is closer to reality. For investors who control their own funds they should have cashed out before the drop. People who have plans through work can't get in and out quickly. Earnings reports and forecast from companies start this month and it's gonna be ugly watch for big drops in equity prices. Originally Posted by Oilrig

shouldn't try and time the market - not a good strategy IMO. Similarly, IMO, big dips and lower earnings - this is likely already priced into the market.
  • r66
  • 04-11-2020, 05:30 AM
20 to 30 million unemployed is closer to reality. For investors who control their own funds they should have cashed out before the drop. People who have plans through work can't get in and out quickly. Earnings reports and forecast from companies start this month and it's gonna be ugly watch for big drops in equity prices. Originally Posted by Oilrig

shouldn't try and time the market - not a good strategy IMO. Similarly, IMO, big dips and lower earnings - this is likely already priced into the market.
Oilrig's Avatar
this is likely already priced into the market. Originally Posted by r66
The price to earnings ratio changes when companies report this month. 50% of the market is high frequency trading (machines) When P/E numbers get put in the equations we will see more tests of the bottom. A lot of people have index funds so when they sell good companies get sold along with bad ones making for great buying opportunities.
Chung Tran's Avatar
shouldn't try and time the market - not a good strategy IMO. Similarly, IMO, big dips and lower earnings - this is likely already priced into the market. Originally Posted by r66
see the next post

The price to earnings ratio changes when companies report this month. 50% of the market is high frequency trading (machines) When P/E numbers get put in the equations we will see more tests of the bottom. Originally Posted by Oilrig
thing is, market timing works phenomenally well in downturns like this.. every single bear market contains mini-bull markets, swing traders ( as in 4-5 days) can make lots of money. it is NOT priced into the market, because that is the market trying to find a price.. it is not easy in a chaotic situation like we have.

and by the way, don't get excited about that Saudi-Russian oil deal. demand will drop much more than the production drop they agreed to, which is why oil prices FELL on the news of a deal.
  • pxmcc
  • 04-12-2020, 01:45 AM
I leave that shit to my hedge fund managers Originally Posted by Slitlikr
slit this isn't a knock on you personally-you may be doing great-but hedge funds are one of the biggest scams ever. they take as "commission" (in dice it's called the vig) 2-20% of funds invested regardless of performance. i want that gig-heads i win, tails you lose..
Slitlikr's Avatar
slit this isn't a knock on you personally-you may be doing great-but hedge funds are one of the biggest scams ever. they take as "commission" (in dice it's called the vig) 2-20% of funds invested regardless of performance. i want that gig-heads i win, tails you lose.. Originally Posted by pxmcc

No problem if you're a stakeholder.
Thanks for the sage advice.
pleasurem's Avatar
Sistine, you are an idiot!!! That’s the bottom line...
boardman's Avatar
Volatility is a money tree if you know how to play it. I don't have the time or nerve to day trade but a relative of mine is making a killing. I go long on equities with good dividend history with few exceptions.

Between equities, treasuries and a particularly good buy on a Gold Miner's ETF last year I'm good with my current position.

In fact I've been lowering my cost per share average on my blue chips over the last few weeks.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Sistine, you are an idiot!!! That’s the bottom line... Originally Posted by pleasurem
That hurts. I'm crying. Please stop attacking me. Mods please point this guy.

I actually thought he was being rather nice sc
pleasurem's Avatar
nothing like running your mouth and then being a pussy! Still, better than the last two Presidents...
My portfolio is less than it was 2 month a go but higher than it was a year a go plus I cashed in some chips along the way. Cheers!