Booker or no booker?

I personally feel that several of the more "time management challenged" ladies could use a good booker to help them run their business. A good booker can be very valuable to both the lady and her gentlemen caller plus if their available to fill out the threesome it's even better. Originally Posted by surfindick
That's all I'm saying! hahahaha

But seriously, I'm just very proud of my provider years. I was very successful HDH and managed to stay professional, polite and reliable at all times. Travelled the country, touring and whatnot. I want to use the knowledge I gather throughout they years on someone else that needs the help.
Not a turnoff at all for me. As long as I get to see the girl I want I am good. I saw one girl about 45 times and always went through her booker who was a black girl but spoke with a fake Asian accent. I always thought it was funny. Get me to the girl and I do not care

And Nina I still remember the time I saw you it was amazing Originally Posted by Juan Pablo de Marco
OMG, no she didn't!!! that's sooooo funny!!

That is good to hear JPM, the only difference is people know me... some know how I look, and most know how I handle my business.

I'm glad you remember me, I'm very flattered. Thank you!... I always enjoyed it while it lasted.
I've seen a few in ASPD days and never had a problem. The booker took care of screening and scheduling. And after the initial session with provider, scheduling afterwards was a breeze.

It makes it safer for the provider too since her scheduler calls at end of session to check on her.

I guess as long as your scheduler isn't a ditz and screws up timing of sessions. Originally Posted by hd
Yep, agreed!
Not a deal breaker to me at all. I'm not someone who has any special requests or anything so there isn't a lot of initial contact (call it the being young, single and just wanting to enjoy life right now syndrome). I just go with the flow, and seeing how I'm a low-volume hobbyist due to a hellacious work schedule where every single minute of my life is planned, when I have the time to dabble in this, it's on my own time and more enjoyable to just wing it. (Plus I only see one girl right now anyways, by choice because I legitimately have enjoyed every minute spent with her during our times together and we know each other well now and have bonded good, so we know the likes and dislikes anyways, and that came with visits past the first one). Anything that helps a girl out, even if it is only 30 minutes a day, to make things easier and smoother for her, the better things are is the way I view it.
Chung Tran's Avatar
before I respond to your question, why didn't you answer that God Damn PM I sent the other day?! and where is that "fuck me I'm famous shirt? I liked that, you need to go back to that avatar, I hate this one!!

I kid, I kid..

seriously now, I have no problems with Bookers... in your case, I would wonder why a Provider with the history you outlined would need a Booker, just because it could mess up something that already works.. I would like transparency, to know that I was conversing with a Booker, not the Provider.. one time I was messaging a booker, asking a few questions with followups, and the Booker took 2-3 pm's before admitting she was not the Provider.. not good.
TinMan's Avatar
I prefer a lady that knows how to handle her own business. Those that can't, for whatever reason, I much prefer the former provider who's upfront about her role as booker than any other management or near management situation.

It's the invisible "managers" I try to stay away from.

Maybe you can describe yourself as the Hooker Booker Who's a Real Looker.

(drops mic)
I tried to see a girl and pmed her on here and her Booker emailed me back which I never check. She also never posted she had someone that did that so it made it seem very odd to me. I think if they are upfront it is cool. Like the provider needs to put in her ad she has a booking person.
before I respond to your question, why didn't you answer that God Damn PM I sent the other day?! and where is that "fuck me I'm famous shirt? I liked that, you need to go back to that avatar, I hate this one!!

I kid, I kid..

seriously now, I have no problems with Bookers... in your case, I would wonder why a Provider with the history you outlined would need a Booker, just because it could mess up something that already works.. I would like transparency, to know that I was conversing with a Booker, not the Provider.. one time I was messaging a booker, asking a few questions with followups, and the Booker took 2-3 pm's before admitting she was not the Provider.. not good. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
mmmmhh... you're silly!

I'm not saying that she needs me. She's been doing fine all by herself, but all these years she's been a word-of-mouth kinda provider working part time here and there and visiting mainly with her regulars (not a lot of new people, for lack of advertising) But she's now looking into committing full time to the hobby. She wants to advertise more and doesn't really know how or where to begin. She reached out and I agreed to help of course. I know my way around the arena and I'm pretty good at it. Not to mention the fact that she's my good friend, so why not help my friend out. I don't think it would mess anything up because her regulars know how to reach her directly. They don't have to go through me if they don't want to. We're both pretty transparent.
I prefer a lady that knows how to handle her own business. Those that can't, for whatever reason, I much prefer the former provider who's upfront about her role as booker than any other management or near management situation.

It's the invisible "managers" I try to stay away from.

Maybe you can describe yourself as the Hooker Booker Who's a Real Looker.

(drops mic) Originally Posted by TinMan
I don't blame you, I would find that annoying too.

And you're silly too!!!
I tried to see a girl and pmed her on here and her Booker emailed me back which I never check. She also never posted she had someone that did that so it made it seem very odd to me. I think if they are upfront it is cool. Like the provider needs to put in her ad she has a booking person. Originally Posted by mydallas1
Totally agree with you in everything you said
Totally agree with you in everything you said Originally Posted by Nina Moretti
I will never turn down a free drink. Just let me know when and where you are buying.
And yes that was my takeaway from the cheers.
I will never turn down a free drink. Just let me know when and where you are buying.
And yes that was my takeaway from the cheers. Originally Posted by mydallas1
Dang it! a beer sure sounds good right now doesn't it, I may just have one while I finish washing this dishes!

I'm no types of fun anymore, but let's pretend to share a cold one together.

Uhhhhh, I just love house chores... Said no one ever!
TinMan's Avatar
I will never turn down a free drink. Just let me know when and where you are buying.
And yes that was my takeaway from the cheers. Originally Posted by mydallas1
I'll raise the ante. Not only will I pay for her drink...I'll make the dang thing!

Nina, dear, remember my martini rep...
I'll raise the ante. Not only will I pay for her drink...I'll make the dang thing!

Nina, dear, remember my martini rep... Originally Posted by TinMan
Do your dang thing TinMan!! hahahaha

and yes, yes.... martini yumminess...
What daty/o said.
Bookers, managers, pimps...just don't show up at the incall; stay away. Don't want to see u celebrating like you scored the winning TD or you cured cancer.

I've had great success with bookers who handle several girls. More than a few times the lady I wanted to see couldn't make it and the booker knew who I liked so she would say "would you like to see so and so? She's available now." Worked great.

Hey baby...get Showcase up...mmmmmm