Dream Interpretaions, how much of it is real?

Has anyone ever noticed certain things you eat in the evening will cause you to dream?....Before I was vegan, if I ever ate anything with cheese on it before bed I would have the weirdest dreams....

I have a book called the dictionary of dreams, it's interesting to read.. Originally Posted by Valerie
I congratulate you for being vegan. I am vegetarian most of the time, but i eat meat at some point , but extremely rarely. I try to not indulge in it and might go completely vegetarian again.
I do think that the digestion influences dreams , It certainly does w ith me.
I am under high anxiety this week and it seems like I have been dreaming every night/morn about the last thing I thought about before I went to bed.

A few nights I was reading posts here in the "Another realm" before I went to sleep..
that was one interesting dream!
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Damn meat is so tasty.
Damn meat is so tasty. Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius
what a dream.....:-)).......i am sure you were salivating when awakening :-)
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Salmon. The other pink meat.
discreetgent's Avatar
No dreams recently, only nightmares
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Sounds trite I know but legend goes that the ninja asked the woman how she wanted to die. Fast and painless or slow and painful.

She said. "Slow and painful please."

Astonished he asked why.

"Because through the pain, I will know that I am still alive." She answers.

He ends her life quickly.
discreetgent's Avatar
Masochist says to the sadist: "hit me, hit me"
Sadist replies "No"
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
And the clown had tears.
discreetgent's Avatar
Hmm, that strikes a chord.

Now if there's a smile on my face,
it's only there tryin' to fool the public,
but when it comes down to foolin' you;
Now honey, that's quite a different subject.
But don't let my glad expression
give you the wrong impression.
Really I'm sad.
I'm sadder than sad.
You're gone and I'm hurtin' so bad.
Like a clown I pretend to be glad.
Now there's some sad things known to man,
but ain't too much sadder than
the tears of a clown
when there's no one around.
Now if I appear to be carefree,
it's only to camouflage my sadness.
In order to SHIELD my pride I try
to cover the hurt with a show of gladness.
But don't let my show convince you
that I've been happy since you
decided to go.
Oh, I need you so.
I'm hurt and I want you to know.
Just like Pagliacci did,
I try to keep my sadness hid.
smilin' in the public eye
while in my lonely room I cry
the tears of a clown
when there's no one around.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Hi Bebe,
Thanks for telling me the dream (or us).
Was the dream in colour or black and white? The dream was in color.
Were you as a person in the dream seing as if it was real or did you see yourself from above? I was in the dream in first person. So I was seeing my huge abdomen, and seeing the people bustle about me, helping other women in labor.
Where and how did you feel the pain (stupid question i know..) Literally pain in my abdomen, felt just like when I gave birth to my children.
Who was the doctor? I didn't know who the doctor was I assume he was male? Definitely male, and an older man in his 60's. How old was he? was he reminding you of someone? Describe the feelings towards this doctor more elaborate? I was annoyed and anxious in the dream, don't think it was at anyone particular just what I remember feeling.
Would you see the doctor as someone outside yourself or as a personality aspect of yourself? that is a good question, I saw him as someone else, not anything to do with me
Did the bad connection with the doctor influence your birth experience?
How did you feel when you first reallized you gave birth to a pig to something not of your own species? You know in the dream I was thinking a pig? Yet I felt very protective of the baby pig. Like it was human and needed protecting.
You said the pig was incredibly small. How does the tremendous amount of pain relate to the relatively small pig? Hmmm.. good question, I would have to think more on this.
did you like it? Did you feel love or care for this pig, i assume so at some point when you lashed out at the nurse who did not care for it. I felt a sense of responsibility toward the baby pig, and felt it needed protecting.
How did the nurse look? Did she resemble someone? Was she a part of your own personality or someone external?Don't remember seeing actual faces oddly enough, and the nurses were not apart of me. If I had to put my finger on it, the doctor and the nurses represented authority figures, and the birthing was not within my control.
When did the nurse enter the birth process? Was she always there? Did the doctor and the nurse interact? Don't remember actual interaction between doctor and nurses, just remember the one nurse wanting to take the baby pig away, and in the process was rough. Then I remember lashing out at her.
How did you feel after the birth process? confused

Thanks, Nina Originally Posted by ninasastri
Well these are good questions. I am going to have to think more on what I can remember in the dream.
And the clown had tears. Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius
thats a book title "Johannes Mario Simmel" Doch mit den Clowns kamen die Tränen :-)
Hmm, that strikes a chord.
Originally Posted by discreetgent
Placebo - Pierrot the Clown (lyrics)

Leave me dreaming on the bed
See you right back here tomorrow for the next round
Keep this scene inside your head
As the bruises turn to yellow
The swelling goes down

And if you're ever around
In the city or the suburbs of this town
Be sure to come around
I'll be wallowing in sorrow
Wearing a frown
Like Pierrot the Clown

Saw you crashing round the bay
Never seen you act so shallow
Or look so brown
Remember all the things you'd say
How your promises rang hollow
As you threw me to the ground

And if you're ever around
In the backstreets or the alleys of this town
Be sure to come around
I'll be wallowing in pity
And wearing a frown
Like Pierrot the Clown

When I dream I dream of your lips
When I dream I dream of your kiss
When I dream I dream of your fists
Your fists... Your fists

Leave me bleeding on the bed
See you right back here tomorrow for the next round
Keep this scene inside your head
As the bruises turn to yellow
The swelling goes down

And if you're ever around
In the city or the suburbs of this town
Be sure to come around
I'll be wallowing in sorrow
And wearing a frown
Like Pierrot the Clown
Well these are good questions. I am going to have to think more on what I can remember in the dream. Originally Posted by Bebe Le Strange
thanks , I am happy you enjoy. I go to sleep now and will let you know my interpretation tomorrow :-). Its an interesting work. If others choose to participate - after the question phase we can all try to tell What the dream means for us if this was our dream. then you should get a lot of diverse input and be enriched with valuable information you can choose to relate to or not.