The Politics of Dayton Murderer Conner Betts

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Just as the act of observation alters that which is observed (basic physics for the DPST's)

"Ignoring" clearly indicates comprehension of a post, and a response of disagreement.

How kindergartenish.
LOL Originally Posted by oeb11
Ignoring LL and bb1961.

I think LL might be the longest resident of my rather small list.

But glad you brought that up. I don’t have my ignore list in my signature line.

What happened to the discussion of the OP?

Shooter’s “politics” murdered his own sister and incited him to keep a hit list and a rape list. No “manifesto” preaching hatred of any group or political persuasion.

How utterly political. NOT.

This kid had red flags out the wazoo. LE knew about him but failed to act. Sure, they took him down quickly and professionally. But how did this sadistic fucker get a WMD legally.

The battered right is drooling because they have a counterpoint to the El Pas0 shooter.

But it’s not that at all, is it?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Ignoring LL and bb1961.

I think LL might be the longest resident of my rather small list.

But glad you brought that up. I don’t have my ignore list in my signature line.

What happened to the discussion of the OP?

Shooter’s “politics” murdered his own sister and incited him to keep a hit list and a rape list. No “manifesto” preaching hatred of any group or political persuasion.

How utterly political. NOT.

This kid had red flags out the wazoo. LE knew about him but failed to act. Sure, they took him down quickly and professionally. But how did this sadistic fucker get a WMD legally.

The battered right is drooling because they have a counterpoint to the El Pas0 shooter.

But it’s not that at all, is it? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

did they? as SomeOne might say .. where's the link?? and while you are at it, how about blaming all of his classmates who came out of the woodwork claiming they "knew he'd do something like this.."

Ara ya gonna blame them too??
  • oeb11
  • 08-06-2019, 03:54 PM
Ignoring LL and bb1961.

I think LL might be the longest resident of my rather small list.

But glad you brought that up. I don’t have my ignore list in my signature line.

What happened to the discussion of the OP?

Shooter’s “politics” murdered his own sister and incited him to keep a hit list and a rape list. No “manifesto” preaching hatred of any group or political persuasion.

How utterly political. NOT.

This kid had red flags out the wazoo. LE knew about him but failed to act. Sure, they took him down quickly and professionally. But how did this sadistic fucker get a WMD legally.

The battered right is drooling because they have a counterpoint to the El Pas0 shooter.

But it’s not that at all, is it? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

WMD ?? Quote YR - a "Weapon of Mass Destruction" - Does poster have any idea what is the difference between a semi-automatic rifle and WMD? He used a semi-automatic AK variant - which is not an AK-47.

Writing about that of which poster knows nothing, or knowingly and intentionally posting Lies -

Please put me on your "Ignore: list. Or RTM, or write the Forum Mods.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Facts and truth Please Not in the media or Politics The NEVER matches the Narrative ,,,,,
Kelly Ann called the media out today , now lets watch the kick back this should be good
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Facts and truth Please Not in the media or Politics The NEVER matches the Narrative ,,,,,
Kelly Ann called the media out today , now lets watch the kick back this should be good Originally Posted by rexdutchman
How the heck can you use the words “facts and truth” and “Kelly Ann (sic)” in the same sentence?

Looking forward to that “kick back?”

Dude, you apparently think this is just one big game.,, or a joke.

Funny stuff, eh?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
WMD ?? Quote YR - a "Weapon of Mass Destruction" - Does poster have any idea what is the difference between a semi-automatic rifle and WMD? He used a semi-automatic AK variant - which is not an AK-47.

Writing about that of which poster knows nothing, or knowingly and intentionally posting Lies -

Please put me on your "Ignore: list. Or RTM, or write the Forum Mods. Originally Posted by oeb11
So please tell us, o confrontational One, what type of semiautomatic AK variants capable of mowing down 30 people in 20 seconds weapons should be allowed. Please accept my apology for calling such a weapon a WMD. I suppose the death toll would have had to be even larger for you to be impressed.

As for your “either or” statement, oeb11, you can take your continued insults, accusations and personal attacks with you. Your rhetoric is unwelcome in this forum and your plummeting level of cogent and Constructive comments fortell a lengthy vacation.

As Rick Perry so succinctly put it...
  • oeb11
  • 08-07-2019, 08:53 AM
I say, uh-huh… uh-huh… uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh
Say how’s that make you feel

RTM button is your friend. Please use it!
rexdutchman's Avatar
Ban steak knife MASS Stabbing in Cali dead 2 injured , OH wait doesn't fit the narrative Which IS the POINT OF the Dayton shooter very little media coverage BECAUSE it don't fit
Besides, he was a bad tactician.
  • oeb11
  • 08-08-2019, 10:02 AM
yr-Shooter’s “politics” murdered his own sister and incited him to keep a hit list and a rape list. No “manifesto” preaching hatred of any group or political persuasion.

