Ladies just an FYI about weekend lineup

I gotta stop hanging out with Kayla and Juan.....
MountainGoat's Avatar
I gotta stop hanging out with Kayla and Juan..... Originally Posted by Paulwantsya
MountainGoat's Avatar
One thing you can be sure of....
If you post an ad just before midnight... there is one person that doesn't have a clue what will happen.... or he'd have posted a linck to what will happen....
Of course... there is no linck... he proves that time and time again... Originally Posted by Paulwantsya
k. it's link.

noun \ˈliŋk\
Popularity: Bottom 50% of words
Definition of link
: a connecting structure: as
a (1) : a single ring or division of a chain (2) : one of the standardized divisions of a surveyor's chain that is 7.92 inches (20.1 centimeters) long and serves as a measure of length
b : cuff link
c : bond 3c
d : an intermediate rod or piece for transmitting force or motion; especially : a short connecting rod with a hole or pin at each end
e : the fusible member of an electrical fuse
: something analogous to a link of chain: as
a : a segment of sausage in a chain
b : a connecting element or factor <found a link between smoking and cancer>
c : a unit in a communication system
d : an identifier attached to an element (as an index term) in a system in order to indicate or permit connection with other similarly identified elements ; especially : one (as a hyperlink) in a computer file

think this might have been the word you were looking for.

just saying. Cute though
Chica Chaser's Avatar
One thing you can be sure of....
If you post an ad just before midnight... there is one person that doesn't have a clue what will happen.... or he'd have posted a linck to what will happen....
Of course... there is no linck... he proves that time and time again... Originally Posted by Paulwantsya

Weekend ads are supposed to be placed by 8pm on Sunday. So posting at midnight is not following the posting guidelines. Originally Posted by bustybabygirl
The Weekend Lineup forums are open from Thursday 6am to Sunday 9pm. You may place your post in those forums anytime within that window. You are free to use images in your posts in both the Provider Ad forums and also The Weekend Lineup as long as they are compliant with our public forum image guidelines.
bustybabygirl's Avatar
So I was off by an hour. It's 9pm, not 8pm.
Plastic Man's Avatar
elghund's Avatar
k. it's link.

noun \ˈliŋk\
Popularity: Bottom 50% of words
Definition of link
: a connecting structure: as
a (1) : a single ring or division of a chain (2) : one of the standardized divisions of a surveyor's chain that is 7.92 inches (20.1 centimeters) long and serves as a measure of length
b : cuff link
c : bond 3c
d : an intermediate rod or piece for transmitting force or motion; especially : a short connecting rod with a hole or pin at each end
e : the fusible member of an electrical fuse
: something analogous to a link of chain: as
a : a segment of sausage in a chain
b : a connecting element or factor <found a link between smoking and cancer>
c : a unit in a communication system
d : an identifier attached to an element (as an index term) in a system in order to indicate or permit connection with other similarly identified elements ; especially : one (as a hyperlink) in a computer file

think this might have been the word you were looking for.

just saying. Cute though Originally Posted by MountainGoat

I thinck you miss the point......the real definition is on the GOBC app........under the word LINCK.......

One thing you can be sure of....
If you post an ad just before midnight... there is one person that doesn't have a clue what will happen.... or he'd have posted a linck to what will happen....
Of course... there is no linck... he proves that time and time again... Originally Posted by Paulwantsya Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
Which of course proves my point that Wakeup will never post the helpful linck.

Weekend ads are supposed to be placed by 8pm on Sunday. So posting at midnight is not following the posting guidelines. Originally Posted by bustybabygirl
The Weekend Lineup forums are open from Thursday 6am to Sunday 9pm. You may place your post in those forums anytime within that window. You are free to use images in your posts in both the Provider Ad forums and also The Weekend Lineup as long as they are compliant with our public forum image guidelines.
So I was off by an hour. It's 9pm, not 8pm. Originally Posted by bustybabygirl
And of course... this is yet ANOTHER example of the idiocy of the Eccie (cough) guidelines... The "rule" is that you can ONLY post an ad in weekend until 9pm? BUT .... you have the opportunity and ability to post until midnight.... hmmmm.... (an encouragement to violate the guidelines?) And of course... is it 6am Thursday NY time? Or Texas time? Or Greenwich Mean time? Or fucking Japan time??? And 9pm Sunday... again in which time zone??? No one knows... no one will fix it but in the meantime... the whims of the staff shall be the guiding force regarding enforcement????

And... back to WU.... by issuing a cryptic warning... is he not as guilty of baiting members to commit infractions as OSD?

fuckin whims......
k. it's link.

noun \ˈliŋk\
Popularity: Bottom 50% of words
Definition of link
: a connecting structure: as
a (1) : a single ring or division of a chain (2) : one of the standardized divisions of a surveyor's chain that is 7.92 inches (20.1 centimeters) long and serves as a measure of length
b : cuff link
c : bond 3c
d : an intermediate rod or piece for transmitting force or motion; especially : a short connecting rod with a hole or pin at each end
e : the fusible member of an electrical fuse
: something analogous to a link of chain: as
a : a segment of sausage in a chain
b : a connecting element or factor <found a link between smoking and cancer>
c : a unit in a communication system
d : an identifier attached to an element (as an index term) in a system in order to indicate or permit connection with other similarly identified elements ; especially : one (as a hyperlink) in a computer file

think this might have been the word you were looking for.

just saying. Cute though Originally Posted by MountainGoat
I thinck you miss the point......the real definition is on the GOBC app........under the word LINCK.......

elg....... Originally Posted by elghund
He might have been in Iowa when the original point was made.....

edit add: and right now... you need an invitation to install the gobc app.... but I hear that may change soon.....
Chica Chaser's Avatar
And of course... this is yet ANOTHER example of the idiocy of the Eccie (cough) guidelines... The "rule" is that you can ONLY post an ad in weekend until 9pm? BUT .... you have the opportunity and ability to post until midnight.... hmmmm.... (an encouragement to violate the guidelines?) And of course... is it 6am Thursday NY time? Or Texas time? Or Greenwich Mean time? Or fucking Japan time??? And 9pm Sunday... again in which time zone??? No one knows... no one will fix it but in the meantime... the whims of the staff shall be the guiding force regarding enforcement???? Originally Posted by Paulwantsya
Local time of the forum posted. Although at my whim, perhaps I'll change that to Croatian local time, or maybe Guam. That will really fuck them up. You figure it out and let me know

Since this is a SHMB it seems Bangkok would be more apropos than Guam ......
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Since this is a SHMB it seems Bangkok would be more apropos than Guam ...... Originally Posted by Celso
Excellent idea, perfect! I should have thought of that.
just the idea guy

if YOU

like the concept

then YOU

work out the angles and gory details on


I'm not going to spend the time doing that

unless yah want to pony up the money you friggin CHEAPSKATES

that's what everyone else Is time for
its usually easier to get forgiveness than permission if the mods even catch the time stamp

which around here?

are you kidding me ?

Wakeup's Avatar
Which of course proves my point that Wakeup will never post the helpful linck. Originally Posted by Paulwantsya
Why the fuck would anyone think that I'm here to be helpful? I'm not a mod for your forums...let them be helpful...

I'm here for one reason...and it ain't being helpful...