Alternative expression of gratitude?

January Maye's Avatar
It seems as though the lady has spoken. You must feel really special. You should. She is willing to sacrifice something important for you. If you continue to see her, consider how life is a series of windy roads. The offer she can honor right now may change overnight.

Be gracious. Continue to compensate her time as you always did prior to her offer. There would be no substitute should she have an unexpected issue arise. It is ultimately your decision. Making her feel special by reciprocating her kindness would beat feeling empty that you did not do enough in the long run.
yourdesire's Avatar
Two points.

First, WHY would she do this? That is a serious discount. The most obvious answer is she likes time spent with you, and the way you treat her.
So the first and best way to show your appreciation is to keep treating her well. And I am not talking financially or sexually. My guess is you treat her as a real person--it is amazing how many clients don't.

As far as your actual question--what do you know about her and her likes? Things I have done at various times:

--cook her dinner
--a massage certificate
--better yet, get some candles, oil, towels, and read a How To book so you can give her a good massage
--a book by her favorite author, or genre. If she has kids, a book for her to read to them (any Shel Silverstein book will do)
--flowers--or a flowering plant.
The plant is often better because it lasts longer and reminds her of you.
--jewelry, if you know her preferences. It doesn't have to be expensive. And bonus points if you got it on a trip and picked it out with a story attached
--a favorite artist's album (or tickets to their show).

The cost of what you do is less important than making it something that shows you paid attention to her, and it is something tailored to HER.

Good luck.
Originally Posted by Old-T
#1 answer!! I have given quite substabtial discounts when I can/could afford to and always to those I enjoy spending time with. I've got one I've spent 3-4 hrs with fir his usual donation. I've even allowed credit. It's not always about the donation.
JRLawrence's Avatar
For many people this may seem strange: I have taken a lady to the grocery story. Filled the basket and got the bill. It can be much more than paying for a visit, and much more personal.
DNinja69's Avatar
I realize there's a possibility that I might catch some flak from the female members of this board for posting this, but short of not starting the thread I don't really see a way of avoiding that.

I've been chatting back and forth with a provider that I've been seeing for awhile. It would be fair to say that she and I have engaged in some "extracurricular" activities on occasion.

Until now I had not seen her in more than a few weeks. Not long ago she contacts me and asks when she can see me again. I explained why I haven't been available recently. Then, the other day my eyes almost pop out of their sockets when I check my phone. She essentially tells me that she really wants to see me, and as a result she's offering to knock $150 off my hourly donation - indefinitely.

When I saw her most recently I experienced the exact same level of unsurpassed satisfaction that I've grown accustomed to. Here's what I find difficult: now I'm just trying to find a non monetary way of saying "thank you." Since "tipping" would just be nullifying her new terms, does anyone else have any suggestions they can think of? Originally Posted by Pangolier
My 2 cents.. You are corrent in tipping cash is not as personal and since SHE offered the terms it seems that a 'gift' is more in order. One idea would be inviting her out for a nice dinner ever 3 or 4 sessions. Bring a nice bottle of wine to a session. If you are near a casino that could be fun. But mostly my input is (especially if you are seeing her at her place) find out what she likes and do something 'for her' she will appreciate it and feel special.
Chung Tran's Avatar
I have taken a lady to the grocery story. Filled the basket and got the bill. It can be much more than paying for a visit, and much more personal. Originally Posted by JRLawrence
me too.. which underscores the type of ladies I often choose.. that basket was filled with Ding Dongs, Snickers, and Jolly Ranchers, LOL

[I][COLOR="blue"]Two points.

First, WHY would she do this? That is a serious discount. The most obvious answer is she likes time spent with you, and the way you treat her. Originally Posted by Old-T
it is a serious discount.. in Texas, at least, maybe in New York it is less substantial?

I know a couple of chicks who love Dr. Pepper. I bring a couple to each date. Originally Posted by Warptcuck
I wouldn't bring Dr. Pepper, I don't want those competing with Dr. Feelgood, LOL..

back to the discount. before everyone gets all sentimental, I would express initial caution. sure, you have had great visits before, but I have seen legions of tales on this website, where a trusted long-term Provider suddenly flipped.. became needy, performance went in the crapper. this is still pay-for-play, many of you forget that, and think of these ladies as pseudo-Girlfriends.. when they have you thinking that, you are in trouble.

the $150 discount has NOT happened, it is an offer.. how many bullshit offers have y'all received? many, if you have played this game for very long. it may be completely legitimate, but I need to post an alternate view, because this thread is tilting on the "this is so great, what a beautiful gesture" side. some of you post like you are brand new, and have never seen an ugly side to this hobby.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 07-02-2019, 08:06 AM
Any subculture that has as many people as this one will have the spectrum from very good people to very bad ones. As with all human endeavors one should be aware of that reality.

However, when a person emphasizes the "what can go wrong", and "what is his/her ulterior motive", it sometimes says more about themselves than anyone else.
Chung Tran's Avatar
when a person emphasizes the "what can go wrong", and "what is his/her ulterior motive", it sometimes says more about themselves than anyone else.[/COLOR][/I] Originally Posted by Old-T
I'm just a single alternative position, to the Kumbaya posts. I didn't say I expect doom, I said be on guard. as I said, there are legions of examples on this Board, where guys got burned by a previously trusted Provider. it says more about you, that my post disrupts your sentimental view. this is not a Forum of boyfriend/girlfriend, we are Johns and Hookers. some guys want to pretend otherwise, and invariably those are the easy marks.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 07-02-2019, 11:17 AM
Pangolier's Avatar
Appreciate all the feedback; I have some ideas now.
offshoredrilling's Avatar

She may never forget you, even if lost contact with ya
Pangolier's Avatar
She may never forget you, even if lost contact with ya Originally Posted by offshoredrilling

Hopefully I won't lose touch with her. But if I ever do some day, that hypothesis would be wishful thinking. Even if true, I'd have no basis for it. It would be a comforting thought, but I don't want to stray from reality. I still talk to some women who have long quit working, and with any luck this particular one won't be an exception. On that note, I don't think she's going to leave any time soon.

Truth be told I've lost contact with more people outside of this industry than within it. Well, of those I wished to remain in contact with anyhow.
Ripmany's Avatar
No just walmart behind the bushes