If you were 20...and could do it all over again

TemptationTammie's Avatar
At 20, I was dating and then happily married. That is a time that I wouldn't change.

But what I would change is school. I would have looked into going to college.
Victoria Columbari's Avatar
Each path i have taken whether good or bad has led me to where I am now. Although my life can be stressful at times, I am very thankful for what I do have. That doesn't mean I don't regret some things, but I wouldn't want to end up in a different place then I am now. I'm pretty happy. So no, I wouldn't change one thing.
Mike Vronsky's Avatar
fun2come's Avatar
I would have started the Hobby earlier ...
Mike Vronsky's Avatar
endurance's Avatar
I would have started a band. I'd like to say I'd go crazy and do all kinds of things that would be worthy of a extreme sports reality show - but it's not really in my nature.

It is nice though, besides life experiences to look back and see an accumulated body of work that you're proud of...
Little Monster's Avatar
I would have stayed out of trouble with the law. Some of the stupid shit I did back then still haunts me to this day.
While watching an opera, at the Met, recently, which was amazing btw, I heard the words of my former operatic voice teacher tell me, "You have a voice that is found 1 out of 10,000 voices...but, you don't practice!"

Nawwww, I was a Berkeley/SF punk rocker - my ticket to music fame was...well, being in a punk band.

In hindsight my 'do-overs' would be:

1: seriously study the opera/voice lessons *sob*

2: learn to play more than the chords to 'Country Roads' on the d*mn guitar

3: study past my third grade piano recital - worth the $ to know how to play the Christmas carols at a party, right?

4:I would have picked out less 'sensible' BEIGE accessories * boringgggg*

5: wouldn't still be planning my first trip to Paris

Wisdom and hindsight tells me that everything I /we would change means sacrificing something else of value that wouldn't have happened otherwise. Do you think?

Grateful for it all

Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 11-26-2015, 06:06 AM
Mike Vronsky's Avatar
Over and over!
Whispers's Avatar
Originally Posted by Toyz
How many times have you used this image TOyz without so much as a comment? May meet the definition of spam......
VLombardi's Avatar
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 11-26-2015, 10:17 PM
How many times have you used this image TOyz without so much as a comment? May meet the definition of spam...... Originally Posted by Whispers
Then use your magic MOD wand and make it disappear...

You know, for someone who complains so much when someone quotes the rules, you sure seem to point the finger at every opportunity.

Just get out there & have some fun and quit trying to manipulate everything into a perceived advantage. Its a fuck board for fucks sake...
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 11-26-2015, 10:22 PM
I would have started a band. I'd like to say I'd go crazy and do all kinds of things that would be worthy of a extreme sports reality show - but it's not really in my nature.

It is nice though, besides life experiences to look back and see an accumulated body of work that you're proud of... Originally Posted by endurance
I like that!

When you think about it, musical trends haven't always been as much about talent as they have been about catching on. I mean rap for instance...at it roots its just late 50 era poetry meetings..

Buddy Holly...progressive country...mostly just quirky stuff that caught an audience.

What would you have named your band if it had happened?

(((that's an interesting subject in and of itself..although not neccesarily hobby related...the names of bands, how they evolved, some of the thought-or lack thereof-some bands put into their names))).
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
Toyz, that is an interesting subject and can be hobby related as sex, drugs, and rock and roll is and was a very big part of the social generations of our time.

Picking a band name is not easy, in the beginning there were not to many bands so names were not as difficult to pic. Now days you have to do a search and make sure it is free. Some of the interesting names that at first were thought of as weird " Imagine Dragons" was one but now it is a cool name. Most singer song writers just name the band or music after them selves. But thoes are mostly artists and not bands.

Name history is interesting and could be a fun sand box thread!