Tangerine Face has Total Meltdown

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...Biden sits at home. ...
Yesterday's performance by Trump was disgraceful. ... Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Joe "Rapey Fingers" Biden has the advantage of sitting at home, thus avoiding disgracing himself in public.

Of all the things I like about GEPOTUS Trump, my absolute favorite is: Just when you think he "won't go there" his absolutely, positively "so goes there". Master troller to the gorillion level. I feel bad for the splody-head FaF media. Sure hope they sterilized the joint after that head popping extravaganza!
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Joe "Rapey Fingers" Biden has the advantage of sitting at home, thus avoiding disgracing himself in public.

Of all the things I like about GEPOTUS Trump, my absolute favorite is: Just when you think he "won't go there" his absolutely, positively "so goes there". Master troller to the gorillion level. I feel bad for the splody-head FaF media. Sure hope they sterilized the joint after that head popping extravaganza! Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
No heads exploding. Just a few more voters who were undecided who will now support Biden. Such comments sit well with the Trump base and no one else. Trump's approval rating has dropped about 4 points in 2 weeks. Can't wait to see the impact his latest tirade makes.
So President Trump exposes the Main Stream Media Hacks for what they are, .....Lying Sacks of Shit.

But,but,but,but.......he ain’t suppose to do that. He’s suppose to “be Presidential”.

Fuck ‘em. Go get ‘em Prez.
gfejunkie's Avatar
The only link I could find to the video that caused the propaganda wing of the demoncRAT party to lose their minds and go into full meltdown mode...


Just a simple reminder to the media of their own timeline of events. Guess they couldn't handle the truth.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
So President Trump exposes the Main Stream Media Hacks for what they are, .....Lying Sacks of Shit.

But,but,but,but.......he ain’t suppose to do that. He’s suppose to “be Presidential”.

Fuck ‘em. Go get ‘em Prez. Originally Posted by Jackie S
I have no problem with Trump spouting off against the media. On his own time and his own dime. Going into a tirade while people have tuned in to hear an update on the coronavirus situation is WRONG!
exactly so

why, you might ask, wont some enterprising lame stream media outlet dissect the presentation and point out trump's lies and disinformation?

its simple you sheep, the why is they would have to present their own lies and disinformation in any such dissection, because trump was correct

the biggest reason they cutaway during the beatdown is they didn't want their sheep to be exposed to the truth
matchingmole's Avatar
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...Can't wait to see the impact his latest tirade makes. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

My prediction for two weeks is that Mike Cernovich's movie Hoaxed will hit #1 documentary on iTunes, even though Bezos banned it from Amazon Prime. Oh snap, it already did. The C_A ain't gonna like that. https://www.cernovich.com/Hoaxed/
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
My prediction for two weeks is that Mike Cernovich's movie Hoaxed will hit #1 documentary on iTunes, even though Bezos banned it from Amazon Prime. Oh snap, it already did. The C_A ain't gonna like that. https://www.cernovich.com/Hoaxed/ Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
I'm looking forward to the day that one of your posts has some sort of decipherable meaning in it.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
I have no problem with Trump spouting off against the media... Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

I wonder who will be the very last person to know what GEPOTUS' response to Chi-i-i-i-na will be for blessing us with the Chinese virus from Wuhan, China with zero heads up? Guess we may have to wait. Oh wait! He already told us. Must be a time traveler or something.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
I'm looking forward to the day that one of your posts has some sort of decipherable meaning in it. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

There is an education opportunity that you may avail yourself of. It's called PreK-12 at an indoctrination center, aka Public School, near you. Unless you happen to be one of the people he benevolently bestows an education scholarship upon at the State of the Union address. In the meantime, here is a link you might utilize as a warm up exercise: https://www.cernovich.com/Hoaxed/
LexusLover's Avatar
....while people have tuned in to hear an update on the coronavirus situation ... Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Were you "tuned in to hear an update on the coronavirus situation"?

So....did you actually "hear" the "tirade" live?
LexusLover's Avatar
There is an education opportunity that you may avail yourself of. .... Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
First, one has to be convinced they need "education"! He isn't!

It's kind of like AA meetings ...

... he first has to realize he needs "education"! He "home schooled" himself.
Oilrig's Avatar
Fake News last week was blaming the President for opening the economy With a couple tweets and White House briefings by the President all the Governors are now saying they will be in charge of opening and they alone will take the blame.. It's not a legal matter it was brilliant political move by the President That's why he has beaten every hoax thrown at him
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Feeling emboldened, dillsy?

Guess what. I have no boytoys. And you have no manners. And Your post has been reported,

Clean it up.

To the topic — Trump’s behaviour yesterday was as shameful as it was bullshits.

“Total Power?” Any other so-calleds head of state claiming “total power” in another country might expect a visit from the CIA, DONT you think?

You Trumplovers should bunker down because your god is on the way to being overthrown.

Book it boys. Originally Posted by HoeHummer

if youses say so....