Dude you are getting his job approval rate with his overall popularity mixed. Majority of Americans like him and believe he has good intentions and good will but don't believe he's doing a good enough job. Show me polls were they say he's unlikable? George Bush wasn't likable- people gave him bad job performance and didn't like him- mainly due to Iraq war- however, show me polls where Americans say they despise him??? Do you deny that he can fill venues- regardless of their size and sell them out-hmmm hard to do that if you are unpopular isn't it? Originally Posted by wellendowed191141% of eligible voters is a lot of people. It doesn’t make him popular overall, it just makes him popular with the 41% of the folks that would vote for him again. You mention Dallas. There may very well be 41% of eligible voters, of all races, that would vote for Obama again. I would say that is a high number for Dallas, but let’s just use it since that’s the number we have. I would imagine there is a certain percentage of folks, again all races as you pointed out, in Dallas and the surrounding areas that would pay to get into see him speak. It is a metro area of many, many millions of people after all. But if you want to explore popular, popular doesn’t put food on the table for Americans. I will just bet he isn’t popular with those that are unemployed or underemployed. He doesn’t even care if he is popular if it doesn’t get him re-elected. I don’t care if he sells out venues everywhere as long as he does it as an ex, one term president. Clearly I do not like him. I think that most people that would not vote for him would not shell out hard earned cash to listen to him talk about hope and change.
You’ve not read any of my posts if you want to wave the W flag. I detested W. Still do. But my dislike for W doesn’t mitigate my dislike for Obama in any way. There would be Bushies from here to hell and back to listen to that idiot speak about the haves and the have mores.
And I’m not a dude.