uncle Leo

Innocent hobbyist. Hahaha. Sounds like they’re arresting stamp collectors.
Mr.Random's Avatar
Innocent hobbyist. Hahaha. Sounds like they’re arresting stamp collectors. Originally Posted by Duckduckgoose1977
When I write "innocent"... I mean hobbyist just looking for a good time.. and back to their lives they go.. not pimps, dealers, or abusers... I didn't think someone would take it so literal..lol
The ONLY country in the world where it is harder to buy pussy then it is to buy a gun...........the Govt should stay the fuck out of my bedroom!!! So long as everyone involved is an Adult and not controlled by a scum-sucking pimp let adults make their own decisions.

The only reason why it is not legal yet ( like it is in most other counties) is the GOVT hasn't figured out how to tax the shit out of it..........as soon as they do, there will be brothels all over the place.......I hope I live to see it.
lets face it... not saying all escorts but will go with a majority usually bring with them a bad mojo ... pimps Edit The Dr etc.....just look at the ads on skip the games lol...if you want uncle Leo to stay out of it would have to regulated and then you will paying eros prices vs skip the game prices...
the Leo arrests the johns more because the women usually have no shame they don't care if they get caught. where the johns usually do they could be married good job etc... so they use that as a scared tactic in the local news and papers... stay away or this could be you lol
If it was legalized and stronger penalties were put in place for trafficking, pimping, and frequenting women who were victims of trafficking and pimping - things would shift significantly.

Then treat drug addiction like a disease that needs treatment and not a crime and you would take another step in the right direction.

I have no idea whether we need more or less cops - but we clearly need a better legal system and a better plan for what the cops do.
if it was decriminalized you would find better quality ladies and the others would slowly disappear

Edit The DR
Mr.Random's Avatar

(Then treat drug addiction like a disease that needs treatment and not a crime and you would take another step in the right direction.)

Not sure what experience you've had with an addict.. but IMO 99% of addicts don't want treatment even when offered; and you can't force them to take treatment; unless busted in a criminal act! It is what it is...
Alcoholism by itself is not a crime, I am not sure why drug use should be.

I will not pretend to be an expert in how to treat drug addiction and I would give the death penalty to non-addict dealers.

But as for the users and addicts themselves - I am not sure who is well served by them being treated as criminals and having criminal records.
moderators here must get off editing the posts here and writing infractions and warnings... I get a warning just for typing the word I can't say it but its non precscribed pain killers.... it must be if they gotten laid in the last year or so because if you go thru these posts there are probably hundreds of references too it...and there should if this place is too help and warn others out.. you should be able too include their bad habits
Mr.Random's Avatar
Alcoholism by itself is not a crime, I am not sure why drug use should be.

I will not pretend to be an expert in how to treat drug addiction and I would give the death penalty to non-addict dealers.

But as for the users and addicts themselves - I am not sure who is well served by them being treated as criminals and having criminal records. Originally Posted by Southgate18
Of course alcoholism is not a crime.. just as addiction to certain ***** are not. But if you get pulled over driving a vehicle while drunk.. that's a much different story. Not to mention alcohol is a legal product.
Do you think an addict shouldn't be held responsible leaving a used ********* public bathroom? I realize addiction is a tough issue and extremely difficult to rectify.. but it seems everybody passes the buck these days. Unless you're ***** or new to the world.. adults need to take some responsibility for their actions. The topic could be debated round and round for infinity.. so i'll just leave this in the hat and split..lol
** Edits The Dr
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This is the rule
#14 - There is no place in our forums for the general discussion or speculation of illicit drug use. This is to be considered a forbidden topic and mention of it will be removed.

If it was legalized and stronger penalties were put in place for trafficking, pimping, and frequenting women who were victims of trafficking and pimping - things would shift significantly.

Then treat drug addiction like a disease that needs treatment and not a crime and you would take another step in the right direction.

I have no idea whether we need more or less cops - but we clearly need a better legal system and a better plan for what the cops do. Originally Posted by Southgate18
All of this right here.