A recent poll the GOP will not like:

Dude you are getting his job approval rate with his overall popularity mixed. Majority of Americans like him and believe he has good intentions and good will but don't believe he's doing a good enough job. Show me polls were they say he's unlikable? George Bush wasn't likable- people gave him bad job performance and didn't like him- mainly due to Iraq war- however, show me polls where Americans say they despise him??? Do you deny that he can fill venues- regardless of their size and sell them out-hmmm hard to do that if you are unpopular isn't it? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
41% of eligible voters is a lot of people. It doesn’t make him popular overall, it just makes him popular with the 41% of the folks that would vote for him again. You mention Dallas. There may very well be 41% of eligible voters, of all races, that would vote for Obama again. I would say that is a high number for Dallas, but let’s just use it since that’s the number we have. I would imagine there is a certain percentage of folks, again all races as you pointed out, in Dallas and the surrounding areas that would pay to get into see him speak. It is a metro area of many, many millions of people after all. But if you want to explore popular, popular doesn’t put food on the table for Americans. I will just bet he isn’t popular with those that are unemployed or underemployed. He doesn’t even care if he is popular if it doesn’t get him re-elected. I don’t care if he sells out venues everywhere as long as he does it as an ex, one term president. Clearly I do not like him. I think that most people that would not vote for him would not shell out hard earned cash to listen to him talk about hope and change.

You’ve not read any of my posts if you want to wave the W flag. I detested W. Still do. But my dislike for W doesn’t mitigate my dislike for Obama in any way. There would be Bushies from here to hell and back to listen to that idiot speak about the haves and the have mores.

And I’m not a dude.
I B Hankering's Avatar
And I guess that's why things are so bad but Obama has a lead over any of those GOP candidates in hypothetical one on one match ups- sucks being the GOP doesn't it? Lets see the economy is bad- but people will still vote for Obama and he wins in the majority of the hypothetical one on one match ups- It's 14 months away the GOP has had about 5 televised debates and only 27 to 28% of those polled could name the two front runners:Perry and Romney LMFAO.
Obama comes to Dallas- last Tuesday- a city in a prominent Republican state and I arrive 4 hours early to attend and the line is literally wrapped around the building and let me add- there were every ethnic group present: Whites, Blacks- Hispanics- young and old to hear him-I even had 3 of my employees literally begging to let them have off to see him- you think they would have asked off to see Romney or Perry?- yet you want to think that the GOP is just fine and will beat him solidly? Keep dreaming- add in the fact that Christie won't be running and Palin has fooled all you Tea party once again- I am loving this lol!
Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
You are missing the irony of your own post. You claim most Americans do not even know who the GOP candidates are. In effect, you are supporting a poll that says the GOP candidates are all "unknowns". The Gallup Poll says the "unknown" GOP candidate will beat Obama.
CPT Savajo's Avatar
Without a doubt the corporate controlled media whores are now leaning heavily on Mitt Romney to be their man. The Texas Cheerleader aka Rick Perry is getting exposed in these debates, and it seems like he isn't doing well enough to woo the crowds when the spotlight is on him.

I'm still pulling for Ron Paul, if he doesn't get the nomination the country is destined to implode. I think it's going to implode anyways but I do believe he can bring us in for a softer landing and will set the policy in place to put this country back onto a path to prosperity. Were already seeing flare-ups all around this nation due to the greed and corruption at the TOP of the pyramid. Will it get much more violent in this country? I believe so but only time will tell.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
You are missing the irony of your own post. You claim most Americans do not even know who the GOP candidates are. In effect, you are supporting a poll that says the GOP candidates are all "unknowns". The Gallup Poll says the "unknown" GOP candidate will beat Obama. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I.B let me rest my case- show me one time in history where a President wins election and this happens: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JmcqD...eature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DfIQO...CE4777D25D630F

Remember this celebration happen on a worldwide basis in several countries- but yet he's not popular?????
Boltfan's Avatar
Myspace used to be popular as well. You keep going back in time. We are discussing the present.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Myspace used to be popular as well. You keep going back in time. We are discussing the present. Originally Posted by Boltfan
And the GOP used to be a respectable and popular party during the Reagan era- looks like you keep going back in time. Again we are talking about the present.
Boltfan's Avatar
Show me ONCE where I went back in time to cite Reagan in an argument. Show me once where I have said I am a Republican and I throw my lot in with these other fools. Misdirection is not a debate skill. It may be a bad tactic, but it won't win anything.

