Yeah, yeah, things got busy but here is the other shoe drop which has emphasized by events in Ukraine. Seems the border guards are turning back transgender types. The law is that every MALE between 16 and 60 has to stay and fight. So we have guys wearing dresses with painted finger nails demanding to be let out of a country that they won't fight for. I guess their part of the 68% of democrats who won't fight. Birds of a feather...
Anyway, the purpose of this thread to is to show how demented the left has become. A simple question about men and women and they can't answer, fall back on platitudes, or say something that wouldn't work on a bumper sticker. The smarter ones keep their mouths shut because they either agree to separate men's and women's sports or they don't want to give themselves away.
Of course, some lefties can't help themselves. They have to say something no matter how stupid or irrelevant. Since they have identified themselves, I suggest that we cancel them. Don't respond, don't engage, don't acknowledge the waste of flesh that is walking around.
We have two here and neither will be missed.