So quite can hear a mouse fart. Another example of hypocrisy

Precious_b's Avatar
yup. On drumpf's part. Same guy that knows more about anything than anyone...doesn't know the law around archives.

Trump Denies Flushing Records Down Toilet, Claims He Was Unaware of Law

He ripped them up, Politico reported in 2018.
He ate them, Omarosa Manigault Newman, a former White House advisor, writes in her 2018 memoir.
He dropped them on the floor, the National Archives said.
He flushed them down the toilet, Haberman's book says.

According to Axios, Haberman's book says White House staffers sometimes found toilets clogged with printed paper. She adds that they thought Trump was the culprit.

... Originally Posted by TechPapi
This was just too fucking funny. Usually you can tell when somebody is lying by the whopper of a tale they tell. Talk about truth stranger than fiction. And his actions were documented years ago. I'd be shaking my head if this was all something new and taking it with a bit of salt.

Just gets better and better. Such a fucking coward.

Trump evaded White House call logs on day of Capitol riots, committee finds | The Independent

This is, of course, all coming from the "lock her up" parrots. And just whatabout that darned laptop of Hunter Bidens? lol

... Originally Posted by TechPapi
Though a potus can be considered a declassifier (sp) of information, his habit of using his personal phone is a *MAJOR* breach in security. That is, if you think his aides and other people in government passed him secrets of state that he repeated using his phone.

He constantly ignored the protocol the Secret Service had on use of communication equipment (not using secure line.) I bet when he visited his lover (donnys words) in North Korea, they malwared the fuck out of his phone. Let's not even go on about his septuagenarian-esque crush on Putin.

Intelligence-wise, he sold us down the river.

so quite? this is your thread. the word your brain was searching for is "quiet" ..

... Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Thanks for setting me straight there.
I knew that word looked wrong. I ain't blaming fat fingers on it. See? It's not hard to admit when you make a mistake. And it won't kill you to thank whoever pointed out that mistake.

And ima glad my faux pas mirrors y'alls so called "superior intellect."

This is HYSTERICAL! Who ELSE but Trump would attempt to shitcan evidence down the crapper.

And of course he did. It's precisely what anybody would expect Trump to do. Shit, the guy tried to fuck the flag while he was POTUS. Looked into an eclipse. Talked about buying Greenland. etc. etc. etc.

They'll never recover what's on that floppy drive.

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I know. I still can't stop laughing about his "superior intellect" at work LOL! I mean, he must do his best work in there, right? Was just projectile vomiting a stream of tweets from his ass
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
This was just too fucking funny. Usually you can tell when somebody is lying by the whopper of a tale they tell. Talk about truth stranger than fiction. And his actions were documented years ago. I'd be shaking my head if this was all something new and taking it with a bit of salt.

Though a potus can be considered a declassifier (sp) of information, his habit of using his personal phone is a *MAJOR* breach in security. That is, if you think his aides and other people in government passed him secrets of state that he repeated using his phone.

He constantly ignored the protocol the Secret Service had on use of communication equipment (not using secure line.) I bet when he visited his lover (donnys words) in North Korea, they malwared the fuck out of his phone. Let's not even go on about his septuagenarian-esque crush on Putin.

Intelligence-wise, he sold us down the river.

Thanks for setting me straight there.
I knew that word looked wrong. I ain't blaming fat fingers on it. See? It's not hard to admit when you make a mistake. And it won't kill you to thank whoever pointed out that mistake.

And ima glad my faux pas mirrors y'alls so called "superior intellect."

I know. I still can't stop laughing about his "superior intellect" at work LOL! I mean, he must do his best work in there, right? Was just projectile vomiting a stream of tweets from his ass Originally Posted by Precious_b
if you say so
Precious_b's Avatar
if you say so Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Precious_b's Avatar
YR .. believes the Steele dossier is fact and refreshes his browser repeatedly waiting for the "pee tape" to drop.

it's lonely in Clarksville isn't it? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
With a thread about poo poo, you'd have to bring up pee!

This thread is too funny.
Especially the fact that the Steele Report was started by the repubs.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
With a thread about poo poo, you'd have to bring up pee!

This thread is too funny.
Especially the fact that the Steele Report was started by the repubs. Originally Posted by Precious_b
No. the republicans gave up. then it became the Steele dossier after Clinton bought false info from a foreign entity, Chris Steele who got his false info from another foreign entity, Russian operatives.

this was the real foreign interference

try to keep up
Precious_b's Avatar
No. the republicans gave up. then it became the Steele dossier after Clinton bought false info from a foreign entity, Chris Steele who got his false info from another foreign entity, Russian operatives.

this was the real foreign interference

try to keep up Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
So, you are saying that the Free Beacon, a conservative site, didn't contact and fund Fusion GPS?

No you aren't. You admitted "the republicans gave up."

It was a document that started with the repubs. Didn't like how it went, so the other side took over.

Got you.

Now, you stay awake, okay? All I stated was:
Especially the fact that the Steele Report was started by the repubs. Originally Posted by Precious_b
Your hate is clogging the filter from your brain to the keyboard.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
So, you are saying that the Free Beacon, a conservative site, didn't contact and fund Fusion GPS?

No you aren't. You admitted "the republicans gave up."

It was a document that started with the repubs. Didn't like how it went, so the other side took over.

Got you.

Now, you stay awake, okay? All I stated was:

Your hate is clogging the filter from your brain to the keyboard. Originally Posted by Precious_b

the republicans found nothing they could use. nothing new anyway. so the democrats paid some shill to make a bunch of crap up.

Arrest illustrates how the Steele dossier was a political dirty trick orchestrated by Hillary Clinton
Precious_b's Avatar
the republicans found nothing they could use. nothing new anyway. so the democrats paid some shill to make a bunch of crap up.

Arrest illustrates how the Steele dossier was a political dirty trick orchestrated by Hillary Clinton Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Again, thank you for agreeing with me that it was started by the repubs.

That's all I said about the report.

Don't hate yourself for looking in the mirror. I really don't care where this report led to. But with all the bad mouthing you are saying about it, it started with the repubs.

I said in another thread they burn their own. Guess this is another example with the founding source of the report.
TechPapi's Avatar
Again, thank you for agreeing with me that it was started by the repubs.

That's all I said about the report.

Don't hate yourself for looking in the mirror. I really don't care where this report led to. But with all the bad mouthing you are saying about it, it started with the repubs.

I said in another thread they burn their own. Guess this is another example with the founding source of the report. Originally Posted by Precious_b

Yep. He had about .25 seconds of clarity there, and fell back into the dipshit abyss.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Again, thank you for agreeing with me that it was started by the repubs.

That's all I said about the report.

Don't hate yourself for looking in the mirror. I really don't care where this report led to. But with all the bad mouthing you are saying about it, it started with the repubs.

I said in another thread they burn their own. Guess this is another example with the founding source of the report. Originally Posted by Precious_b

you continue to amuse me.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Yep. He had about .25 seconds of clarity there, and fell back into the dipshit abyss. Originally Posted by TechPapi

if you say so
Precious_b's Avatar
you continue to amuse me.

BAHHHAAHHAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
you continue to amuse me.


Originally Posted by Precious_b

at least you are good for something

Yssup Rider's Avatar
TWK, are you trying to hijack this into ANOTHER Benghazi thread?

If you say so?
Precious_b's Avatar
Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
you continue to amuse me.


at least you are good for something

BAAHHHAAAAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid