Any gals with a pot belly fetish? Small penis fetish?

and farts while you are doing bbbj.
LMAO, Carl did you watch the Tyra show the other day??? They had a show about these hot chicks that have pot belly fetishes!

I think a pot belly/beer gut are kinda sexy too! Don't get wrong I like my 6 pack guys too
mission improbable
aint it something special


onehitwonder's Avatar
Whoa, now, big fella. I don't get pms anymore since my doctor started me on Yaz! Now my manpussy never hurtz anymore and I always feel clean and fresh. You should try it! Ask your veterinarian about a prescription the next time you take the goats in for their regularly scheduled STD check-up, you old bareback rodeo clown. Originally Posted by Carl

OMG! Carl? Is that really you? I don't believe I've ever heard you speak that way before.

Topic. My youngest daughter likes big boys. Thick around the middle. Has a major crush on Seth Rougen(sp?) The kid from Knocked Up and Pinnapple Express..........
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 08-13-2010, 09:34 AM
Big Jake brings out the animal in me.
Beagle's Avatar
My friend has a much smaller penis and bigger pot belly than his friend. AND ear and nose hair. The total package. Originally Posted by Ray McKigney1
Whoa, were you guys in some gay orgy or did you all just decide to meet one day, pull each of your own out and then compare sizes?
onehitwonder's Avatar
Big Jake brings out the animal in me. Originally Posted by Carl

Well alright Big Jake!!
I am good.
onehitwonder's Avatar
I am good. Originally Posted by Big Jake

And modest too! Well are'nt you the complete package
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
Whoa, were you guys in some gay orgy or did you all just decide to meet one day, pull each of your own out and then compare sizes? Originally Posted by beaglebeagle

Im sure they were just doing what I would do if I had a penis I would whip it out to play sword fight and see what I can knock of tables with it
luvmachine.jones88's Avatar
Mz. Peach has an awesome clit!!!!
guest031812's Avatar
Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes.. this thread reminds me of a funny story I read..

On the first day of September, Nicole was summoned to the office of her family lawyer. The slim beauty appeared to be quite annoyed about the inconvenience. Eddie Fredericks, a smarmy but well-intentioned lawyer, beckoned her into his opulent office and showed her a chair.

"I'd like to thank you for coming here today," said Eddie.

Nicole sat down. "I don't understand what I'm doing here, Mr. Fredericks. Why do we have to talk about my trust fund?"

"Yes, Nicole." He took a seat behind the desk and pulled out a file folder. "As you know, your parents were worth a substantial sum before the accident...."

"One million dollars," Nicole said, pursing her lips.

"Indeed. We both know that you were not on good terms with your parents at the time of the accident."

"My parents were disgusting blubberbutts. They were a horrible embarrassment to me, and I'm surprised that they didn't keel over from heart failure before the car accident."

Eddie grew tense. "Your parents were good people, Nicole. I'd prefer that you take a different tone. I know your attitude regarding your parents' size..."

"It might have been okay if they were just fat, Mr. Fredericks. But they kept getting fatter every year. You should see the pictures in our family album--my mom was a cheerleader in high school and my dad was a state track star. After they got married, both of them started to gain weight. It's no surprise. They prepared the most fattening foods at every meal and ate huge portions. You can't imagine how hard it was for me stay skinny in that house."

"Well," said Eddie, "this may come as a shock, but your parents took all of this into account when they set up the trust fund."

Nicole wrinkled her forehead. "How's that?"

"At the time that they amended the papers, you weighed one hundred and ten pounds. Are you still at that weight?"

"Yes. But I can't see how that is relevant," Nicole said, getting angry.

"Oh, it's relevant," said Eddie. "I have a notarized document here stating that you will not inherit any money on the first of the year unless you weigh more than one-ten."

"More? How much more?" she asked, her mouth gaping.

"According to the papers, you will inherit one percent of the fund for every pound you have gained over one-ten. In order to be eligible for the total inheritance, you must gain one hundred pounds by the beginning of your twenty-first year. That will be on January first."

"I have to gain a hundred pounds in the next three months to be eligible for my inheritance? That's insane!"

"That may be true," said Eddie, "but it's legally sound. Your parents did not want you to spend their money unless, and I quote, 'Nicole understands the joy that comes from indulging yourself.'"

"Why are you telling me this now?" Nicole asked.

"Fair warning," he said. "I'll see you in three months."

* * *

"I can't believe it!" Nicole screamed. She was fuming as Steve, her tall, athletic boyfriend sat at the kitchen table with a soda. "I have been killing myself to stay thin my whole life, and now I have to throw it all away to get money that is rightfully mine!"

"Calm down," said Steve. "It doesn't sound that bad to me. Eat some good food, make a million bucks...." She glared at him. "Well, it's not like they want you to saw off your left leg. After you gain the weight, you can go on a diet and get skinny again."

"Shut up," she said. "You're not the one who has to get fat."

"But I'm in love with you," he said, "and I'll do whatever it takes to help."

Nicole went into the kitchen and looked in her cupboards. She started tapping her toe. "The first thing we need to do is go shopping. Everything I have here is too healthy."

Steve stood up and grabbed his jacket. "What are we buying?" he asked.

She thought about it. "Pasta. Cheese. Whole milk. Chocolate. Oh...and anything that's been fried. That's what they used to eat."

Steve smiled. "I think you'll look cute with some flesh on your bones." He reached down and stroked her firm, flat bottom.

Nicole reached for his groin. "If you want flesh, you'll get flesh."

Steve dropped his jacket on the way to the bedroom, and within moments, Steve and Nicole were going at it like rabbits. He lay on the bed, flat on his back, while she sat facing him, bouncing up and down on his rigid member. Sweat dripped down his face as he grunted and stared at his gorgeous, slender girlfriend. She glistened with sweat too, lost in the throes of an orgasm as he thrusted again and again.

He looked closely at her pert, small breasts jiggling violently as they slammed crotches together, and noticed the outline of her ribs poking under her skin. He closed his eyes and started thrusting in furious rhythm. She responded with yelping gasps. When he climaxed, she screamed in pleasure and collapsed onto his chest.

"You're wonderful," she said, smiling.

"Thank you," he said, and put his arms around her.

"But we're burning too many calories. We can't do this again until I've gained a hundred pounds."

* * *

A week later, Steve came into the bathroom to see her standing on the scale. "How are we doing?" he asked.

"Not good," she pouted. "I'm up to one-thirteen."

He looked over his shoulder at the numbers on the scale. "Don't blame me. I've been taking cold showers all week."

She did the calculations in her head. "I have twelve weeks, so I need to put on about ten pounds a week. Is that possible?"

"Anything is possible. Maybe you need to eat more."

"I've been eating huge meals, Steve. On my way to work this morning I stopped for six Egg McMuffins. I went to a buffet place for lunch and had four plates of spaghetti. And I munch on candy bars all day at work. Yesterday I had twelve Milky Way bars."

Steve thought about it. "How about this--quit your job, stock the cupboards and sit around eating all day. In a few months you'll be wealthy, so what's the point of going to work? And maybe you could be more committed to this goal. What do weightlifters eat when they have to put on weight in a hurry?"

"I don't know," she said.

"Find out," he said, "and you'll be on your way."

* * *

"You're jiggling!" Steve said, laughing with amusement.

"What?" Nicole was on her way to the kitchen, wearing nothing but a pair of panties and a loose t-shirt. A few days had passed, and she had been eating constantly. Her final paycheck was sitting on the coffee table, but she had been too busy scarfing food to cash it. The sink was packed with dirty bowls that had once held rich, fatty ice cream. Chinese food containers and pizza boxes filled the trashcan. "What did you say?" she asked.

"Your butt is jiggling!" he said, pointing from the couch. She reached around to her bottom and held each cheek with one hand. She felt them experimentally as she walked.

"How about that," she said. She went back into the bedroom to look at herself in the mirror. She pulled up her shirt and puffed out her belly, then called Steve in after her. "My tummy is getting round, too," she announced.

He stared admiringly at Nicole's belly. It wasn't much, just a plump little bulge above her panties, but enough to see that the plan was working. "That bulking powder is doing the trick, isn't it? Who'd have thought that the health food store would be the place to go for fattening food?"

"It's starting to work!" she said. "I think I'm ready for another fat shake."

Tenderly, he rubbed her softening belly. "And then I'll make a big lasagne for both of us. You can eat and eat until you're ready to burst."

Her eyes flashed hungrily as she rubbed her tummy. "Suddenly, I'm starving."

* * *

Nicole heaved herself off the couch and went back to the refrigerator. She took out a chocolate cream pie and put a fork into it. This was her second pie of the afternoon, and her hunger had not yet been sated. It seemed that the appetite she had been suppressing for so much of her life had emerged with a vengeance. Eating had now become her default activity. A few days ago, at Halloween, she had finished off four pounds of chocolates without even noticing.

Barely stopping to take a breath, she gobbled down bite after bite and washed it down with drinks of strawberry fat shakes. A spot on her tubby midsection started to itch and she reached down to scratch it. Not so long ago, the t-shirt she wore had been loose. The material was now stretched tight around her bulging gut, revealing a few inches of flab and her deepening belly button. As she scratched, she was shocked at the saggy softness that had cocooned her abdomen over the last four weeks.

She quickly finished the pie, burped loudly, and went into the bedroom to inspect her body. The mirror showed the changes quite clearly. Her belly continued to get rounder, as did her backside. Her hips and thighs had gotten plumper, too. She looked carefully at her silhouette and was shocked to see that her gut now stuck out further than her breasts, rolling a few inches over the waistband of her sweatpants. Her bottom continued to jut out further and further behind her.

She lifted up her shirt and looked closely at her breasts. "Why aren't they getting bigger too?" she wondered. The B-cup brassiere she had been wearing for years still fit nicely, even though she had gained thirty pounds. Her arms, neck, and face had not gotten any fatter. Every ounce seemed to settle below her waist.

* * *

Two weeks later, Nicole stepped out of the shower and Steve took a moment to watch her towel off. "Look at you!" Steve giggled. "I swear to God, you look like a pregnant lady."

"That's not true," said Nicole, but she knew it was a fair observation. Her belly continued to swell at a greater rate than the rest of her body. The globular paunch had ballooned so far that she could no longer see the numbers on the scale, and had increasing difficulty when she leaned over to pick something up. Her hips had gotten much wider, and her thighs were quite chunky and flabby. She rubbed her belly. "I don't look pregnant. I just look fat."

"Fat and lovely," he said, and came across the room to give her a hug. He squeezed into her plump body and reached down to feel her bottom. He took a big handful of each cheek and kissed her. "So this is what fifty pounds feels like."

Nicole pulled one of his hands around to feel her tummy. "Don't forget my monster pot belly," she said.

He slid down to his knees and tenderly kissed her swelling bulge. "What you have here is a pot belly of gold. Did you ever think it could be so easy to make a half-million dollars? Another fifty pounds and you've hit the jackpot!"

"I don't know if I can do it," Nicole said. "Can I fit another fifty pounds on my body, Steve?"

"Sure you can," he said, giving her a few more kisses. "How much did your mother weigh?"

"About three hundred," she said. "But she was a few inches taller than me. And she got fat all over. I can't seem to gain weight above my waist."

"You've gained a little bit," Steve said. He slid up to Nicole's modest bosom and kissed each nipple lovingly. "These guys seem fuller, don't they?"

"I can still fit into my old bras," Nicole said.

Steve wasn't listening anymore. He made a trail of kisses from Nicole's breasts up to her neck, and then to her lips. She started breathing harder and harder as he reached around to her butt bulges and gave a sensual squeeze.

"What do you say," Steve whispered, "about burning a few calories?"

* * *

Nicole waddled into the department store on the day before Thanksgiving, feeling conspicuous and disgusting. The sweat suit she wore was skintight over her rotund belly and massive ass. Steve had bought it for her a month earlier and she had hoped it would see her through this whole ordeal, but it was clear that one hundred pounds was more than she could have imagined when this all started. Here she was at one hundred and eighty pounds, with thirty pounds left to gain, and she had no clothes left to fit on her ballooning body.

Normally she would have sent Steve to perform an errand like this, but she needed to buy underwear as well as clothes. She had stopped fitting into her panties long ago, and her breasts had finally grown too fat for her old bras. While she loved him dearly, she didn't trust him in the lingerie department.

With great effort, Nicole plodded past a row of mirrors. She saw that her sweatshirt had ridden up and exposed a few inches of rippling blubber. She reached down to cover herself up and could not believe how far out she had to stretch her arms to get to the bottom of her belly. Insurance companies considered a woman of her height and weight to be officially obese, which frightened her a bit.

She stopped to examine herself in the wall mirrors. How comical she looked, with a delicate face that had softened only slightly and healthy breasts that wouldn't sag even though they had gotten plumper, all attached to a lower body that exploded into voluptuous bulges. Her hips were twice as wide as they had been at her low weight, while her thighs looked like tree trunks. And that pot belly of gold? Well, it had only grown rounder. She lifted it up with both hands and let it drop heavily.

