Thank you SCOTUS

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  • WTF
  • 05-03-2022, 04:07 PM
What gets me is Abortion should not be a religious beliefs issue.

It should be a Human issue.

The only way the Abortion Industry survives is through ignorance. Amazing as it seems in the year 2022, there are still people that believe a growing fetus inside a woman’s womb is just a clump of tissue that at 9 months suddenly turns in to a human being.

That is why the Abortionist fight tooth and nail to “council” women that there is no need for them to understand anything about mammalian reproduction, she doesn’t have see any x rays, ultrasounds, or what ever to see what is actually in there. Just remove it and live in ignorance.

Another amazing thing is that in the year 2022, with all of the various birth control es available FOR FREE, a woman and a man find themselves facing an unwanted child.

I say man because some irresponsible shit head stuck his dick in her. Originally Posted by Jackie S
It is not binary Jackie.

The majority of Americans are ok with abortion before 20 weeks.

I'm not sure where you come up with this "Abortion is ok right up until birth.. "

That is some extreme view help by almost nobody
bambino's Avatar
Look up Margaret Sangers views on race and eugenics.
Liberals actually hate blacks which is why they support policies that are destructive to black families and neighborhoods.
How many black owned businesses were burned on Jan. 6th ? Originally Posted by JohnnyGleet
Which illustrates how stupid 1B1 is!!!!!!
texassapper's Avatar
It is not binary Jackie.

The majority of Americans are ok with abortion before 20 weeks.

I'm not sure where you come up with this "Abortion is ok right up until birth.. "

That is some extreme view help by almost nobody Originally Posted by WTF
From Democrats.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Assholes gonna asshole.

I don’t understand why this malicious attack on the rights of half the population is a cause for celebration for you dipshits.
texassapper's Avatar
Assholes gonna asshole.

I don’t understand why this malicious attack on the rights of half the population is a cause for celebration for you dipshits. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
because it’s not an attack on the rights of 50% of the population. It prevents 50% of the population from killing their children who also happen to have rights.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
because it’s not an attack on the rights of 50% of the population. It prevents 50% of the population from killing their children who also happen to have rights. Originally Posted by texassapper

If you think a fetus is a person with rights, you have bigger problems than being happy to subjugate women.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-03-2022, 04:43 PM
because it’s not an attack on the rights of 50% of the population. It prevents 50% of the population from killing their children who also happen to have rights. Originally Posted by texassapper
A fetus is not a fucking child just like an egg is not a chicken.

How many times I gotta explain that?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-03-2022, 04:45 PM
because it’s not an attack on the rights of 50% of the population. It prevents 50% of the population from killing their children who also happen to have rights. Originally Posted by texassapper
These Holy rollers do not even believe in a livable wage so parents can afford to feed these unwanted kiddos!

I wish the fuc they'd slap a 5k a year tax on all pro lifers to pay for their so called beliefs! Be a whole lot less of those mofo's
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...That is some extreme view help by almost nobody Originally Posted by WTF
Oh baby, I'm only gonna put the tip in. BS
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Assholes gonna asshole... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
As evidenced by yourself. But guess what?

texassapper's Avatar
If you think a fetus is a person with rights, you have bigger problems than being happy to subjugate women. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Oh I love it... It's SUBJUGATION to expect a grown adult who is allowed to vote, sign contracts, serve in many combat arms branches somehow cannot be expected to bear the consequences of their reproductive behaviour.

And yes, obviously if I believe that a fetus, even a fertilized egg, is a human, I believe they deserve the same expectations to life that any innocent person deserves.

My daughter was born at 36 weeks... she lives and thrives. By your logic, it would be perfectly acceptable to drug, dismember, and sell the body parts for research in the same manner as Planned Parenthood does, of another baby who has not yet passed through the birth canal.

Passing through the Vagina does not convey life and self awareness. Therefor the ONLY logical conclusion is that life as a human being begins when the sperm and the egg combine and divide (24 hours) or perhaps when the cells attach to the Uterus (3-4 days).

I don't care if it's three cells, 2 months old, in the birth canal, or on your lap. It's a life. A Human Life. And if we honor anything even remotely human, we as a species should be disgusted that we care so little for our progeny that we would kill them in utero.

It's evil. It's butchery, and it's evil.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
A fetus is not a fucking child just like an egg is not a chicken.
How many times I gotta explain that? Originally Posted by WTF
Until your chickens come home to roost.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
because it’s not an attack on the rights of 50% of the population. It prevents 50% of the population from killing their children who also happen to have rights. Originally Posted by texassapper

You gonna adopt the unwanted children you prayed so hard to protect?

Nah. I’m certain you haven’t done anything for anybody in your life.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

You gonna adopt the unwanted children you prayed so hard to protect?

Nah. I’m certain you haven’t done anything for anybody in your life. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

how many illegal immigrant children have you taken in? yeah .. thought so.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar not even believe in a livable wage so parents can afford to feed these unwanted kiddos!.. Originally Posted by WTF
Want a livable wage - get an education that facilities it Comrade instead of an indoctrination that says somebody else owes you a livable wage or anything else for that matter. Go earn it.

If ya don't want them - follow the frick'n science and biology. Yes, even if you're not a biologist. If your dunce level indoctrination didn't teach you those things, adopt it out. Chalk it up as a life lesson.