A Quickie About Agencies

Do some research and get some references, preferrally a women owned agency. I typically don't mess with them because I want to correspond and get to know the provider. Some guys set up shop by running an ad on 'CL adult services wanted' with great promises only after he has tried them all out. I'm surprised by the number of women who fall for this. So he takes your calls... get an answering service or extra phone number.
Do some research and get some references from a women owned agency or coop. I typically don't mess with them because I want to correspond and get to know the provider. Some guys set up shop by running an ad on 'CL adult services wanted' with great promises only after he has tried them all out. I'm surprised by the number of women who fall for this. So he takes your calls... get an answering service or extra phone number.
TO THE GUYS-What makes you use an agency over an indy girl? Is there an agency that you love? Or one that you consistentely have problems with? Same thing, you can always e-mail me if you don't want to publically post.
Firstly, if you request they email you then you really aren't honoring the intent of this board

Secondly, if you use an agency then you are putting yourself squarely in the cross-hairs of the LE. Think about it, an agency is a supposedly legitimate business that should be reporting taxable income for its fees for "time and companionship". None do and even worse is that most keep detailed records on every person that sees one of their employees. Phone number, *gasp and god forbid* a credit card #, email, dates, times, duration, ad nauseum...

Why would you see an agency when they and Al Capone both have one thing in common? ..... They spent lots of time in jail for tax evasion...

Think about it, when's the last time you heard of a independent that had decent screening and stayed under the LE radar posting about her black book getting out in the open here in Austin? Yet nationally agencies are getting busted for that very same thing....tax evasion.

I will never, ever use an agency simply because they are the biggest LE target in any community...

just my $0.02

AustinBusinessTraveler's Avatar
Do some research and get some references from a women owned agency or coop. I typically don't mess with them because I want to correspond and get to know the provider. Some guys set up shop by running an ad on 'CL adult services wanted' with great promises only after he has tried them all out. I'm surprised by the number of women who fall for this. So he takes your calls... get an answering service or extra phone number. Originally Posted by Seeker
Personally, I disagree with all of Seekers posts (well, at least the 4 identical ones). I wouldn't target a woman run agency, I would find an agency that you feel comfortable with. I've dealt with both male and female owned agencies... and I've seen good and bad in both. Find a company that truly is interested in your well being and is willing to work with you. Also, make sure they bring something to the table for you beyond answering the phones.

What is the screening process? What kind of incall do they have (after all, this will give you a good idea of who your clients will be)? etc, etc.

There are plenty of good companies in the world and plenty of shitty ones. You can find the good ones if you take your time. Oh, and if they have you "interview" or "try out" walk away.

I can vouch for Neko, I met her so long ago I don't want to admit it. She's a great gal herself, and her girls have always said very nice things about her. If you decide to check out a couple of agencies, give her a call!

And welcome to Austin!

First, welcome to Austin. It's a great town. Second, Wild Flowers isn't hiring at this time. We currently have 12 girls in "The Garden", and that's about enough. 4 of our girls came from other local agencies - they called me, I didn't recruit them. 2 are former indy girls who chose to join an agency for security and scheduling support. The rest are girls who were new to the biz and felt that Wild Flowers was the best place to start.

I started WF 6 months ago, and we've done very well. We've had our good and bad moments, but we're currently the biggest agency in Austin, so we must be doing something right.

Some people have criticized me for my "interview" policy. It's standard procedure at WF. EVERY girl I ever made an exception for turned out to be a BIG mistake. Every girl who has been interviewed is now a friend and knows I would put my life on the line, without hesitation, to protect them. We've never had a serious problem at WF, but if there ever was one, I would do whatever it took to get the girl out of danger. I think they appreciate that.

I've also never taken a day off, do everything I can to help the girls, from loaning my car and money, helping them move, baby-sitting their kids, mowing their lawns, to handling threats from ex-boyfriends and ex-pimps. If the phone rings when I'm in the shower, I'll jump out to answer it. TCB. I do my job with dedication, and I treat the girls with respect and affection. I think they appreciate that too. That's the secret to our success.

As for the PM's you have gotten about me, there is a group of ex-clients and wise guys from ASPD who have a BCD circle jerk and spend a lot of time trying to run me and WF down. Maybe that's why we have "only" 12 girls right now, and manage to keep them busy, in spite of the economy and ASPD'd demise.

I don't take shit from clients. Neither do our girls. If a client tries to sneak in bareback, pressure the girls to do things they don't want to, no-shows, asks for face pics, or acts like a general asshole, we won't be seeing them. Period. We've had to kick about half a dozen clown clients to the curb in the last 6 months, but it hasn't hurt our business at all. These guys are butt-hurt about it, and try to run us down. I just laugh at them. My first priority is ALWAYS the safety, privacy and comfort of the girls. Always. The girls call the shots at Wild Flowers, not me. I'm just an adviser and protector. Ask our girls!

