Whats the F**king Point

motor's Avatar
  • motor
  • 04-09-2011, 07:46 PM
We all end up the same bud. What sets you apart from others is what you get done in between the beginning and the end. Originally Posted by TexAss
but for what tex? To have kids, have them expierience the pain of losing someone....so you can feel your world crushed down around you, if something would happen to one of your children................??
It's a risk we all take bud. Giving up to the temptation of giving up doesn't make things better. You have to risk pain to gain pleasure.
motor's Avatar
  • motor
  • 04-09-2011, 07:51 PM
Focusing on the negatives is one sure fire way to miss out on the joy of the good stuff. Some people do this out of habit, other people have had a trauma in their life or may be living with an undiagnosed chemical imbalance.

I would not expect you to disclose it on a public board but if you haven't tried counseling now seems like a good time to maybe give that a whirl. The doc may even give you something to help (happy pills).

My best to you and I hope you find a way to wrap your head around everything. Originally Posted by Marla
While I am sure a rapid opinion is forming on my mental health right now, i think you just get to a point when its REAL hard to put a happy spin on it
You have to ask yourself, is the glass half full or half empty? Not easy to put a smiley face on all the time but when you're wearing a frown more often than not, things get even uglier dude.

Get your mind off all this. Go walk your dog, shop for something you've been wanting, take some time off from the things that are bugging you and I think you'll see things aren't quite as ominous as you think they are. You're in a dark place right now and I'm worried about you. Give me a call or answer your phone.
While I am sure a rapid opinion is forming on my mental health right now, i think you just get to a point when its REAL hard to put a happy spin on it Originally Posted by motorload

Na, no opinion, we just want you to feel better
Hey now, sometimes in life its the small surprises that makes life grand and great. Try focusing on that.

I thought I was going to have a decent day. But I read where Nitwitboy passed away. Now with some issues in my life and reading about the passing of somone in the community dying of cancer and at a young age, I have to ask, whats the fucking point anymore? At 17, I watched my mom fade away day by day until she couldnt even remember her childrens names, I get married at 24, great....wrong bitch cheats on me with a mailman after 4 years, whats the fucking point, why not just fucking leave, met last wife at 30, found out less than a year after marrying her that she had a brain tumor. 13 fucking years later, guess what fucking kills her, cancer. 13 years, of fighting, treatments, doctors, test and for what, just so I can watch her die 13 fucking years later. Again, whats the fucking point? We get up everyday, try to be somewhat decent humans and I say humans because this has nothing to do with race or sex. Just so we can make money, buy cars, houses, boats and for what? Where is it all going to end up? We fall in love with people, family friends, for what? So we can watch them die later? We take pills to get up , go to sleep, lower blood pressure, relieve gout, herpes, HIV, dry mouth, dry eye and have erections, but in the end wahts the fucking point? Your going to end up dead. People risk thier lives to save others, just so the ones that are saved can be part of someone elses life, involve MORE people just to fucking die. Whats the fucking point? I have made friends just to watch them die later. Whats the point anymore? Originally Posted by motorload

Amen to that sir!!!!!!!

To enjoy what little time you have. Originally Posted by npita
Sleepy363's Avatar
There is another point Tex............whats the fucking point of coming out a stronger, better person, if its all going to end the same Originally Posted by motorload
As the saying goes... it's about the journey, not the destination. We know we are all destined to pass at some point, some way too early like our fellow hobbyist nitwitboy. The point is to make the most of the journey. Take those hardships, push through them, and enjoy every moment you can along the way.
motor's Avatar
  • motor
  • 04-09-2011, 08:28 PM
As the saying goes... it's about the journey, not the destination. We know we are all destined to pass at some point, some way too early like our fellow hobbyist nitwitboy. The point is to make the most of the journey. Take those hardships, push through them, and enjoy every moment you can along the way. Originally Posted by still-asleep
but why does the journey have to be so hard......because that the way it is? I call bullshit on that......how do you enjoy the view from the top of a mountain if you cant ever get there to see it
just4funindfw's Avatar
Motorload, I feel your pain and I think I know what you are going through. When my grandparents passed away, I often asked myself of what you have stated. I was in a very dark place for a long time. But my friends helped me through that rough patch of my life and I am very grateful that I am still here making friends and making wonderful memories and enriching my life experience. Yes, we are all going to die at some point. Just like taxes, we cannot avoid it. But what matters is how you want to live your life between now and the end of your time, and how you can enrich not just your life but also your family's and your friends' lives. In my 40+ years, I have made a lot of friends and have a lot of fond memories that I would not trade for anything. If you want to talk, PM me and I will give you my number. Life is too short not to enjoy to its fullest.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
+1 to what everybody else said

