What word, slang term, expression, or phrase related to SEX do you really Hate?!?

I don't like it when they use the word boobies. Not sure why it just sounds funny to me.
I hate:
- Anything cutesy (boobies, wee wee, ding-dong)
- Tits/titties (reminds me too much of drooling pubescent boys, which is not hot)
- Referring to your own penis as "him" or "he" ("He wants some attention.") or naming body parts. They're a part of you, not an entity unto themselves.
- "Daddy". Just ... NO.

Strangely, I hate "pecker" but like "cock". I can't explain why both don't ruffle my feathers.
CSI's Avatar
  • CSI
  • 10-21-2009, 11:19 AM
Well, hell,

I guess I will give up, so that I don't use the wrong term while in session.

  • OFF
  • 10-21-2009, 11:33 AM
You will be treated as you treat others and that includes the language you use in your interactions. Those who use derogatory terminology have their reward. And those of us who try to rise above the fray and elevate the conversation and edify those we are with - we also have our reward..I'll take the latter. Originally Posted by Pistol Man
When I read your post ... it brought back a lot of memories. I have only been on the Hobby Boards 3 or 4 years and when I first joined, I could hardly make myself say or write many of the words that are common part of the Hobby vernacular. When I would see ladies, I couldn't bring myself to say words like tits, pussy or f**k ... which I still don't like to write or say.

Since then I have loosened up some in the areas of writing. But, I still have a hard time using many of the words when I am actually with a lady because I still have an inner sense that they are derogatory.

That said, I have no problem with the pics ... I like them!

OFF :-)
bigtom62's Avatar
One again I get to agree with Kelly. The word "cunt" just sounds UGLY! There are many more listed here that i also despise. I, like Pistol man, try to treat the ladies with respect no matter what we decide to do to/with each other.
I just hate crudeness. Period.
Amd names for body parts? UGH. I would have to use "miniscule member" or something to that effect.
Horny, Mama, busting a nut, squirrel trying to get a nut, nail, intercourse, doing the nasty and busting or popping cherry. I do especially like "Boink". It makes even bad sex sound like fun!
  • YSD
  • 10-22-2009, 08:59 AM
These were alreaady mentioned, but NO to:
Bust a Nut

Not mentioned and do not like:
Chocolate canal
Hershey canal
Love canal

But yes to Baby. I really get turned on when a girl calls me baby. Go figure.
Slow&Easy's Avatar

My word or words (blah)....that's not one of them. Okay, mine are......


LOL.....I hate those! Are there any that you dislike....a little bit?

~Kelly TNT
Originally Posted by Kelly TNT
Just for future reference , what exactly would be an acceptable term for a gentleman to use when he wishes to, ah, well, um...

when he wishes for the lady to be on her knees, face down in the pillows, her soft smooth buttocks pressing firmly against his thighs, as he grabs her hips and drives himself deep into her, feeling her quiver around his hot throbbing cock. She pushes back urgently, and he switches his grip to her shoulders and he leans forward for better leverage, her soft moans becoming cries of pleasure...

yeah, what do we call that?
  • OFF
  • 10-23-2009, 04:58 PM

yeah, what do we call that? Originally Posted by Slow&Easy
Fun ... or is it

010001110111001001100101011001 010111010001101001011011100110 011101110011001000000100010101 100001011100100111010001101000 001000000111000001100101011011 110111000001101100011001010010 000000101110001011100010111000 100000010010010010000001100011 011011110110110101100101001000 000110011001101111011100100010 000001110000011010010110010101 1000110110010100100001

I can't remember which.

OFF :-)
Fun ... or is it

010001110111001001100101011001 010111010001101001011011100110 011101110011001000000100010101 100001011100100111010001101000 001000000111000001100101011011 110111000001101100011001010010 000000101110001011100010111000 100000010010010010000001100011 011011110110110101100101001000 000110011001101111011100100010 000001110000011010010110010101 1000110110010100100001

I can't remember which.

OFF :-)
Originally Posted by OFF
OFF, all I can say is...

010101110110010101101100011000 110110111101101101011001010010 110000100000011010010110111001 110100011001010111001001110000 011011000110000101101110011001 010111010001100001011100100111 100100100000011001100111001001 101001011001010110111001100100 001011100010000000100000010010 010010000001101000011011110111 000001100101001000000111100101 101111011101010010000001100001 011100100110010100100000011000 110110111101101110011101000110 100101101110011101010110000101 101100011011000111100100100000 011100110111010101100011011000 110110010101110011011100110110 011001110101011011000010000001 101001011011100010000001111001 011011110111010101110010001000 000111000101110101011001010111 00110111010000101110

elpocitopolloloco's Avatar
"I'm tired" common for women who lack stamina
"Come for me" I'm not a minute man, I don't like being rush either
"I gotta pee" that happen once and really turned me off
  • OFF
  • 10-24-2009, 09:37 AM
010000010110100000100000011101 000110100001100001011011100110 101100100000011110010110111101 110101001000000110110001101111 011101110110110001111001001000 000110010101100001011100100111 010001101000011011000110100101 101110011001110010000000101110 001011100010111000100000011000 010111000001110000011000010111 001001100101011011100111010001 101100011110010010000001101101 011110010010000001110001011101 010110010101110011011101000010 000001100110011011110111001000 100000011100000110100101100101 011000110110010100100000011010 010111001100100000011011100110 111101110100001000000111010101 101110011000110110111101101101 011011010110111101101110001000 000110010101110110011001010110 111000100000011000010110110101 101111011011100110011100100000 011110010110111101110101011100 100010000001101011011010010110 111001100100001011100000110100 001010000011010000101001000111 011011110110111101100100001000 000110100001110101011011100111 010001101001011011100110011100 100000011101000110111100100000 011110010110111101110101001000 000110000101110011001000000111 011101100101011011000110110000 100001000011010000101000001101 00001010


OFF, all I can say is...

010101110110010101101100011000 110110111101101101011001010010 110000100000011010010110111001 110100011001010111001001110000 011011000110000101101110011001 010111010001100001011100100111 100100100000011001100111001001 101001011001010110111001100100 001011100010000000100000010010 010010000001101000011011110111 000001100101001000000111100101 101111011101010010000001100001 011100100110010100100000011000 110110111101101110011101000110 100101101110011101010110000101 101100011011000111100100100000 011100110111010101100011011000 110110010101110011011100110110 011001110101011011000010000001 101001011011100010000001111001 011011110111010101110010001000 000111000101110101011001010111 00110111010000101110

.. Originally Posted by Cossetan
What? Just Binary? No "All your Base64 are belong to us"? No "I can have Hex for hours"? No "The ladies love me, I always find the Perl'? Seriously? You aliens need to get out more.
  • OFF
  • 10-24-2009, 04:34 PM
4920776173206b656570696e672069 742073696d706c6520666f72207468 65206c6f776c792065617274686c69 6e6773202e2e2e20686f7765766572 2c2049206e65656420746f206c6561 726e20746f20636f6e766572742062 6f6f62696167652070686f746f7320 746f206865782c2061732077656c6c 202e2e2e20676f7420616e79206964 6561732e

OFF :-)

BTW - 49207468696e6b2061626f75742068 657820616c6c207468652074696d65 21

What? Just Binary? No "All your Base64 are belong to us"? No "I can have Hex for hours"? No "The ladies love me, I always find the Perl'? Seriously? You aliens need to get out more. Originally Posted by Dharma
"Is it in yet?" I really hate that.