And you can ask them about the interview, too. I'm a gentle and generous lover who gets pleasure from giving pleasure. Which pretty much sums up my character in general. I'm pretty good lookin' too, in a "Noble Savage" kind of way, even if I do say so myself.
Got a wicked sense of humor, too.

About agencies in general, I've posted an ad on CL many times titled
"How to Spot a Bogus Agency". The main points are as follows -
Ask what the hourly rate is, and what the agency fee is. Ask to see their websites and where they advertise. Ask to see THEIR ID. and above all, ASK HOW THEY SCREEN THEIR PROSPECTIVE CLIENTS, AND ASK TO TALK TO SEVERAL OF THE GIRLS WHO ARE CURRENTLY WORKING THERE.

Most, if not all, of the PM's you got are from bozos who don't know me, or what they are talking about in general. Don't take my word for it. Ask CK or TC, the old ASPD moderators. They actually KNOW me. And they know what they're talking about. Same with the Wild Flowers girls. You can ask them anything you want about me or WF, anytime. I got nothing to hide.
Whispers's Avatar
Don't take my word for it. Ask CK or TC, the old ASPD moderators. Originally Posted by AustinWildFlowers
I would be careful of some folks credentials....

Those folks are not Mods here.....

You might research the References given before considering them..... One hosted a party last month raided by the Houston PD (even though everyone is supposedly screened it was infiltrated by undercover vice) and the other appeared to plug the agency at every opportunity although he was supposed to be an impartial moderator.....

I would make a decision to not utilize an agency due to what I perceived as an uneven hand in how they were handled by the Austin Mod Staff on ASPD....

There were too many reviews and reports that did not hold up to a little investigating and too many stories of folks being pressured to modify reviews for my decision making process....

Get current references from local people to the community you are participating in....
I wonder who would know more about the local scene than the ASPD administrators and moderators, who ran the ASPD board for YEARS. Neither CK or TC has ever seen any of our girls, but they have met ME. Maybe they consider the girl's well-being to be the top priority, and maybe they respect the way I take care of that for Wild Flowers.

I NEVER take short-cuts on screening, don't post on ghetto venues like CL, and always put the girls first. Always. And I don't require the girls to see just any chump with a few hundred bucks and a Viagra 'script.

Both CK and TC were a major part of the "scene" for years. They know more about the clients, providers and agencies, and the "Hobby" in general, than anyone on this board. Especially some "expert" with 101 posts and 1 review. And I'm sure that if, and it's a big "if", Whispers had the gonads and dedication to sponsor an event on behalf of "the community", he'd have been able to spot a hot-looking female HPD UC easy. Riiiiiight...
Blaming CK for the Houston deal is like blaming the Hatians for the earthquake.
Shit happens. Nobody got busted, because nothing illegal occurred. CK saw to that.

"Reports and stories"... Let's hear 'em, Whispers. The Circle Jerk hides BCD swapping "shocking" rumors like gossiping old ladies at a Bingo parlor. If you've got a LEGIT criticism of me or WF, other than the fact that I don't brown-nose clowns, and call a punk, a punk. Let's hear it, Hero!

Guys who sit at home and write criticism about men who do things they would never have the guts or ability or generosity to do make me weary. There's a name for guys like that - "Ankle-Biters". Nibble away, Whispers.
Elephant's Avatar
don't post on ghetto venues like CL Originally Posted by AustinWildFlowers
So when did Backpage go upscale?
You're quite the nibbler, AE. Is that your picture next to your post?
That doesn't look like an ankle you're biting!
And when did you move up to BP from CC?
Whispers's Avatar
I wonder who would know more about the local scene than the ASPD administrators and moderators, who ran the ASPD board for YEARS. Originally Posted by AustinWildFlowers
I don't know either... Maybe guys that regularly spend their hard earned money on the ladies? See your Next Comment to understand why I make this one.

Neither CK or TC has ever seen any of our girls,
then they would have no first hand knowledge of the ladies and the experiences the ladies were delivering were delivering wouldn't ya say?.... They would only know what you tell them?

but they have met ME. Maybe they consider the girl's well-being to be the top priority, and maybe they respect the way I take care of that for Wild Flowers.
That is where we differ in opinion. I am more concerned with accurate information as well as the Hobbyist's well being which require accurate reviews without undue influence to be legit.... I considered the ASPD Austin forums to have been improperly influenced by the very people you feel are the "experts"....

