My mother taught me how to cook and of the finer points of understanding ladies.
My father taught me how to be a Gentleman and how to always be prepared.
To this very day they are invaluable lessons.
He also taught me quite a bit about driving.My parents loved this with all the kids. They even squabbled over who got to do it. Even though it probably scared the shit out of them, in retrospect, how else does a parent get 40 or 50 hours of one-on-one quality time with their 16 year old?
C Originally Posted by Camille
My father taught me that if something doesn't fit, you need to get a bigger hammer.Joking aside, most of what my parents taught me was the intangible stuff Camille wanted us to avoid. My old man wasn't real good with a hammer so there wasn't much to pass on...
As you can guess, home repair was not our thing. Originally Posted by pjorourke