Houston fucktard suing a stripper..

If a friend can't get a loan from a bank, use their line of credit, or a family member...
Hell no am I lending them any money!
They have already used up their other resources....
Obviously didn't pay them back, why would they pay me back?

This guy got plenty of blow jobs and etc, etc...
He also got hustled.

His girlfriend. Ha hahahahaha... That's funny.
That's how I think. BTW, you're so hot! Originally Posted by lukeskywalker7667
Why thank you!

If a friend can't get a loan from a bank, use their line of credit, or a family member...
Hell no am I lending them any money!
They have already used up their other resources....
Obviously didn't pay them back, why would they pay me back?

This guy got plenty of blow jobs and etc, etc...
He also got hustled.

His girlfriend. Ha hahahahaha... That's funny. Originally Posted by Alyssa Marie
Most of the time, if one if my friends ask to borrow money, it's a small amount and if it's not, then they are most likely asking me because they can't afford to pay interest on the amount they are borrowing. I don't mind helping if I can.
If I did ever lend anyone money again (I stopped doing that at least 5 years ago because I don't feel that I have to support other people's habits) I would hold their play station hostage until they paid me back.
That's just me though.
People are always broke yet they are smoking cigarettes, going to the bar, drinking Starbucks, playing on their iPhone.. I just don't get it.
Anyway, John Legand is on Billboard Music Awards now and I must go drool.
Money is never loaned. If you get it back great. But don't expect it back. Ever.
Ukraine has a better chance of getting Crimea back from Russia, than he has of getting his money back !
Any time you "lend" someone money, you should consider it a gift. Originally Posted by Jillian Price
I absolutely agree with you. Years ago I "lent" an ex-employee of mine several thousand dollars, never expecting to see a dime of it again. Much to my surprise about 5 years later she invited me to lunch and repaid the loan in full. She was clearly the exception and not the rule. Unless you are a bank or a loan shark, loans are better off thought of as gifts.

Money is never loaned. If you get it back great. But don't expect it back. Ever. Originally Posted by thathottnurse
And that has NOTHING to do whether that person is a provider or not. I lend if I can afford it if I have some sense/assurance that it won't be badly used. Even at my age I resist being cynical . . . just call me Pollyanna
As any Jewish ,Catholic or any other friggin lawyer on here can tell you. Look it up in your law school text books. You sue someone with zero you get zero when you win. Total waste of time unless you just want to harass people that you think screwed you over. Hey if its for millions or even 10k please get in touch. Otherwise its going to be a you n Judge Judy time waster! Good luck all you Hobby litigators out there. lol
I agree with a lot of what most of you are saying. Some ladies in our little world are not good credit risks. But there is a difference between a gift and a loan. Just because we have grown to accept we will not be paid back when we LOAN money does not make it right. As long as we guys allow ourselves to be taken advantage of and ladies think it is OK to rip us off it will continue.

Not all women, even in our subculture (including strippers) are like this. Some are very honest and would never consider not repaying a loan. I know because I have loaned money to a few over the years and have NEVER had a provider fail to repay me. I have also gifted money to a few. Some have thanked me for my generosity some have not. I gave them the gift because they needed it and I could afford to give it.

The difference being when I give a gift, I actually tell them it is a gift and no payback is expected. When asked for a loan, I treat them like I would anyone else. What is it for? How soon can you repay me? Do you need payment terms or will you pay back lump sum? When I make a loan there is no doubt in anyone's mind it is a loan not a gift.

If you want to give a gift then by all means do so. Just make sure both parties understand its a gift. BTW, if you expect ANYTHING in return its not a gift.

If you are going to loan money, make sure both sides agree to the repayment terms. Get it writing if needed. Be prepared with how you will handle it if its not repaid as agreed. Just because she says "I will pay you back" is NOT the same as getting an agreement, even just verbal, in place.

Both sides need to quit assuming things. And everyone needs to get off the backs of anyone who does make a good faith loan and does not get paid back. "You should just consider it a gift" is a bunch of crap. If a guy laid the donation on the table and the gal did a grab and dash everyone would be yelling how she is a thief. I see no difference between the two (not legally the same, I know so STFU.). In both cases the guy did not get what he was expecting in return for his cash. A cheat is a cheat and should be labeled so to prevent her from ripping off more guys.

Ladies, if you need some money and have no plans for paying it back, just tell the guy that. Some will give you the money any way. And no, don't ask me for money. You will not get it. If you want a loan, tell the guy up front your plan for repaying him. Being honest and building trust pays off in the long run, just like real life. Which, BTW, this is part of real life.
"Never a borrower or lender be"? That saying was taken from a soliloquy by Polonius in Act I, Scene 3 of William Shakespeare's Hamlet. Polonius is giving advice to his son Laertes before Laertes launches,,,

night night, book on unsecured lending coming to you soon...... lol
I'm thankful for the word "Fucktard". If it weren't for Eccie, it would have much longer before I added it to my vocabulary.
pyramider's Avatar
Please do not forget the terms modtard, hooktard, adminitard, and various other tards.
I absolutely agree with you. Years ago I "lent" an ex-employee of mine several thousand dollars, never expecting to see a dime of it again. Much to my surprise about 5 years later she invited me to lunch and repaid the loan in full. She was clearly the exception and not the rule. Unless you are a bank or a loan shark, loans are better off thought of as gifts.

Vic Originally Posted by Vic Kosslovich
I should become a mini-loanshark!
I absolutely agree with you. Years ago I "lent" an ex-employee of mine several thousand dollars, never expecting to see a dime of it again. Much to my surprise about 5 years later she invited me to lunch and repaid the loan in full. She was clearly the exception and not the rule. Unless you are a bank or a loan shark, loans are better off thought of as gifts.

Vic Originally Posted by Vic Kosslovich
Had a similar situation, a good friend who happened to be a single mom lost her job. It got tough for her and her child. She mentioned she was about to lose her car and that would make it difficult to work. Never, ever asked me to help and I respected that. I payed off her car, lined up a good job for her. She was overwhelmed and couldn't believe anyone would do that. She desperately wanted to pay me back but I told her it is not an issue. Whenever was fine. She even offered sex, I declined because that was not my motivation for her being her friend, and she is a knockout.

Flash forward to 7 years later, still friends, always will be, She floored me with a check for repayment. Totally unexpected but it spoke volumes for her character. I stuck the money into a Coverdell College Fund and will give it back when her child reaches college age.

Don't say never, just choose wisely. Sometimes doing the right thing, for the right person and right reasons will lift you forever. Pay it forward.
cheatercheater's Avatar
Any time you "lend" someone money, you should consider it a gift. If you can't afford for them not to return it, you shouldn't give it to them. I am actually going through this with a close friend of mine right now. I refuse to let money come between me and someone I care about though. If they can pay me back, great. If not, oh well. I wasn't counting on it anyways. Originally Posted by Jillian Price

I wish I were your friend or someone you cared about. Cuz I'd like to stiff you.....

And you wouldn't have to loan money