"Nicole? Is that you?" A voice came from behind her, and she swung her respectable bulk around. Nicole covered her mouth in shock as she recognized her old friend Sandy from high school. "I thought it was you!" said Sandy, her eyes as big as saucers.

Nicole's face turned bright red. "Oh...hello..." She self-consciously put her hands over her stomach in a vain attempt to conceal her voluminous gut.

"I didn't know you were pregnant," said Sandy, poking Nicole in the belly. "Look at you! How many months do you have left?"

"Just a few weeks...." said Nicole. She felt her sweatshirt ride up again, and pulled it down.

"You need to get some better maternity tops, mommy. I have some time to burn--do you want some help?" Sandy flashed a big, sincere smile.

Nicole was speechless. Sandy took her to the maternity department and picked out some cute tops that would fit over Nicole's globe-like belly and giggled the whole time. Nicole decided to pretend that she was pregnant so she wouldn1t have to explain her situation to Sandy.

While they talked about baby names, Nicole noticed her skinny friend rubbing her flat abs and hitching her tiny-waisted jeans up over her slender hips. Sandy was feeling up her own body while staring at Nicole's blimped form.

"Is it weird to get so big after being tiny your whole life?" she asked.

"It takes some getting used to," Nicole said, looking at the plus-size stretch pants. She held one up to her waist.

Sandy cackled. "I don't think that will cover your butt, big mama!"

Nicole blushed. More than anything, she had gotten self-conscious about her bloated rear end.

"So," Sandy said, "I bet your husband can't wait for you to have the baby and get your old body back."

Nicole hesitated. She and Steve hadn't started talking about her losing the weight. He seemed to enjoy watching her get bigger as the weeks went by. He had been cooking big fattening meals for her and often went in late to work so he could spend more time cuddling. He watched her lustfully when she got undressed every night for bed. She had never thought about it before, but...did Steve find her more attractive as a jumbo butterball?

"He doesn't mind so much..."

Sandy had to go a few minutes later, and she made a big fuss about Nicole's size when she leaned in for a hug. "I can barely get my arms around you!" she cackled. "That's one healthy baby."

Nicole's whole soft body had started to tingle. She waddled over to the lingerie department and picked out the sexiest XXXL panties she could find. Then she found a matching brassiere one cup size larger so she could look her best for Steve tonight. Maybe he would want to burn off some more calories...?

* * *

"Is that you, Steve?" Nicole called from the easy chair in the living room.

"Of course," he said. "Is something wrong?" Nicole was silent as he came through the house, past the Christmas tree, into the living room. "What's wrong, sweetie?"

"I can't get up," she whispered. She looked mortified. "Will you help me?" Nicole's belly rolled out from under her chocolate-stained t-shirt and covered her lap completely. Her jumbo-sized hips were crammed between the arms of the easy chair.

Steve smiled widely and reached out his hand. She flailed her hands in front of her, and he noticed for the first time that her upper arms had gotten rounder and flabbier. They clasped hands, and he leaned back hard to support himself as he pulled Nicole to her feet. She almost lost her balance, still unaccustomed to her gut-heavy bulk. Meanwhile, her volleyball-sized butt cheeks flapped behind her.

Nicole burst into tears. "I can't believe what I've done to myself!" she bawled. "I've become an obese blob, just like my parents! I can't even get out of a chair under my own power."

Steve stepped in and put his arms around her. "So we'll get another chair."

"How can you say that? I'm a huge bloated cow. I weigh almost two hundred pounds. Do you want the money that badly?"

"Money? What money?"

Nicole looked deeply into Steve's eyes. He sincerely looked confused. "That's why I'm getting fat, dummy. Remember my inheritance?"

Steve suddenly had a glimmer of recognition. "That's right..."

Nicole was now confused. "How could you forget that? How could you...?" Wiping away the tears, she stopped to think about it. " like me getting fat, don't you?"

"What?" Steve looked like he had been caught in the headlights. "I love you, Nicole, and I don't care what..."

She started laughing, and her gigantic paunch wiggled in response. "You like me getting fat so much that you forgot about the million bucks! That's so sweet..." She reached out for his hands and wrapped them around her waist. "Kiss me, you pervert."

Steve tried to make his hands meet behind Nicole's back, and failed miserably. His dick hardened instantly, and Nicole could feel the bulge against the vast expanse of her pot belly.

"If you wanted a fat girlfriend, you got her," said Nicole, and they fell into a passionate kiss. Could the bedroom be far behind?

