So confusing ...

TexTushHog's Avatar
I can blame that on Starbucks, right? Originally Posted by TinMan
Unless your SO knows you think flavored coffees are the first spawn if the devil. And they are!!!
Chung Tran's Avatar
I want to see this in a Lady's profile..

Smokes: Penis
I'm in the process of switching.
My old roommate bought me a good tank and battery for Christmas with a great vanilla mixed flavor that is a signature line from the company I use.

It's decreased the amount I smoke significantly. And I look forward to quitting all the way soon.

I vape before appointments also.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Too many gents mark ya off the list without a second thought if it says, smokes. When a lady does smoke, but is clean about it and ya can't tell one way or the other, there's no need for a gent to know. It hinders the market available to reveal some personal details. Why would anyone do that to themselves? They are not seeking an interview for a potential life time partner, after all. It's normally an hour out of their day. If it smells like an ashtray when you arrive and ya think ya might fall over dead, then leave for goodness sake. It's not like a smoker does not realize how offensive it is to non smokers and is gonna puff in your non- smoking space while you visit. At least.... I have a hard time imagining such behavior? For all I know, they puff in your face non stop.....
TemptationTammie's Avatar
Unfortunately, when you are a smoker, you don't always realize how offensive it can be to non (or ex) smokers. Some of us are just more sensitive to it too.
I am one of those that is sensitive and can pick up a vague hint of smoke.
Maybe the reason that some ladies will put the dashes is because they may only smoke sporadically, like when they go out drinking. Or maybe they are trying to quit. Or maybe they smoke the ecigs. Or maybe they don't want to publicize that they smoke. However, clients can tell when they kiss you, unless they smoke themselves.
I personally do not smoke but still like to use mouthwash within an hour of appts.