No Review No Reference...

STFUDora's Avatar
money is money, who cares if he doesn't review. I don't do reviews because my grammar sucks, lol.
Lexieinhouston's Avatar
You have 47 all positive reviews, I wouldn't think that this guy not writing one is going to make that much difference. I'd just be happy in knowing that he had a good time. The majority of people I dine with don't write reviews at all and I don't mind that in the least. Also, sometimes people are just busy or overwhelmed at work and don't have the time to do it.


Let's say, you go on an appt. with a reviewer, he obviously has a good time and says that he will write a review, even emails and PM's you about it, never does it and then gives your name as a reference???

I truly feel that if you are a "reviewer", but can't seem to write a review, especially after continually promise to do so... I don't feel that you should expect me to give you a reference...

Am I wrong? Originally Posted by Alli
I definitely "chalk it up to the game" hon. Remember his name, handle and number and pass it on to the other Providers. Personally I keep a list of all bullshitters Originally Posted by Alyssa XOXO
I agree have your list but this particular situation doesn't sound like a bullshitter.
Sounds like he's totally inconsiderate but you shouldn't expect a review on a first date. Once you have him as a repeat customer then you could mention it or by then he may be compelled to write it. You shouldn't withhold a good reference based on a review not written. If he's denied access to a provider and the reason is he didn't get a reference there goes a potential regular for you.

There are many reviews I have not written but I had two ladies imply they wouldn't give me a reference if I didn't commit to seeing them soon. They ended up giving the reference but the damage had already been done. I would advise against it. Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
Wait Wait Wait. Unless I am missing something but the gent paid her fee, clearly they had a good session, and he wasn't le. If the standard for a reference check is to write a review then why even bother to ask for references in the first place. The OP didn't say she offered a review special.
Alyssa XOXO's Avatar
[QUOTE=Thatdude;1055306318] I agree have your list but this particular situation doesn't sound like a bullshitter.

Everyones standard of "bullshit" is different. My particular list may not be for everyone. I didn't say my "DNS" list, that's an entirely separate list. We appreciate it when a client follows through with their word, vice versa. This obviously bothered her, she should be entitled to feel however she wants.
Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
I agree. He for whatever reason said "yes" to writing a review, has not done so so this= a bullshitter.
Whether the OP asked him or in post coital bliss said he would and not following through is bullshit.
Withholding a reference for not doing so is bullshit also.
One should not be contingent on the other unless as I stated previously a review special took place.
Prime Time's Avatar
Reviews? I waste enough time fucking.
Sexy Katrina's Avatar
You have plenty good reviews and it sounds like your session went okay.
You would be better of giving him the reference. Reviews are kind of a bonus but
references and keeping each other safe is a priority.
Don't worry about him not writing one yet. He may be super busy, forgot or just changed his mind. Either way, you have plenty of positive reviews (I should know because I gave you one myself).

And if a provider calls for a reference, you can just say tell the asking provider the truth.
Don't worry about him not writing one yet. He may be super busy, ..... Originally Posted by SNL9933
Reviews? I waste enough time fucking. Originally Posted by Prime Time
I calculated that last year I lost more in revenue writing reviews than I spent on the pussy. I had many repeat sessions without reviews...but still...a detailed review takes a lot of time and basically costs me income.

Having said that....I have three or four reviews written now that I haven't published. That makes no sense to me either.
I totally understand about not having time to write a very lengthy review as they can take some time if you are a creative writer and all.

The one thing I will say, is that - we as hobbyists (at least I do) take the time to read previous reviews and Ii take mental note when a positive review is written by the up-standing guys on the board.

That said, you don't have to write a novel but something short and to the point if the girl was outstanding for you would help future hobbyists.

Check out my ISO regarding Classy, Clean Providers here:

You may have opinions of the providers who are on the list, but it's a list that I have received a lot of positive PM's from hobbyists about..

I calculated that last year I lost more in revenue writing reviews than I spent on the pussy. I had many repeat sessions without reviews...but still...a detailed review takes a lot of time and basically costs me income.

Having said that....I have three or four reviews written now that I haven't published. That makes no sense to me either. Originally Posted by GlobeSpotter
Just be fucking honest. If you saw him and he didn't stiff you, rape you, rob you, arrest you, creep you out, or in some other way come off as dangerous - then give the guy his reference. If he was supposed to do a review and didn't - say so. Fuck. How difficult is this stuff?
I must admit, I think not giving the guy a reference because he's a procrastinator or even a flake seems, well, petty.
.....LOL... or maybe the guy got on here.... started reading to get an idea on how to write some reviews ...... started reading all the guys slamming all newbie reviews ..... and just got scared......... LOL... ....ijs Reviewers remorse.....
Has it ever occurred to you that maybe he didn't have as good of a time as you thought he did?

I for one have a hard time writing a review on a session that wasn't spectacular, and even though I may have told a provider I would review her, I have no motivation to do so when I get in front of the computer.

If a provider want doesn't want to give me a reference because of that....who gives a fuck? There are plenty of others who will.
... all the guys slamming all newbie reviews ..... and just got scared......... LOL... Originally Posted by charcoal
Or.....maybe he couldn't figure out the secret fee code.