* * *

Eddie checked his appointment book and shook his head. Nicole was due to arrive at any minute, and he was not looking forward to her visit. She had always been a petty, vain girl and his experience with her three months prior had not changed Eddie's impression. He had always adored her parents, and could not understand how she could hold them in such contempt for being heavy.

He expected that she would arrive at the office ready for battle, perhaps with a private legal staff to fight the amendment. If not that, she would almost certainly scream and pout unless she got her way. Eddie sighed.

The receptionist rang into the office and announced that Nicole and Steve had arrived. With slight hesitation, Eddie went to the door to greet his clients. He opened the door and looked across the lobby to see if the waifish girl had brought an entourage of lawyers. He couldn't believe what he saw.

At first, he could only see the back of Nicole's head. She looked the same as always--maybe her hair had grown a few inches, but that was all. She turned her head to see Eddie, and he could see that her face had rounded out slightly. Had she actually put on some weight?

Seeing Eddie's interest, Nicole smiled broadly and moved to get up. When she had trouble doing so, Eddie realized that something big had happened. Steve stood up and reached out both hands to Nicole. They clasped hands tightly and Steve pulled back hard as Nicole struggled to her feet. Her whole body came into view and Eddie felt his jaw drop.

The petite scarecrow who had been in his office three months earlier had disappeared under massive layers of blubber. Nicole could barely keep her balance without Steve's assistance, as the violent swaying of her hips and bottom threatened to overwhelm her. Eddie watched his young client waddle across the floor, gawking at her choice of apparel. Nicole's tight black stretch pants and pink tank-top did nothing to disguise her impossible weight gain, but rather emphasized the basketball-sized globes which decorated her rear end and the monumental growth of her belly.

The gigantic paunch started just under Nicole's breasts and ballooned in a great arc in front of her. Nicole's belly button entered Eddie's office almost a foot before she did, and then she encountered difficulty in maneuvering her blubbery hips through the doorway. She giggled at Steve and then gave Eddie a sunny smile. "Good morning," she said, perky as she could be.

"W-would you like to t-take a seat?" asked Eddie. His eyes were fixated on Nicole's improbably plump body.

"That's okay," laughed Nicole. "I have trouble getting out of chairs these days." She slapped her belly and caused a fleshy tidal wave. Steve stepped behind her and put his hands around her waist--that is, what would have been her waist if she still had one. He put his chin on the top of Nicole's head and tenderly rubbed the sides of her stomach. "Can we just do the weigh-in and be on our way? We have reservations for lunch."

"Certainly," said Eddie, gathering his composure. He gestured to a doctor's scale that stood at the side of the room. "This scale was calibrated by an engineer this morning, so it should be...."

Nicole's eyes flashed when she saw the scale. She heaved her bulk across the room as quickly as she was able and stepped on the scale. Steve watched proudly from Eddie's desk. Nicole pushed the measures into place. "One hundred....two hundred...two-ten...two-twenty...two-twenty-one...two-twenty-two! We did it, honey!"

As Steve rushed over to congratulate his gigantic girlfriend, Eddie stepped up to the scale and checked the weights. Yes, indeed, she had gained a hundred pounds--with twelve pounds to spare. The two lovers kissed deeply, and Eddie could not help but notice Steve's hand trailing along Nicole's pot belly. Eddie cleared his throat and stepped back over to his desk.

"Well," he said. "Everything seems to be in order. I'll have these papers completed, and the money will be transferred to your bank account by the end of the day."

"Wonderful," said Nicole, still gazing into Steve's eyes.

"So your parents got what they wanted," Eddie said, "you learned how to indulge yourself."

"Yes," Nicole smiled, rubbing her belly with pride, "and I learned how indulging your desires can lead to unimaginable pleasures." While Eddie raised his eyebrows, Nicole reached down to rub Steve's crotch. He started blushing immediately, and then Nicole continued: "We have to be going, Mr. Fredericks. There's an Italian buffet downtown with my name on it."

While Eddie shook his head in amazement, the girl with the pot belly of gold waddled out of his office.
Beagle's Avatar
Im sure they were just doing what I would do if I had a penis I would whip it out to play sword fight and see what I can knock of tables with it Originally Posted by VictoriaLyn

Maybe I'll try that

after getting a penis insurance

and a potential penis donor lined up.
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 08-13-2010, 08:55 PM
That story was soooo HAWT!
luvmachine.jones88's Avatar
That was a cool story