More Mike Flynn...How will IB spin it?

bambino's Avatar
Coup talk... Originally Posted by WTF
I think you’re infatuated with a certain part of my anatomy. How many years is it now? Back to your topic before you got off track. This is just some generals trying to make a buck.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
We can't trust either...that is why we need inspections.

You're kinda slow aren't you.

In October, Republican Senators Marco Rubio, Todd Young, Cory Gardner, Rand Paul, and Dean Heller sent a letter to Trump urging him to "suspend talks related to a potential civil nuclear cooperation agreement between the United States and Saudi Arabia" due to "serious concerns about the transparency, accountability, and judgment of current decisionmakers in Saudi Arabia."
They said they were concerned that "the Saudi Government has refused, for many years, to consider any agreement that includes so-called 'Gold Standard' requirements against pursuing technologies to enrich uranium and reprocess plutonium-laden spent nuclear fuel." Originally Posted by WTF
Oh MY!!!!

they "raised a concern!"

did they wipe after they went too?

haven't you posted you were in favor of Obama's Iran deal? if they can't be trusted, why support it?

tell me .. are the Iranians fully cooperating? most reports say Iran is "mostly complying" ...

wait for it .... WTF does "mostly complying'" mean?

they're only cheating a little so they can make a "little" device???

oh yeah .. that's a real comfort, isn't it?

don't be slow, Joe. be in the know!
I B Hankering's Avatar
Flynn got fired for lying before he could sell out the country.

The real story is the mix of ex military pushing this hair brain idea.
Originally Posted by WTF

Nothing is more harebrained than believing talking-heads in the lame-stream media who quote conjecture and innuendo from anonymous sources.
bamscram's Avatar

Nothing is more harebrained than believing talking-heads in the lame-stream media who quote conjecture and innuendo from anonymous sources. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

Sounds like where you get most of the gibberish in your posts.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-19-2019, 03:50 PM
I think you’re infatuated with a certain part of my anatomy. How many years is it now? Back to your topic before you got off track. This is just some generals trying to make a buck. Originally Posted by bambino
On that we agree....the last sentence .

I actually think it is selling out your country for a buck.

Least you forget where the majority of those shitty plane flying fuckers came from.

IB wants to hold Saddam accountable for some terrorist hiding in the American protected Kurdish area of Iraq and you two think this idea is just peachy!
I B Hankering's Avatar
Sounds like where you get most of the gibberish in your posts. Originally Posted by bamscram
That would be your universal translator at work breaking down substantive info so that you might better understand it.

On that we agree....

I actually think it is selling out your country for a buck.

Least you forget where the majority of those shitty plane flying fuckers came from.

IB wants to hold Saddam accountable for some terrorist hiding in the American protected Kurdish area of Iraq and you two think this idea is just peachy!
Originally Posted by WTF
Notice how you never address the fact that an al-Qaeda affiliate, Zarqawi, had a WMD program in Iraq.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-19-2019, 03:55 PM
Oh MY!!!!

they "raised a concern!"

did they wipe after they went too?

haven't you posted you were in favor of Obama's Iran deal? if they can't be trusted, why support it?

tell me .. are the Iranians fully cooperating? most reports say Iran is "mostly complying" ...

wait for it .... WTF does "mostly complying'" mean?

they're only cheating a little so they can make a "little" device???

oh yeah .. that's a real comfort, isn't it?

don't be slow, Joe. be in the know! Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
God damn , you are in fact slow.

We are talking about a country already in possession of nuclear plants and selling and building a nation nuclear facilities.

Do I have to explain the fucking fifference in how those two situations are different?

How about a mutherfucker with a gun and a poor bastard that just wants you to sell him one. Do you understand that difference?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-19-2019, 04:30 PM

Notice how you never address the fact that an al-Qaeda affiliate, Zarqawi, had a WMD program in Iraq. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Haha...after he was run out of Afghanistan and those so called WMD's have little military value. If the public wasn't so ignorant concerning these weapons, people like you would not try and justify the yellow cake inspired invasion as verification.

It is not...just as Bush admitted
I B Hankering's Avatar
Haha...after he was run out of Afghanistan and those so called WMD's have little military value. If the public wasn't so ignorant concerning these weapons, people like you would not try and justify the yellow cake inspired invasion as verification.

