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  • CJ7
  • 11-19-2013, 11:34 AM
Typical.. TP Is that your best defense? Originally Posted by xtrem

defense ? why or what would you need to defend against an idiot ... they're prolific.
Ted Cruz remembers Gettysburg....

Yeah, Ted Cruz. The guy who wants to tear the government down trying to square that by touting the man who fought a war to keep the union together. There is no low to which that man will not stoop and nothing he says, no matter how stupid and ironic, that Whirly'tard won't accept. Absurd.
Far worse = Obama comparing himself to Lincoln...........

Far worse = Obama comparing himself to Lincoln...........

http://nation.foxnews.com/president-...imself-lincoln Originally Posted by Whirlaway

By the way Whirly'tard.....did your boy Raphael, the Canadian border jumper happen to make it to Gettysburg today? Or did he only have time to film his silly video showing him reading a speech he didn't write while trying desperately to appear presidential.....and he couldn't even manage to get to Gettysburg to do it. Try the Library of Congress. What a fucking joke.

Oh, and a couple of other facts, not that you give a shit about such things.

Ronald Reagan never went to Gettysburg to commemorate the address. In fact, Reagan never visited Gettysburg period during his tenure. The dirty traitor....how APPALLING is that?

George H.W. Bush never made it to commemorate the address either.....nor did his son, Shrub. I am fucking APPALLED!!!!!! DO YOU HEAR ME WHIRLY'TARD? APPALLED AND OUTRAGED!

In fact, the only sitting POTUS to ever visit Gettysburg on the anniversary of the speech was....William Howard Taft.

You pathetic fucking dumbass. This is what you get for keeping your face glued to Fox News all day long while accepting the ridiculous double-standards you and the rest of the conservabots set up for President Obama.

Maybe you ought to check your facts next time before you come on here shooting off your big fucking mouth. Fuck you and the next time you see him, make sure you give the Professor a blow job you fucking dickweed.
"There are differing counts of how many of the 28 presidents after Lincoln traveled to Gettysburg. CNN reports that 24 have gone. The Gettysburg Times reports that every 20th-century president made the pilgrimage except for Bill Clinton. Woodrow Wilson spoke at the 50th anniversary in 1913. Franklin D. Roosevelt spoke at the 75th in 1938. Dwight Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, and Lyndon Johnson all took separate trips there in the 100th-anniversary year of 1963.

Obama hasn't gone; didn't go; the 150th anniversary would have been appropriate.....so where was Obama ?

Obama was at the 4 Seasons Hotel to address The Wall Street Journal CEO Council's annual meeting and talk about the economy."



By the way Whirly'tard.....did your boy Raphael, the Canadian border jumper happen to make it to Gettysburg today? Or did he only have time to film his silly video showing him reading a speech he didn't write while trying desperately to appear presidential.....and he couldn't even manage to get to Gettysburg to do it. Try the Library of Congress. What a fucking joke.

Oh, and a couple of other facts, not that you give a shit about such things.

Ronald Reagan never went to Gettysburg to commemorate the address. In fact, Reagan never visited Gettysburg period during his tenure. The dirty traitor....how APPALLING is that?

George H.W. Bush never made it to commemorate the address either.....nor did his son, Shrub. I am fucking APPALLED!!!!!! DO YOU HEAR ME WHIRLY'TARD? APPALLED AND OUTRAGED!

In fact, the only sitting POTUS to ever visit Gettysburg on the anniversary of the speech was....William Howard Taft.

You pathetic fucking dumbass. This is what you get for keeping your face glued to Fox News all day long while accepting the ridiculous double-standards you and the rest of the conservabots set up for President Obama.

Maybe you ought to check your facts next time before you come on here shooting off your big fucking mouth. Fuck you and the next time you see him, make sure you give the Professor a blow job you fucking dickweed. Originally Posted by timpage
Hey whirl-a-gay looked like three former presidents plus the current one was at the reading.
"There are differing counts of how many of the 28 presidents after Lincoln traveled to Gettysburg. CNN reports that 24 have gone. The Gettysburg Times reports that every 20th-century president made the pilgrimage except for Bill Clinton. Woodrow Wilson spoke at the 50th anniversary in 1913. Franklin D. Roosevelt spoke at the 75th in 1938. Dwight Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, and Lyndon Johnson all took separate trips there in the 100th-anniversary year of 1963.

Obama hasn't gone; didn't go; the 150th anniversary would have been appropriate.....so where was Obama ?

Obama was at the 4 Seasons Hotel to address The Wall Street Journal CEO Council's annual meeting and talk about the economy."


FACT JACK ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Reagan missed the 125th. Was that less important? You are so full of shit your breath stinks. One President....one....has attended the anniversary of the speech.

But, Obama was supposed to and is a bad boy because he didn't?

You are a certifiable idiot. Your whole deal is controlled by Fox News which started this whole stupid thing. Come up with something original you fucking 'tard.
So, Whiry'tard....just to put things in perspective here.

No American President attended the 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th, 25th,, 30th, 50th, 75th, 100th, 125th,, 130th, 135th, 140th, 145th, and now the 150th anniversary of Lincoln's speech at Gettysburg. But, we should all be angry at Obama for being anti-American, right?

You're a knucklehead.
As I stated ....every 20 th and 21stcentury president attended Gettysburg, except Clinton and Obama......the 150th anniversary is significant, but you don't get that.
No modern president has has tried to channel The Lincoln Legacy more than Obama. Throughout President Obama’s time in the Senate, on the campaign trail for President, and into his Presidency, he and his advisors have worked overtime tying his legacy to that of Abraham Lincoln. He is an heir of Lincoln’s legacy as the first black President. Obama was sworn into office on Lincoln's Bible.

So it is suitably well noted today that Obama was a no show.

Like i said, I am glad he stayed away...Lincoln fought to keep us united...Obama works to divide us for political gain.
rodog44's Avatar
I'm surprised that he didn't go. It would have been good for photo ops and and given him some good pr. He has the worst advisers around him that he could have.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Anyone catch the irony? Obama skips the Lincoln celebration, because he had to meet with his owners.

HAHAH....thanks for pointing that out COG !

A gem from Obama's speech:
"And frankly, we’ve got to stop governing by crisis here in this town, because if it weren’t for Washington’s dysfunction, I think all of us agree, we’d be a lot further along."
It was a classic Obama speech; strawmen, lies, and deception...watch it here.


Anyone catch the irony? Obama skips the Lincoln celebration, because he had to meet with his owners.

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy