John Durham Closes Investigation And Finds

... Go-on with ya, mate...

Both Fox and NewsMax got the report links on their web-sites.
Why don't you go take a look.

Since you are almost a bludger-mate of mine, I'm trying
to help you save what's left of your credibility.

#### Salty
  • Tiny
  • 05-16-2023, 09:26 PM
John Durham Closes Investigation And Finds......that a PR executive with close ties to Bill and Hillary Clinton was the likeliest source of the claim that Trump paid prostitutes to urinate on a bed used by Barrack Obama

One of the great mysteries of the Steele Dossier potentially solved! By John Durham!

I haven't had time to read this yet, but figured it would be of interest to the Eccie Brain Trust.
MILFivore's Avatar
So how many are indicted now? Originally Posted by matchingmole

no indictments. no punishment. the hard part is at least they used to hide this. now they are blatently out in the open with their lies and jsut keep going as if no one called them out. like the 51 intel traitors whose lies helped swing an election

and teh rinos in congress will get paid by big pacs and donors to not do anything either. truth be told they are also in on the lies and deception. they just don't admit it. interestin to see how bribery works to buy 535 politicians.

i am beginnin to think that washinton is all a scripted show like wrestling