I Did NOT Retire

KittyLamour's Avatar
200K's Avatar
  • 200K
  • 08-01-2016, 02:34 PM
Kitty, glad you didn't retire.
The haters will always be jealous of you. You deal with them quite well!
Heh. Originally Posted by chicagoboy
This is the most intelligent thing I've every seen this tool post. Go back to Houmidville.
pyramider's Avatar
I don't like clowns, ask 3sides.
BTW, don't play with rattlesnakes. Run along now...
Originally Posted by KittyLamour

How would I know your preference on clowns? The third one is the dangerous one.

ManSlut's Avatar
We'd love to hear his side of the story why the relationship didn't work. Maybe he realized you're a lying DramaQueen? Maybe he saw what you look like in the morning without the 5 lbs. of clown makeup? Maybe he saw you without the wigs on?

As usual DQKitty, you were stupid to write another 'look at me' threAD...Quit trying so fucking hard to be a Queen Bee...Place ads, sell your pussy, suck dick, pay your rent, pay your electric bill, buy groceries, put any extra money in the bank or safe deposit box...Wash, rinse, repeat cycle...Stay off the Drama Forums which you can't handle.

You'll never learn, BSC.
dearhunter's Avatar
Good luck in your retirement.
I hope you and dearhunter have many years of happiness together. He's a keeper.
KittyLamour's Avatar
We'd love to hear his side of the story why the relationship didn't work. Maybe he realized you're a lying DramaQueen? Maybe he saw what you look like in the morning without the 5 lbs. of clown makeup? Maybe he saw you without the wigs on?

As usual DQKitty, you were stupid to write another 'look at me' threAD...Quit trying so fucking hard to be a Queen Bee...Place ads, sell your pussy, suck dick, pay your rent, pay your electric bill, buy groceries, put any extra money in the bank or safe deposit box...Wash, rinse, repeat cycle...Stay off the Drama Forums which you can't handle.

You'll never learn, BSC. Originally Posted by ManSlut

I know I said that a response wasn't necessary but this one is asking for it. AGAIN.


Please take notes, again this is not a man... this is a coward and a bully, running his mouth about something he has absolutely zero credibility on. Yet, he wants respect. Respect is earned Manslut.

Can't handle? I say I handled you quite well, didn't hear a peep squeak out of you for several days afterwards.

How quickly you forget that while you sit behind your computer screen spreading your poison, lies and gossip- I have a roof over my head, money in the bank, all my bills are paid, plenty to eat and driving a brand new sports luxury sedan. Doesn't quite add up with the image you are portraying of me. I mean lol, any one can see by my recent pics and videos I am very attractive. My phones are ringing 24-7. Yes, I said phones I use hobby phones to keep track of my clients, so I know which site they are coming from. I'm trending on er#s, so I bought another phone for those calls.

Get it right, it's not Bat Shit Crazy, it's Crazy Like a Fox and I know how to play the game. You see, I'm the most dangerous woman you could choose to fuck with because I am a woman who does not require you or anybody else's validation.

If I am doing as bad as you imply, why did I raise my rates this week?

The truth of the matter is you are still sitting there in your seat of condemnation, spreading filthy lies and hatred on a woman. An escort. While you are not my client, you are the client of others and what does that say about how you really feel about women in this profession? I mean good grief, look how you treat me! A person you have never even met yet you are determined to see me suffer. Guess what? It isn't gonna happen. I'm over your head Trick, not under your feet.

I could be quiet, I could just let you say what you want and avoid the drama... but what fun is that... I'd rather reload and just dump mother fuckers like you.

My reality couldn't be further from the fictional person you portray. Come drive by and see how I live. I am blessed and I am grateful for the good life I have and my ability to pay my bills and no longer have to worry. My life has never been better and 3 yrs ago I couldn't even picture that I would have came so far and attained so much from where I was at before.

So go crawl back to whatever pit you dragged your carcass out of and next time, remember what I told you. Don't make me the topic of your conversation, because you don't know shit. You bump your gums more than any bitch I ever met and you're twice as malicious. Ni-i-ice. We're all impressed. NOT.


KittyLamour's Avatar
ManSlut's Avatar
Thanks for not threatening to end your life again and typing in all caps misspelling to leave you alone, like you did on your Tony thread...That was fucking CLASSIC, an emotional breakdown that morphed into all caps, blatant misspellings!!
KittyLamour's Avatar
How about you try taking the dick out of your personality and put it back in your pants. I'd worry about your own defective mentality before you presume to comment on mine.
ManSlut's Avatar
Good luck in your retirement. Originally Posted by dearhunter
Good shit right there! Short and right between the eyes!

I hope you and dearhunter have many years of happiness together. He's a keeper. Originally Posted by Von Spieler
I wish them happiness as well, but, I guess you weren't a keeper Von Spoiler, you reviewed her Once Upon A Time...Jellie (jealous) much?
Mojojo's Avatar
Kitty while you may have started this thread don't take it off course please.
too long didn't read..........hope your retirement is awesome.......and I hope you find the happiness you have Earned........................ ..
KittyLamour's Avatar