Why don't conservatives believe in equal pay for women?

Name me one woman that you know personally that makes less than a man in a equal job. Not some dipshit statistic. Someone you actually know. Originally Posted by Jackie S
If it is not occurring, why won't some main stream Republican's support "equal pay for women?"

If I am not mistaken, Governor Perry vetoed an equal pay bill during the last legislative session.
If it is not occurring, why won't some main stream Republican's support "equal pay for women?"

If I am not mistaken, Governor Perry vetoed a similar bill during the last legislative session. Originally Posted by bigtex
Of course the Republicans support it because it already exist.

I am waiting for Wellendowed to name one person he personally knows who gets paid less for equal work.
Of course the Republicans support it because it already exist.

I am waiting for Wellendowed to name one person he personally knows who gets paid less for equal work. Originally Posted by Jackie S
How can he name one person without outting himself?
I find it strange that I'm the only conservative woman who posted here to answer his question and the OP hasn't responded yet. Lol
I find it strange that I'm the only conservative woman who posted here to answer his question and the OP hasn't responded yet. Lol Originally Posted by thathottnurse
Girl, they don't realize it's already the Law of The Land.

Anybody that owns a business knows that you have to post those big glossy posters in a prominent place so employs can see exactly what their rights are as employees.

It's a lot like Gun Control. We could solve a lot of the Gun Problems in this Country by simply enforcing the laws that are already on the books instead of passing new ones.

Or immigration laws. Everybody wants a new immigration policy when nobody even enforces the laws that are already in place.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Name me one woman that you know personally that makes less than a man in a equal job. Not some dipshit statistic. Someone you actually know. Originally Posted by Jackie S
You missed the whole purpose of the bill- with my own company their are more than likely woman pharmacist making less than me doing the same job because there's no laws or regulations stopping a company from paying a man a higher salary than a woman for the same work- and guess what- it's happening in this county- WAKE UP!!!!
I am beyond shocked of how a working woman could every support a GOP ticket when the GOP feels that women should not have equal pay as men. Every last Republican even women voted when against equal pay when the bill came up in Sept 2014 :http://thinkprogress.org/economy/201...-fairness-act/

During the SOTU when Obama announced that he would fight for equal pay for women- to a huge applause from the Dems- the Republicans were silent- even that orange faced buffoon Boehner was frozen in his seat.

What's even more shocking is that guys like Whirlaway, JF, IIFF, and I.B are properly benefiting more under Obama's policies then the GOP's policies. At least Whirlaway has admitted a time of two that economically has benefitted under Obama's liberal policies.
So JD, Whirly, IIFF and I. B- not sure if you guys are married or have working age daughters/sisters are you ok with them getting paid less money for the same work? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
"WE" supports the Oppresive's war on the white race... She just got out of class... http://campusreform.org/?ID=6225
wellendowed1911's Avatar
I was making a joke guys.

I think the issue is more about not wanting the government to regulate what how private businesses operate and pay its employees, as in less legislation for things that a free market will naturally work out if allowed to work.

Less government for everyone is more important than equal pay for one group in particular. Originally Posted by thathottnurse
So THN are you telling me- if you were employed as let's say a Nurse to keep it simple and you and John Doe were having a casual talk and let's say all things being equal between you and John doe(Experience, college degree, years on the job, etc) and you discovered he was making 10k more than you doing the same duties- you wouldn't say anything?
If this is ok- how about paying whites more than Blacks- oh don't stop there- offer the same job to a gay person at a much lower salary than a straight person and so on.... Almost, every woman I asked this question was appalled at the idea of getting paid less just because they were a woman.
THN- if I ran an AD that stated looking for Housecleaning- willing to pay $250, but if you are female will pay you $150- do you think a woman should just ignore it. This is the EXACY reason why you need govt regulations to ensure that everyone is on an equal field.
So THN are you telling me- if you were employed as let's say a Nurse to keep it simple and you and John Doe were having a casual talk and let's say all things being equal between you and John doe(Experience, college degree, years on the job, etc) and you discovered he was making 10k more than you doing the same duties- you wouldn't say anything?
If this is ok- how about paying whites more than Blacks- oh don't stop there- offer the same job to a gay person at a much lower salary than a straight person and so on.... Almost, every woman I asked this question was appalled at the idea of getting paid less just because they were a woman.
THN- if I ran an AD that stated looking for Housecleaning- willing to pay $250, but if you are female will pay you $150- do you think a woman should just ignore it. This is the EXACY reason why you need govt regulations to ensure that everyone is on an equal field. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Wellendowed, I would seek employment elsewhere. Then I would go to my employer, tell them I found a job that pays 10k more per year and if they didn't want to match it I would leave. That's the beauty of a free market. It also translates to competive salaries. While one company may pay women less, another is paying them equal or perhaps even more. "Republicans" aren't against equal pay for equal work, they are against the idea of regulating it. You give up one and you give up the other. Its just how it is.

