New NBC/WSJ poll shows GOP going down in FLAMES over shutdown tantrum!

Chica Chaser's Avatar
Of course you do not believe polls, you did not believe the only poll that matters 2012 election results!

Originally Posted by WTF
According to this AP poll, everyone in Congress is going down in flames across the board. Repubs a little quicker, but the Dems are crashing right along with them.

The numbers offer warning signs for every incumbent lawmaker, and if these angry sentiments stretch into next year, the 2014 elections could feel much like the 2006 and 2010 midterms when being affiliated with Washington was considered toxic by many voters. In 2006, voters booted Republicans from power in the House and Senate, and in 2010, they fired Democrats who had been controlling the House.
"There needs to be a major change," said Pam Morrison, 56, of Lincoln, Neb., among those who were surveyed. "I'm anxious for the next election to see what kind of new blood we can get."
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Hat may be, but the GOP is coming apart, regardless the poll you read.

Maybe they will cast out the cancer that is the Tea Party and go back to serving America.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The real question which was missed by the polling outfit and beyond the reason of WTF et. all is how made are the conservatives and republicans at their OWN representatives and the converse, how mad are the liberals and democrats at their own representatives. Maybe the liberals don't care (fucked up like they are) but your standard democrat may not like the way Obama is treating the veterans or the way Nancy Pelosi is telling some pretty awesome lies.

On the right there is some real anger towards our weak, mealy mouthed presentatives and I expect some serious primary challenges and a few retirements. Will the left be just as mad?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
That would have been worthwhile info to. But historically, test questions like that rarely produce reliable data. Everybody loves his own doctor, lawyers, representatives, but has a lesser opinion of the other guy's.

More accurate polling data in that area can be gathered by doing a simple trial heat for each incumbent against potential primary opponents and measure electability.

Would make the poll incredibly expensive to put into the field.
skirtchaser79411's Avatar
watch ted cruz and his tea party burn in the mid terms but has friend in rick oops perry or i for got he is not running BECAUSE\WENDY DAVIS WILL WIN AND WOULD HAVE KICKED HIS ASS
watch ted cruz and his tea party burn in the mid terms but has friend in rick oops perry or i for got he is not running BECAUSE\WENDY DAVIS WILL WIN AND WOULD HAVE KICKED HIS ASS Originally Posted by skirtchaser79411
Jesus, this one is hopeless...
Yssup Rider's Avatar
If Simple Jack says it, it MUST be true!

Lemmings following their leader Ted over the cliff.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Nate Silver disagrees and he was the patron saint of the democrats in the last two elections.
Nate Silver disagrees and he was the patron saint of the democrats in the last two elections. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Silver was not the "patron saint" of the Democrats in the last election; he's simply a very smart analyst who's had a habit of getting it right much more often than most.

It's funny to see a couple of the forum's dumbest conservatives sing his praises now, after lambasting him during the period leading up to the 2012 election.

Do you remember which frequent posters ignored all evidence to the contrary and gloated about Romney's upcoming "victory" a year ago?
Of course the Republicans are going to get the blame and they deserve it. Because of the conservative members of both houses, the Republicans aren't caving like they usually do, they aren't playing the part of the patsy for the Democratic party. Instead, Republicans are doing what we sent them to Washington to do. Stop the run-away liberal gravy train. People don't know how to react to a Republican party with a spine so they blame Republicans. The thinking is that if Republicans won't go along with everything Democrats want, if Republicans won't give up all negotiating leverage just to avoid a conflict, they must be doing something wrong, so let's blame them. Hold strong, Republicans, and embrace the blame.
Nope; Read what Nate Silver thinks..............

What Nate Silver says................

1. The media is probably overstating the magnitude of the shutdown’s political impact.

2. The impact of the 1995-96 shutdowns is overrated in Washington’s mythology.

3. Democrats face extremely unfavorable conditions in trying to regain the House.

4. The polling data on the shutdown is not yet all that useful, and we lack data on most important measures of voter preferences.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Hey mods! We need a sarcasm button for Captain Nightie. I'll try to remember to give you a heads up in the future.

Hey mods! We need a sarcasm button for Captain Nightie. I'll try to remember to give you a heads up in the future.

Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
How about an "idiot alert" button for your posts, moron?

You actually teach? Good Lord, what a fucking embarrassment. No wonder our educational system is going down the toilet.