Message to pussified half-men - if this shit is too expensive for you, instead of begging, falsely complimenting, and generally disgracing your gender, just save up for another week or month and jack yourself off to internet pornography in the meantime.what about hooks that are hooking to pay for the divorce from hobby/SO?
Message to entitled prostitutes - if you feel objectified and if being a hook is degrading/eroding your sense of self-worth, this is a good thing because you are finally taking a realistic accounting of the consequences of your ridiculous life choices and your poor judgment. Now act on this and acquire some self-respect and some useful life skills and you will not have to play footsie with these zeros for the first half of your life, while simultaneously making yourself a hideous option for normally adjusted men after you come to your senses and stop being a fucking whore for a living.
Message to male lesbians - this is said out of love and genuine concern so spare me the sanctimony.
You're welcome. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
I know some lady's that better at picking a client than a partner
^^^ not for op, I have no idea why she doing this ,
yet some lady's just love sex, the money helps and keeps most from falling in puppy love