Both CK and TC were a major part of the "scene" for years. They know more about the clients, providers and agencies, and the "Hobby" in general, than anyone on this board. Especially some "expert" with 101 posts and 1 review.
I don't see either of them with a Review Count or Post Count here on Eccie any better than mine...... On ASPD I had a few hundred reviews and enough of a Post Count over the years to be considered legit.... But hey.... That's old news....

As to your screening clients..... As I recall you used my post count as well as review count to blanketly approve me when we talked last year..... After networking with other's and discussing events that never made it to the board or were wiped from the board I went a different direction.... Sadly as you did have a few ladies of interest.....

And I'm sure that if, and it's a big "if", Whispers had the gonads and dedication to sponsor an event on behalf of "the community", he'd have been able to spot a hot-looking female HPD UC easy. Riiiiiight...
Shows how much you know... I've sponsored several GC Luncheons over the last couple of years that were attended by many and enjoyed in a safe manner by all.... Many felt they were stopped because they were perceived as competing for the Social Crowd although they were totally different events for different purposes..... The Luncheons I ran never had an issue and the person that deemed them "unsafe" was the one in charge of the party raided where some members were arrested.

Seems a bit unreal huh?

Blaming CK for the Houston deal is like blaming the Hatians for the earthquake.
Shit happens. Nobody got busted, because nothing illegal occurred. CK saw to that.
You ought to take some time to read instead of thump your chest...... because there were several arrests made because some guys and gals were stupid enough to break the rules..... Then again... Thump away if that's what you want....

But the whole system was put together and people led to believe they were safe because of all the vouching that went on... too much trust was put into too large a mix of people....

People got complacent....

Someone is certainly to blame.... If not the one doing the Vouch Checks then who?

"Reports and stories"... Let's hear 'em, Whispers. The Circle Jerk hides BCD swapping "shocking" rumors like gossiping old ladies at a Bingo parlor. If you've got a LEGIT criticism of me or WF, other than the fact that I don't brown-nose clowns, and call a punk, a punk. Let's hear it, Hero!

Guys who sit at home and write criticism about men who do things they would never have the guts or ability or generosity to do make me weary. There's a name for guys like that - "Ankle-Biters". Nibble away, Whispers.
My original comments were not at you... They were questioning the credibility of those you were hanging your laurels on... Advice to a new member of the community to look a little deeper before she makes a decision...... That was all....

Did I strike a nerve?

PeAcH's Avatar
  • PeAcH
  • 01-21-2010, 08:38 PM
This thread looks like it's going to turn into a pissing contest.. :P

Best of luck to you Maggie, it's a fun strange world we are in.
Always go with your gut instinct. It'll usually point you in the right direction.

Elephant's Avatar
You're quite the nibbler, AE. Is that your picture next to your post? Originally Posted by AustinWildFlowers
Nope, Just my preferred type of cock sucker.. If you would upgrade your talent, that could be one of your girlz!

And when did you move up to BP from CC? Originally Posted by AustinWildFlowers
lol... good one!
sixxbach's Avatar
lol Elephant,great one!!
guest031812's Avatar
AGENCIES-Are you worth leaving indlyland for? Why? How selective are you? What parts of town do you cater to, or more importantly, where will you NOT cater to? How do you run business-from the first time I talk with you until I'm finished with an appointment? (and are you looking for a goofy blonde from South Florida? HA HA KIDDING!!!)
Thanks SO much for your help, everyone!!
Originally Posted by MaggieSinead
Come on guys, Stick to the topic here, You know the drill..

Worth leaving IndyLAND? Whoever said you had too? Some girls I work with are INDY and work with me.. They will work with me in Austin and travel to other cities independent.

As far as being selective, My all Female Agency has been in Austin for over 2 years and I have a great client base built up so its easier to be selective if you have any special preferences towards clients you would like to see. Every person who gets through must have two verifiable provider references & If they don't they don't get through.. Just to risky now days..

The parts of town I cater to depends on if you offer In calls or not.. Here at NG our rates are 240/HR with a 40/hr cut. So you must provide your own In call or only do out calls. Centralized In calls are WAY too risky. To much traffic going in and out.. Also you asked "Where do we not cater to" & The answer would be clients that live in WILCO. Avoid at all cost unless they have over 4 well reviewed and well vouched provider references..

How do you run business??
Can't give away all my secrets I may not have 10+ girls but its quality over quantity and I've been around ASPD & the hobby long enough to know what these guys like..

As far as the goofy blond ,, OF COURSE Good luck to you Maggie!!

oxoxo Krissy