ive felt like that a lot in my life and i am only 27! we just have to make the best of the time we have here i know the quote everything happens for a reason is corny but it makes me feel better sometimes to look at things like that.
motor's Avatar
  • motor
  • 04-09-2011, 08:51 PM
+1 to what everybody else said

ive felt like that a lot in my life and i am only 27! Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar
no just imagine another 20 years on top of that Jules
LovingKayla's Avatar
Sweetheart you come over here and sit by me. I'll pass you one and we can watch the sun set.

I remember feeling exactly like you 2 years ago. I remember there being nothing anyone could say that would make me feel better. I always had a negative come back. I even ran off a few friends that didn't have the stomach for me back then.

As I watch my own mother die of MS before my eyes, I'm learning that there is always someone on the ledge below you that you can reach down and help UP to your ledge. Our courage is based only on how we handle depressing, scary, or sad situations. The point could have been for you to help her through the last years. You made all the difference to HER. Even though you are the one left here with the pain and the memories you can no longer touch, you came through for her. You made her journey better. You. Your pain is a side effect of being a hero. Some one will always pay the price, and you paid it in full for her. You are a wonderful husband. You were the difference for her. If we could all be so lucky.

The valley's are dark and lonely and full of more pain and sadness than a medieval torture chamber, but it's brief. It's too easy to forget that when all you see is dark and sad. Keep a hold on your true self and if by chance you are walking down a beach during your misery, check the footprints in the sand.
Int3rested's Avatar
your view is coming...keep asking the questions and you will find the answers within...
Sleepy363's Avatar
but why does the journey have to be so hard......because that the way it is? I call bullshit on that......how do you enjoy the view from the top of a mountain if you cant ever get there to see it Originally Posted by motorload
Think of it this way... if life was easy, we would be a bunch of spoiled whiney asses. The hardships we go through define us.. they shape us. How we respond is how we grow. Just don't give up at what is thrown at you man. It royally sucks sometimes, but just keep looking ahead.

If you ever just feel like venting and want someone to listen to what you have to say... let me know... shoot me a pm. I'll buy ya a cold beer at one of the local establishments of lesser clothing.
motor's Avatar
  • motor
  • 04-09-2011, 09:30 PM
Sweetheart you come over here and sit by me. I'll pass you one and we can watch the sun set.

I remember feeling exactly like you 2 years ago. I remember there being nothing anyone could say that would make me feel better. I always had a negative come back. I even ran off a few friends that didn't have the stomach for me back then.

As I watch my own mother die of MS before my eyes, I'm learning that there is always someone on the ledge below you that you can reach down and help UP to your ledge. Our courage is based only on how we handle depressing, scary, or sad situations. The point could have been for you to help her through the last years. You made all the difference to HER. Even though you are the one left here with the pain and the memories you can no longer touch, you came through for her. You made her journey better. You. Your pain is a side effect of being a hero. Some one will always pay the price, and you paid it in full for her. You are a wonderful husband. You were the difference for her. If we could all be so lucky.

The valley's are dark and lonely and full of more pain and sadness than a medieval torture chamber, but it's brief. It's too easy to forget that when all you see is dark and sad. Keep a hold on your true self and if by chance you are walking down a beach during your misery, check the footprints in the sand. Originally Posted by SoftPlaceToLand
you know i started the night out maybe feeling a little sorry for myself. i read the post about nitwitboy and as much as he helped others it just isnt fair that his life should be taken so early. I posted what I did because it just isnt fair that one person should have to deal with soo much tragedy through out ones life. then i got pissed off becauase as much as we do something will always fuck it up. i have always told people " you know it could be worse". tonight i questioned that very statement. i have read each and every response. and had a comment, whether i posted it or not.
then i read the post from softPlaceToLand............... .I apologize to each and everyone one for my self loathing attitude. I am truley sorry. And to SoftPlaceToLand, i never wanted to be a hero