You work out five days a week I Hobby five days a week! And who cares? I'll help you... no one!
Yes that big ass desperate sig line sure is something else. That's why you post in Coed looking for advise you can get with a google search. You want to make sure everyone see's that AD / SIG line. We get it. The AD guidelines aren't good enough for you? Will you be doing doubles with that other desperate hooker Renee? And how in the hell do you know what my brother Treetop can afford? He goes to AMPS 6 days a week so he beats both of us!
And last but not least... "your" ThreAD? What makes you thinck in COED that you own anything? You started it to draw attention to yourself. Guess what your getting that attention you wanted. Would you like me to review your show case pics? Be happy to help out?
Since when is Sushi not meat? Geeeez
Originally Posted by Still Looking
Aww did I hurt your lil boyfriend Treetops feelings?
So you had to come to defend him huh?
Who cares about me working out 5 days a week? Obviously YOU do! Since you wrote 3 whole (badly written) paragraphs about it.
I'll give you a hint though: Stop snitching on your lil snitch ass friend. He either
goes to AMP's 6 days a week, or he
never goes and thinks their evil.
Which one is it? Save that answer though, cause IDGAF.