Binghamton needs traveling girls

Next Best Thing's Avatar
We need a club for the ladies that make it down to Bingo Originally Posted by mrf150

We also need to stop these angry trolls from coming on here and trying to spoil our fun.

You should give Elle a throw. She weighs less than 200 pounds, but she won't send you a picture of her face. She also won't fuck you without a rubber, and will reveal the contents of back channel chit-chats between she and yourself to members of her support group for flamboyantly homosexual men.

I would still do it though and I mean that sincerely.
I have seen Elle before she was great. Yes Binghamton is a waste land. Atleast we have natasha bustys friend I have seen her a few times now.
Ceremony's Avatar
So, as in the immortal words of Sam Kinison. Move to where the food is!

Which in this case would be Texas. Cuz, hot damn.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Yes. Elle is a lily among thorns.

Seriously just check backpage for some under utilized fresh-faced Syracuse girl before she gets corrupted by some of these 60 year old geezers putting thoughts in her head.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
So, as in the immortal words of Sam Kinison. Move to where the food is!

Which in this case would be Texas. Cuz, hot damn. Originally Posted by Ceremony
The money move is to check Dallas for their traveling girls and try to persuade them to come to you.
Yes there is a lot more opitions in Syracuse i will need to start taking the drive up there
doctorisin's Avatar
doctorisin's Avatar
If you pay them, they will come

If you guys in this thread and some of you lurkers contacted Veronica Boyt, she's game to come down to Bing soon


Have all come to Bing. Viv says she's down. PM her
I have seen a couple of them when they visted. I missed out with Jenna the last time I was in Roch.
doctorisin's Avatar
This thread reminded me of hooker talk in Binghamton... its cute, herein we see the beginning of the NBT Paulie feud, which has been a scourge of highjacking hyperbole going on two years now. Bump...The Broome Handlers

That took a lot longer than i thought to get off topic
Lexxxy's Avatar
Whoa , looks like lucy and I are coming this spring. Thanks Gents.
This thread reminded me of hooker talk in Binghamton... its cute, herein we see the beginning of the NBT Paulie feud, which has been a scourge of highjacking hyperbole going on two years now. Bump...The Broome Handlers

Originally Posted by doctorisin
I love trips down memory lane....
Lot's of people have evolved, as have many of the relationships. I find it amusing that some of the participants have not evolved at all.... They are easy to spot both now and years ago....

Yet, some like CD
Socializing with board members is most often a hoot, and worth repeating. With respect to everyone's privacy, I'll state in general terms that it's a handsome and polite bunch. Quick with the smile and generous buyers of beer. Thanks fellas (hugs).

Will binnington find that certain oomph? If dr broom handle will open a tab on his hobby debit card the boost indicator will be lit whew! Originally Posted by Carlos Danger
while biting and spot on so long ago....
have become sharper and wittier over time....

Thanks again Doc......
Maybe I already started one Paul.

Next up is a website for the fan club Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
If you have started one.... I can't find it.... Is it a secret? I would join.... Seems being able to find that site might be useful....

Next up is a website for the fan club, which will be on life-support within 7 months or so. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
I'll be looking forward to the parameters you deem necessary and important that constitute a successful website after that long or short of a finite period of time...

You sound pessimistic of your sites viability before one can even find it on the web.
Is that your business plan? I'm having a hard time getting my arms around your idea....
Of course, I don't have a spare 600 bucks to throw at the problem either.... I'm saving up for a friends birthday present....
doctorisin's Avatar
I love trips down memory lane....
Lot's of people have evolved, as have many of the relationships. I find it amusing that some of the participants have not evolved at all.... They are easy to spot both now and years ago....

Yet, some like CD

while biting and spot on so long ago....
have become sharper and wittier over time....

Thanks again Doc...... Originally Posted by Paulwantsya

Haha, yeah Trisha made it move, amazing what a little movement will do for a relationship:-)