It is not...just as Bush admitted
Originally Posted by WTF
Zarqawi had a WMD program in Iraq, and that is a fact you cannot refute The Jordanians weren't laughing when they barely interrupted Zarqawi's plot to kill King Abdullah II and 80,000 others in Amman. Your BS notion that Zarqawi's operation had little military value is directly and factually contradicted by the fact that the U.S. put a $25 million bounty on his head and that he was one of the most wanted men in the world before the U.S. deployed a jet strike and a Delta Force strike team to personally take him out.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Are you talking about that rusty moldy shit, IBH????
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-19-2019, 09:42 PM
Zarqawi had a WMD program in Iraq, and that is a fact you cannot refute The Jordanians weren't laughing when they barely interrupted Zarqawi's plot to kill King Abdullah II and 80,000 others in Amman. Your BS notion that Zarqawi's operation had little military value is directly and factually contradicted by the fact that the U.S. put a $25 million bounty on his head and that he was one of the most wanted men in the world before the U.S. deployed a jet strike and a Delta Force strike team to personally take him out. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
He might have wanted to kill 80k but he wasn't going to with those so called WND's. Might kill 80 thousand bugs though.

You do understand that we deployed conventional weapons because they are more effective at killing than the weapons you are crying about.

None of those weapons required yellow cake! You know the kind of WMDs Bush was discussing.
I B Hankering's Avatar
He might have wanted to kill 80k but he wasn't going to with those so called WND's. Might kill 80 thousand bugs though.

You do understand that we deployed conventional weapons because they are more effective at killing than the weapons you are crying about.

None of those weapons required yellow cake! You know the kind of WMDs Bush was discussing.
Originally Posted by WTF
Zarqawi had a WMD program in Iraq, and that is a fact you still cannot refute.

Zarqawi's plot involved at least 28 men and a dozen dirty bombs -- lethal chemicals dispersed with conventional explosions: WMD. King Abdullah II and 80,000 others in Amman were the targets.

Your hair-splitting focus on only certain passages of W's speech doesn't invalidate other parts of his speech where W does indeed address WMD other than nuclear weapons, no matter how you try to spin it.

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-25-2019, 01:58 PM
Zarqawi had a WMD program in Iraq, and that is a fact you still cannot refute.

Zarqawi's plot involved at least 28 men and a dozen dirty bombs -- lethal chemicals dispersed with conventional explosions: WMD. King Abdullah II and 80,000 others in Amman were the targets.

Your hair-splitting focus on only certain passages of W's speech doesn't invalidate other parts of his speech where W does indeed address WMD other than nuclear weapons, no matter how you try to spin it.

Originally Posted by I B Hankering
How many so called dirty bombs have been detonated in this country?

Iraq had not reconstituted their nuke or piss and chemical weapon program.

Another swing n miss by IB.
themystic's Avatar
Zarqawi had a WMD program in Iraq, and that is a fact you still cannot refute.

Zarqawi's plot involved at least 28 men and a dozen dirty bombs -- lethal chemicals dispersed with conventional explosions: WMD. King Abdullah II and 80,000 others in Amman were the targets.

Your hair-splitting focus on only certain passages of W's speech doesn't invalidate other parts of his speech where W does indeed address WMD other than nuclear weapons, no matter how you try to spin it.

Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Settle down Jussie. You have lost this thread to those things called facts. WTF and adav made you look foolish. Obama stopped Iran from having a bomb. You should publicly thank and embrace the Greatness that is Obama instead of kissing the Saudi and North Korean cock
I B Hankering's Avatar
How many so called dirty bombs have been detonated in this country?

Iraq had not reconstituted their nuke or piss and chemical weapon program.

Another swing n miss by IB.
Originally Posted by WTF
Zarqawi had a WMD program in Iraq, and that is a fact you still cannot refute.

Zarqawi's plot involved at least 28 men and a dozen dirty bombs -- lethal chemicals dispersed with conventional explosions: WMD. King Abdullah II and 80,000 others in Amman were the targets.

And the bomb maker destined to attack LAX was intercepted before he had a chance to make his bombs: but THEY FUCKING TRIED!

Settle down Jussie. You have lost this thread to those things called facts. WTF and adav made you look foolish. Obama stopped Iran from having a bomb. You should publicly thank and embrace the Greatness that is Obama instead of kissing the Saudi and North Korean cock Originally Posted by themystic
You lost your freedom when you wrote a check your ass couldn't cash, Jussie. Bubba has plans for your ass in jail, Jussie. You'll look foolish bent over a prison bunk biting pillows, Jussie.