HPV Vaccine - Why is this even controversial?

So, YOU think it's a good idea. Therefore, EVERYONE must comply. I see your reasoning. It's called "tyranny". Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
No, it isn't just ME who thinks it is a good idea. It appears to be most people.

And you are missing a key point - as usual.

HPV is ALREADY widespread among adults. Something like 90% of us already have HPV in our systems. So, it is too late to give the vaccines to nearly all adults.

So, the issue is whether or not it should be given to children between about 12 and 15. They are the only part of the population that has no exposure yet because they are not yet - for the most part - sexually active.

If you wait until they are 18, many of them will ALREADY have gotten it - especially through oral sex (technical virgins). So then it is too late.

Either way, the decision will be made FOR THEM by others. Either their parents or the government.

Parents can make a bad decisions just as easily as the government can. And they can screw their kids up for life if they do.

If some religious fundamentalist says "no" because that parent thinks it invites promiscuity (it doesn't), he/she runs the risk that the child will get it before he or she is old enough (after age 18) to decide to get it.

Kids are going to do what kids are going to do. They have been having underage sex for as long as mankind has existed.

I'd rather err on the side of safety and give it to ALL young teenagers. You will get better results than if you let the Bible thumpers block the vaccine to kids.
Science is never settled. Originally Posted by Iaintliein
Not true. Met anyone with small pox lately? How about polio?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-05-2013, 01:03 PM
The article you cited says the opposite:

"A new report showed the HPV virus is fueling a 28 percent raise in orpharyngeal cancer cases since 1988 - an additional 10,000 cases per year."

The article indicated most are men. So does the original article posted at the top.

The research indicates that HPV survives better in the thin moist skin of a woman's vagina that on the dry, thicker skin of the penis.

So throat cancers related to HPV are greater for men not women. At least that is what research indicates. And it is growing more rapidly for men. Originally Posted by ExNYer
pretend I wasn't being sarcastic in my response to sins
pretend I wasn't being sarcastic in my response to sins Originally Posted by CJ7
Ah, you got me.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-05-2013, 01:16 PM
So, YOU think it's a good idea. Therefore, EVERYONE must comply. I see your reasoning. It's called "tyranny". Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

like was mentioned, do you think it was a good idea there was a mandate to keep you from getting Polio?
Randy4Candy's Avatar
like was mentioned, do you think it was a good idea there was a mandate to keep you from getting Polio? Originally Posted by CJ7
Nah, his family had an iron lung from the 40s. I'm sure they would have all taken turns hosing the excrement and piss out of it for the next 50 years. A little "rugged individualism" goes a long way.

Pity the poor, irrational fool.
Nah, his family had an iron lung from the 40s. I'm sure they would have all taken turns hosing the excrement and piss out of it for the next 50 years. A little "rugged individualism" goes a long way.

Pity the poor, irrational fool. Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
Hey, what'a a little throat cancer in 30 years when you can stand on libertarian principles NOW and block your kids from getting a vaccine until it is too late for them to get one on their own?

When they are getting chemo treatments in 2043, they will THANK YOU for your wonderful parenting and your principled opposition to government medicine.
jbravo_123's Avatar
Psh, "government medicine". "The good of society." "Eradication of Polio."

All liberal socialist communist sino-nubian propaganda!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
No, it isn't just ME who thinks it is a good idea. It appears to be most people. So the majority gets to decide what is best for everybody. I see it now.

. . .

I'd rather err on the side of safety (that is, government mandate instead of freedom of choice) and give it to ALL young teenagers. So you really think the government is a better parent than you are. Wow. You are sick, man. You will get better results than if you let the Bible thumpers block the vaccine to kids. I'm not a Bible thumper, and I oppose tyranny, even when it is shrouded in benevolence. Originally Posted by ExNYer
You have a lot of faith in the government and the pharmaceutical industry, probably the two least honest and reliable entities on earth. So when the government and pharmaceuticals get together and say we should ALL do something, I'm not inclined to go along.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
like was mentioned, do you think it was a good idea there was a mandate to keep you from getting Polio? Originally Posted by CJ7
How do you I would have gotten polio, but for the government? Are you a psychic?

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-05-2013, 09:18 PM
How do you I would have gotten polio, but for the government? Are you a psychic?

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
idiot ..

as it was with me, and my daughter and your grandchildren, before any student can enroll in public schools they are required to have a series of shots protecting them, and insuring they don't pass any formidable disease to other students..

wheres your rage ? hiding behind your stupidity?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
How does that make the OP right? Your comprehension is still way off. Seek help.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-05-2013, 09:25 PM
How does that make the OP right? Your comprehension is still way off. Seek help. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
double idiot.. you got nothing, so deflect ... so a worthy libertarian would rather face inflicting a disease on people than bend their anti government policy? sweeeeeeeeeeet !


study up sport

jbravo_123's Avatar
Again, we just look at the world around us today. There are plenty of countries the provide more comprehensive, better quality health care to their citizens at a much lower cost per person than we do. Most of them involve heavy government involvement.

It's pitiful and shameful that we can't get our shit together enough to make it happen.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I know it is government required. So because the government requires one vaccination, we have to allow the government to require all vaccinations?

Your comprehension is really, really deteriorating. Your like the guy who responds to a person who comes up to you and says, "Help! The bank is being robbed!" To which you reply, "Don't worry about it. It's been robbed before."

You just like government control, CBJ7. That way you don't have to think and evaluate options. That was never your strong suit, anyway.

You still haven't told me how you know I would have gotten polio if I hadn't had the vaccination. How do you know that?