How utterly political. NOT.

This kid had red flags out the wazoo. LE knew about him but failed to act. Sure, they took him down quickly and professionally. But how did this sadistic fucker get a WMD legally.

The battered right is drooling because they have a counterpoint to the El Pas0 shooter.

But it’s not that at all, is it?

For the first time in my memory a DPST asks a question on the topic that is sensible! - and then devolved back down into the usual ban gun VS

you were correct - What can we do to keep weapons out of the hands of mentally ill individuals at risk.

A tiny minority of the population demonized and used by DPST's for thelarger goal of gun confiscation from the law-abiding populationl

Agreed - I amopen for cogent and constructive ideas on that issue - how to help these mentally ill people at risk and prevent these horrific occurrences. Too many of these shooters have been identified by others as needing help - but not Helped.

We need to do better in identifying and treating the mentally ill - a major problem for our governments - on both sides of the aisle.

Kalifornia wants to give billions to illegal aliens - and ignores the mentally Ill . That is DPST policy for You.

So yr - would you rather have your tax dollars go to illegal aliens for freebies Not available to you as a taxpayer, or support mental health care???
Can yr step off the DPST plantation politic line and think for Him/herself ( don't want to cause any genderist insult)???
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Not an either or question.

Would you rather go to California or by bus?

And what the hail does this have to do with "illegal aliens for freebies?"

Nope, your attempt at a cogent and Constructive debate continues to be sullied with your typical insults and snarkasm.

However, to the point, your precious private insurance companies don't often cover mental health. So many of those in need don't have access.

And how large a segment of the population must mass murderers comprise before you'll admit we've got a gun problem?

One a week? One a month?

This guy had red flags all over the place. Thoroughly identified as a mental case. Yet LE did nothing. He still obtained a killing weapon legally and used it as it was designed to be used.


Or just more insults?

You sound like Trump.
  • oeb11
  • 08-08-2019, 10:38 AM
Status Quo for the DPST's

mass shooting are part of their hate Trump narrative

But a lousy election ploy, yr
Still nothing cogent or constructive - just argumentative.
Can yr ignore the entire forum - many might like yr to do so.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Status Quo for the DPST's

mass shooting are part of their hate Trump narrative

But a lousy election ploy, yr
Still nothing cogent or constructive - just argumentative.
Can yr ignore the entire forum - many might like yr to do so. Originally Posted by oeb11
Start a poll, my friend.
How the fuck did LE fail to act? They didn't have the mothers name or her phone number at the time. So now - you are saying that anybody who inquires about a AK whatever should be immediately tracked down and arrested?

Ignoring LL and bb1961.

I think LL might be the longest resident of my rather small list.

But glad you brought that up. I don’t have my ignore list in my signature line.

What happened to the discussion of the OP?

Shooter’s “politics” murdered his own sister and incited him to keep a hit list and a rape list. No “manifesto” preaching hatred of any group or political persuasion.

How utterly political. NOT.

This kid had red flags out the wazoo. LE knew about him but failed to act. Sure, they took him down quickly and professionally. But how did this sadistic fucker get a WMD legally.

The battered right is drooling because they have a counterpoint to the El Pas0 shooter.

But it’s not that at all, is it? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
eccieuser9500's Avatar

So the El Paso Shooter was a right wing nut, and the Dayton Shooter was a left wing nut.

The common factor is both used a semi automatic AR style Rifle to carry out their mayhem.

There are millions of Americans who own and enjoy shooting these types of firearms. How are we going to deal with the one tenth of one percent who would carry out such extreme acts as these two criminals.

The Democrat/Socialist/Progressive/liberals will not stop at gun laws banning semi auto rifles. Their aim is full confiscation.

The NRA has always recognized this, and is demonized for it.

There has to be middle ground. We are far from finding it. Originally Posted by Jackie S

The Republican/Nationalist/Nazi/Conservative/Reactionary Right will stop at nothing to keep stroking their imaginary big black penis. Their aim is to violently stifle any perceived attack on controlling gun violence. Nationalists don't mind the brutality.

There has to be a middle ground. Just. Look. Inside. Why do millions get their rocks off pulling the trigger? For women? Envy? Or is it plucking that trigger that produces an explosive discharge?

Op-Ed: Fear only the indifferent

And before you reach for your blue steel penis extender in protest, don’t worry. No one is going to do anything about it. No one is going to take your precious. They have made it that way.