Is that what you resort too WE? Lumping me in with others rather than discussing and debating the points? Truly pathetic.
It's quite amusing to browse through some of these threads!

Some people seem to have a total lack of ability to grasp even the simplest of concepts.

One need not be a "Republican" or a blind partisan cheerleader for the GOP (I am neither) to recognize the horrific train wreck that answers to the name of the Obama Administration for what it is.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
It's quite amusing to browse through some of these threads!

Some people seem to have a total lack of ability to grasp even the simplest of concepts.

One need not be a "Republican" or a blind partisan cheerleader for the GOP (I am neither) to recognize the horrific train wreck that answers to the name of the Obama Administration for what it is. Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
And if the Obama Administration is a "horrific train wreck" than what the fuck was the Bush Aminstration-if you compare the two the Bush administration has to be in your eyes Armageddon of epic proportions. if History is correct- I believe when Bush walked in on day 1- he had no wars- a booming economy- UE rate below 5%- a budget surplus- jeez what a difference 8 years make-!!! And what does Obama walk into on day 1: housing crisis- UE rate that was spiraling upwards out of control- 2 wars- banking and auto industry crisis- I guess you Republicans get amnesia when you re-think the Bush years.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Yeah, that happened when Obama was elected. Let's revisit those people now and see how they feel. President Obama lied to get elected, hopefully those lies will keep him from being re-elected.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Not about to defend Bush, but Obama has made a bad situation worse. At some point, he has to take responsibility for the way things are, instead of continuing to blame Bush for everything. It's been three years. Grow a pair, already.
Bush was the presidency before the Obama train wreck; a better and more important question is what comes after Obama's train wreck.

Hopefully it is the Tea Party Express !

Even with a Northeast Knickerbocker Republican like Romney in the WH; the Tea Party wins in November 2012 will be signficant and the small government politicians will control much of the agenda.

The Professive Wet Dream of the 1960's is dead and Obama pulled the trigger. Americans don't want a Socialist for a President.
Af-Freakin's Avatar
I'm still pulling for Ron Paul, if he doesn't get the nomination the country is destined to implode. Originally Posted by CPT Savajo
Ron Paul? lol another weedhead lol
Af-Freakin's Avatar
Not about to defend Bush, but Obama has made a bad situation worse. At some point, he has to take responsibility for the way things are, instead of continuing to blame Bush for everything. It's been three years. Grow a pair, already. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
cant get shit done wit congress
And if the Obama Administration is a "horrific train wreck" than what the fuck was the Bush Aminstration-if you compare the two the Bush administration has to be in your eyes Armageddon of epic proportions. if History is correct- I believe when Bush walked in on day 1- he had no wars- a booming economy- UE rate below 5%- a budget surplus- jeez what a difference 8 years make-!!! And what does Obama walk into on day 1: housing crisis- UE rate that was spiraling upwards out of control- 2 wars- banking and auto industry crisis- I guess you Republicans get amnesia when you re-think the Bush years. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
The Bush administration was also a horrific train wreck. Why don't you knock off the stupid disingenuousness of blindly addressing people as "you Republicans." I pointed out in my previous post that I am not one.

Yes, Obama inherited a very bad situation, but anyone who hasn't been living in a cave for the last two years ought to realize that he's made a bad situation far worse -- starting with squandering hundreds of billions of dollars on political payoffs and blue-sky fanatasies. Don't you guys think we had already squandered enough money over the previous 5 or 6 years?

Obama was "hired" by the public to fix problems, not exacerbate existing fiscal problems and create new ones of his own.