I LIKE having the ability to seek out compeptive salaries. If the government tries to control that then it takes that ability away.

What may seem oppressive to you is really empowering to me. It gives me the freedom to negotiate with other companies and get the best salary I want. It takes effort of the part of the individual but its worth it imo.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Wellendowed, I would seek employment elsewhere. Then I would go to my employer, tell them I found a job that pays 10k more per year and if they didn't want to match it I would leave. That's the beauty of a free market. It also translates to competive salaries. While one company may pay women less, another is paying them equal or perhaps even more. "Republicans" aren't against equal pay for equal work, they are against the idea of regulating it. You give up one and you give up the other. Its just how it is.

I LIKE having the ability to seek out compeptive salaries. If the government tries to control that then it takes that ability away. Originally Posted by thathottnurse
Easier said than done- trust me you would not just go seek employment elsewhere- remember it's not that easy for most. Here's the 64,000 thousand dollar why should you seek another job when it's the company that is doing something wrong? What if there are no current openings? Or what if the other open job is hour and half from your home. THN you act like every job is like McDonald's where you can just quit and find another job 20 mins away.

And please tell me how does all of this translates to competitive salary? Do you understand the meaning behind equal pay? It's basically you and I interviewing for the same job, with the same qualifications and the recruiter tells you it's 75k a year but tells me it's 85k a year simply because I am a man and you are a woman. If a light doesn't go off in your head than may God help you. THN for some reason I am thinking that you believe in that old adage that a woman's job is in the kitchen? Wake up THN it's 2015- not 1815- women are educated and liberated.
I think you don't understand freedom very well. I'm not sure why my position on this means I'm sided with working in the kitchen. To the contrary, I got my nursing degree so I could have job security. If someone doesn't like their job it's only a short degree away from a different or better one. If I don't like my pay, I can continue my education or change course for something that pays better.

You make it sound like all companies pay men more. They don't. In fact, most healthcare job pay is based specifically on a point system of experience and education and has nothing to do with sex. So if I were to hear of a woman who didn't like what she was making I would advise her to go into healthcare.

What is your deal??? Your argument and train of thought is increasingly irrational and personal. You asked why women don't have a problem with this and I have given you two good reasons why a conservative female would side against regulating private sector pay. I'm not sure why that makes me "1815" or "in the kitchen".
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 01-22-2015, 10:48 PM
The philosophy of equal pay sounds good. But in practice, defining "equal" is near impossible. It is not just the same job title, or even the same job description. In most jobs where a person is hired for their mental application, "equal" is a fiction. We have about 30 employees. Take out the small supporg staff and our job descriptions are identical. But the QUALITY of work is far different and th he people shoul be compensated accordingly. But the "equal pay" argument gets seriously in the way. I have seen no rational way to define the measuring stick for "equal", and most "studies" claiming it is a serious problem are so flawed they are laughable.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Number one, WE is lying again. Women in the White House make 13% less than their male counterparts. In 2009 they made 13% less than their male counterparts. Nothing has changed except the place cards. Why do democrats not believe in equal pay for women?

Since you pointed out conservatives and not republicans, another lie is exposed. Conservative DO believe in equal pay for EQUAL work but since when have the conservatives been in the position to make anything happen?

Hell, Valeria Jarrett is on record this week trying to explain (and lying) about the pay gap in the White House.

Here's something else for WE to suck on, how more does it cost to ensure a woman over a man?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Once again, WE's answer is more government. That has worked so well in the past. (Sarcasm) All this policy will do is provide employment for thousands of lawyers, drive up prices, and add further burdens to small business. Let the market determine wages. I've worked with many professional women. None of them get paid less because they are women. I know it is an issue in some industries, but making a law will only exacerbate the problem.