When Do Conversations Become Too Personal?

DFW5Traveler's Avatar
...okay Tara, shut up now. Originally Posted by Tara Evans

Damn!!! I didn't know that... Just kidding I had fun on valentines day
LazurusLong's Avatar
This will be different for everyone, guys and girls both.

The reason we have handles is to remain hidden from public view. Screening services such as P411 allow us to keep our personal lives apart from our hobby lives.

If a client or provider feels their personal information needs shared with others, they can do so at their own level of comfort. It amazes me over all the years now how much people have revealed about themself and worse, about others on such a public board!

Both clients and providers get stalkers on a pretty regular basis and part of that arises from too much sharing and interaction that might lead one party into a false sense of being into more than a P4P relationship.

Both sides of the money are in need of something and the sex and money are only part of it. The "illusion of passion" many of us clients crave from the sessions might be from not having it in the other part of our life. The genuine care many clients give to the providers might fill a need she lacked at some point in her life.

Complex issue but the bottom line is simple.

Share what you are comfortable sharing.

But if someone appears to be opening up WAY too much that you begin to feel uncomfortable, move on.
!!Sexy Erotic Morgan's Avatar
Wow guys,

Thank you for responding! As for me, I have a naturally open personality. It is my first instinct to be as open with my clients as they are with me. It is necessary to be aware of when the exchange is not equal and I am the one revealing more. It is my job to set the mood and to portray myself as a woman it is worth $$ to be with.

Anyway, I'm not really so serious! I just wanted to hear what ya'll thought. I really appreciate the response!!
verygood69's Avatar
All you have to do is just ASK.
a bit about them but i look at a girl like Tara and the amount of things id want to do to her could not fit in a lifetime let alone an hour. while i know she would be a great conversationalist and confidant id want to spend every SECOND i mean every second touching, feeling tasting her. If i was on my tenth visit maybe id feel different but being with a woman that beautiful id just want to explore every inch and enjoy every second if thats wrong im sorry but thats my thought.
Sometimes I am to personal, giving out way to much information. I know, shame, shame. I just like to get to know everybody that i see and i like for them to get to know me as well. I think sometimes they want to say okay Tara, shut up now. Originally Posted by Tara Evans
a bit about them but i look at a girl like Tara and the amount of things id want to do to her could not fit in a lifetime let alone an hour. while i know she would be a great conversationalist and confidant id want to spend every SECOND i mean every second touching, feeling tasting her. If i was on my tenth visit maybe id feel different but being with a woman that beautiful id just want to explore every inch and enjoy every second if thats wrong im sorry but thats my thought. Originally Posted by petiteassman
I am blushing as we speak.
st929's Avatar
  • st929
  • 04-07-2010, 02:57 PM
I know that I am on a personal level with a provider when she tells me her real name. That doesn't happen to often and I understand, but when it does you know you are on a different plane and not just another hobbyist.