Checkmate! AD!

dearhunter's Avatar
If I admit he is me, can I give the free session to RBJ?
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
If I admit he is me, can I give the free session to RBJ? Originally Posted by dearhunter

What about me? If I admit he is me, can I give the free session to DH?

He's my hero afterall.......

Your asking the wrong questions.....What will I accept as Proof is the right question?
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
Your asking the wrong questions.....What will I accept as Proof is the right question? Originally Posted by angelinadream

blue water and a roll of quarters?
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
...You love to chase Sofia.... Originally Posted by angelinadream
Uh, no... that would be me... I almost had her once ... but my batteries ran out...

recharge ...duh?
Killersalt's Avatar
Well in that case, Welcome to the club....... Originally Posted by boardman
Thanks, and quite a club it is. Entertainment across the board.
UH! You failed your NOT in.....Let me break it down again
1) You don't review
2) You don't provide Pu$$y
3) You contribute nothing but smart ass remarks..

At least I provide.....I have a reason to be here. Your just here to stir shit up and hide behind a new handle.. You not in anything but your own SHIT!
boardman's Avatar
Who's He?
That's Me.
Who are you?
I'm Him.

Shit I'm confused.

TMFT is DH's alter ego. I have proof but can't say.......I'm just sayin'
wait I thought I was you?
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
Who's He?
That's Me.
Who are you?
I'm Him.

Shit I'm confused.

TMFT is DH's alter ego. I have proof but can't say.......I'm just sayin' Originally Posted by boardman
So TMFT is the WAY too nice persona of DH's WAY too mean?

I knew there was a connection there!!

BM.... You are a genius!!

ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
recharge ...duh? Originally Posted by angelinadream
You got jumper cables?
Killersalt's Avatar
You got jumper cables? Originally Posted by ThatManFromTexas
I think subcilla offered a session with jumper cables.
UH! You failed your NOT in.....Let me break it down again
1) You don't review
2) You don't provide Pu$$y
3) You contribute nothing but smart ass remarks..

At least I provide.....I have a reason to be here. Your just here to stir shit up and hide behind a new handle.. You not in anything but your own SHIT! Originally Posted by angelinadream
And the pot calls the kettle black..heh