would you see a provider during "that time of the month"

Im with Leta- I am extremely horny when Flo is visiting!! But as many know I am OCD germaphobic and the feeling dirty outweighs the horny. On that note- the first person I see when Flo leaves...usually has about 5 days of extreme sexual frustration thrown upon him! Originally Posted by LusciousLacy
Just post your cycle schedule here and I'm sure you'll be booked about a year in advance.
whitechocolate's Avatar
Yes, If I had seen her before and she was hot, I would have no problems at all. If it was a first time, then no.
elgato111's Avatar
Would rather not see her if she is having her time of month. Not into less service or sometimes a little smell. Total turnoff for me. My ATF has called me the morning of our appointment and canceled due to her visitor showing up early.
So you gents are saying you wouldnt be upset if a lady called you at 9am to cancel your 11am booking because flo arrived during the night?

Im skeptical.

I try not to schedule anyone for that time of the month, but my cycle can be irregular.
This month flo came 8 days early! Mother nature is a real bitch... but whats a gal to do when you wake up to a early monthly visitor?

I know some guys would to get pissed and some will assume the lady is lying and that hurts.
Dragon7769's Avatar
Cristy, I prefer just to be told before I get there. then its up to both of usl to postpone or keep the appointment. usually I will just reschedule a week later. If you waited to tell me when I got there then I would be upset.
your right Dragon, that would be wrong if a woman did that B.S. to a guy expecting
some nookie
Dragon7769's Avatar
also there is a difference between being disappointed and being upset. if i was told before meeting you that you had a unexpcted visit from your Aunt then I would be disappointed , not upset.
burkalini's Avatar
NO NO and NO. Just not a sexy time at all to me
No not if I was given advanced notice. I have been in a seccion when it happened and we had to end it early .
There was a lady (I don't remember who and never saw her) in the Houston area that used to advertise limited services for (what I thought) was a very reasonable price during that time of the month.

I think alerts should be posted on ladies who do DATY while Aunt Flo is in town. After all, she's exposing you to blood borne fluids without your knowledge which could be extremely deadly. It happened to me once, and boy, was I pissed. I think the use of a sponge is breach of full disclosure. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Any provider who would allow DATY on the rag is being completely irresponsible, and any bloke who KNOWINGLY performs DATY on a provider during that time is just asking for it...

It's just wrong on so may levels ....IMHO of course....
Any provider who would allow DATY on the rag is being completely irresponsible, and any bloke who KNOWINGLY performs DATY on a provider during that time is just asking for it...

It's just wrong on so may levels ....IMHO of course.... Originally Posted by Valerie
My dad has a tat that says Animal . It was a from his sky diving buddies and in order to get that tat you have to DATY while the women is on the rag. Yeah my dad was a little wilder then me in his early days
Like others have said...for a B&G, sure
It's just wrong on so may levels ....IMHO of course.... Originally Posted by Valerie
Not to mention......EWWWWWWWWW
I have postponed playdates when Aunt Flo is here..I just don't feel sexy during that time and don't feel I can give quality time during that time..
SlowHand49's Avatar
As long as there's disclosure beforehand and you're willing to stay within your own limits as far as what's served up, go for it.