The 10 most iconic movie kisses

TexTushHog's Avatar
I've only seen four of the movies on the list, and I'd agree that two of the four deserve consideration:

Gone With the Wind
Breakfast at Tiffany's

Not sure about When Harry Met Sally. Maybe, but surely there are those more deserving.

There was a kiss in Pretty Woman? Who knew? I can't say that I remember a single scene from the movie other than her walking through the hotel lobby on the way to the opera.

Among the others I would think should be considered:

-- the flashback kiss at Le Belle Aurore when they were in Paris. Has to be in the top ten.

From Here To Eternity -- Has to be in the top ten. Maybe number one.

To Have and To Have Not -- Speaking of Bogart

Cinema Paradiso -- kiss with Elana in projection booth

The Graduate -- Dustin Hoffman's nervous kiss of Mrs. Robinson before she can exhale the smoke of her cigarette.

Romeo + Juliet -- kiss during "oh trespass sweetly urged, give me my sin again" dialogue. One of the sexiest moments ever committed to film if you ask me

(watch the entire clip if you have time; if not, start at 3:50 at " If I profane with my unworthiest hand. . . ." up to about 6:47.)

Some Like it Hot
-- Marilyn's kiss to the camera during I Wanna Be Loved By You

Bull Durham -- pre bathtub scene kiss between Annie and Crash

On Officer and a Gentleman -- final scene kiss

Marcinthedark's Avatar
I think I have to go with this one:

To Have and Have Not (1944) Lauren Bacall & Humphrey Bogart

"I've Been Wondering Whether I'd Like It" Kiss - with Some Advice "It's Even Better When You Help"

She answered him after their first kiss: "I've been wondering whether I'd like it" - he wanted to know her reaction: "What's the decision?" - and then she give him a second kiss to get a better evaluation after telling him: "I don't know yet"; she recommended to her less-than passive partner: "It's even better when you help"; she then suggested as she left his room, speaking in a low purring voice: "Okay. You know you don't have to act with me, Steve. You don't have to say anything and you don't have to do anything. Not a thing. Oh, maybe just whistle. You know how to whistle, don't you, Steve? You just put your lips together - and blow" Originally Posted by Rakhir
One of my favorite movies.
matchingmole's Avatar
The happy ending kiss between Westley and Buttercup from "The Princess Bride" . Funny movie too.
The happy ending kiss between Westley and Buttercup from "The Princess Bride" . Funny movie too. Originally Posted by matchingmole
Aww..I forgot about that one! Great flick...

You've been hiding your light under a bushel. All this time you've projected an "I don't have time for TV" attitude, which I assumed, bled over to movies also. Obviously, you're a movie buff.

Lady & The Tramp Originally Posted by Sweet N Little


Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
WRONG!!! The upsidedown kiss never works right!!
TexTushHog's Avatar

You've been hiding your light under a bushel. All this time you've projected an "I don't have time for TV" attitude, which I assumed, bled over to movies also. Obviously, you're a movie buff. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Nope, I'm rather fond of movies, especially ones made over twenty years ago. And in fairness, there are a few good movies being made now, but you sure have to wade through nine yards of shit to find them.

One of the things I would like to do in retirement is build up a really nice collection of Blu-Ray DVD's and get a nice screening room set up and host a weekly movie night for my friends for truly classic movies. Do a nice pot luck dinner where I (and perhaps one of my friends cook a pre-determined entre) and the group brings pot luck accompaniments. Pull a hand full of nice bottle from the cellar. Dinner, a great movie, and some good conversation afterward out by the fire pit, etc. That's my kind of evening.

Do a Kurasawa retrospective one month. Hitchcock the next. Hal Ashby. Kubrick. Do themes of movies, etc. I could program out five years of movie nights in just a few days.
Nope, I'm rather fond of movies, especially ones made over twenty years ago. And in fairness, there are a few good movies being made now, but you sure have to wade through nine yards of shit to find them.

One of the things I would like to do in retirement is build up a really nice collection of Blu-Ray DVD's and get a nice screening room set up and host a weekly movie night for my friends for truly classic movies. Do a nice pot luck dinner where I (and perhaps one of my friends cook a pre-determined entre) and the group brings pot luck accompaniments. Pull a hand full of nice bottle from the cellar. Dinner, a great movie, and some good conversation afterward out by the fire pit, etc. That's my kind of evening.

Do a Kurasawa retrospective one month. Hitchcock the next. Hal Ashby. Kubrick. Do themes of movies, etc. I could program out five years of movie nights in just a few days. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Damn, that sounds nice!!! Count me in. Unfortunately (for me) whether you're still in TX or France or any one of a number of places, you'd be too far away for me to participate. But it does sound like a great idea.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I've only seen four of the movies on the list, and I'd agree that two of the four deserve consideration:

Gone With the Wind
Breakfast at Tiffany's

Not sure about When Harry Met Sally. Maybe, but surely there are those more deserving.

There was a kiss in Pretty Woman? Who knew? I can't say that I remember a single scene from the movie other than her walking through the hotel lobby on the way to the opera.

Among the others I would think should be considered:

Casablanca -- the flashback kiss at Le Belle Aurore when they were in Paris. Has to be in the top ten.

From Here To Eternity -- Has to be in the top ten. Maybe number one.

To Have and To Have Not -- Speaking of Bogart

Cinema Paradiso -- kiss with Elana in projection booth

The Graduate -- Dustin Hoffman's nervous kiss of Mrs. Robinson before she can exhale the smoke of her cigarette.

Romeo + Juliet -- kiss during "oh trespass sweetly urged, give me my sin again" dialogue. One of the sexiest moments ever committed to film if you ask me

(watch the entire clip if you have time; if not, start at 3:50 at " If I profane with my unworthiest hand. . . ." up to about 6:47.)

Some Like it Hot -- Marilyn's kiss to the camera during I Wanna Be Loved By You

Bull Durham -- pre bathtub scene kiss between Annie and Crash

On Officer and a Gentleman -- final scene kiss

Originally Posted by TexTushHog
I do respect your taste in movies, and you are definitely right about that kissing scene in An Officer and a Gentleman.
Don't know how Casablanca didn't make the list. Must have been created by a young Gen-Y type.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Don't know how Casablanca didn't make the list. Must have been created by a young Gen-Y type. Originally Posted by thumpusa
It's listed in the top 25 (on another screen), but I agree: too many new movies are ranked where the classics should be.
It's listed in the top 25 (on another screen), but I agree: too many new movies are ranked where the classics should be. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I agree. It should have been in the top 10. I have a limited attention span so I didn't look at the longer list.
lil_michelle's Avatar
what about "the Notebook" that had a couple of pretty cool kissing scenes