
Nope. I'm one lucky guy.
Naomi4u's Avatar
You must be very brave/lucky. I would never ask for the lady's address. Maybe she had a PO Box, but still... Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
He is both.

Nope. I'm one lucky guy. Originally Posted by wp55285
Charles -- I have read many of your posts...I have no doubt that you would never ask for a lady's address.

As it were...this was a special set of circumstances.

But you are missing the you often do...this thread is not about obtaining an's about the spirit of a gift, and the motives we have when we give. My intent was to share mine. Nothing more.
Charles -- I have read many of your posts...I have no doubt that you would never ask for a lady's address.

As it were...this was a special set of circumstances.

But you are missing the you often do...this thread is not about obtaining an's about the spirit of a gift, and the motives we have when we give. My intent was to share mine. Nothing more. Originally Posted by wp55285
Oh, I didn't miss that point. Gifts are a most interesting subject. In my meetings with ladies I generally have a small one unless circumstances have prevented it.

There have been a couple of ladies I've run across in the last 2-3 years that hit a bad spot, and I've want to help them out...but no way to do it w/o asking that quest.
  • PT4ME
  • 01-25-2011, 05:13 PM
I guess I'm just as clueless on this gift giving...but from the opposing view. I probably over-give. But if one is using a gift in hope of gaining extra "favors"...then it's not a gift. It's a thinly veiled effort to buy enhanced favor in the eyes of the lady.

When I give a gift, it's without any expectation of something in return. It's out of my care, appreciation, or respect for the lady.
Originally Posted by wp55285
I agree "whole heartedly" wp. LOL, the "strangest" gift I ever have given was probably one of the most appreciated.....

I had a "missed connection" with a lady and left dinner hanging on her door. It was home cooked "cabbage & ham hocks", lol... can't remember if I made cornbread or not. Later that day I received a "tyvm, it was delicious pm".

Now she may have trashed it, but it was acknowledged and further conversation led me to believe was greatly enjoyed. Sometimes it is the "simple things"... as for the "spirit", well I have not seen this lady in what she calls "forever", but SOME of the ladies do become friends!!

Naomi4u's Avatar
SOME of the ladies do become friends!!

-PT- Originally Posted by PT4ME
I agree "whole heartedly" wp. LOL, the "strangest" gift I ever have given was probably one of the most appreciated.....

I had a "missed connection" with a lady and left dinner hanging on her door. It was home cooked "cabbage & ham hocks", lol... can't remember if I made cornbread or not. Later that day I received a "tyvm, it was delicious pm".

Now she may have trashed it, but it was acknowledged and further conversation led me to believe was greatly enjoyed. Sometimes it is the "simple things"... as for the "spirit", well I have not seen this lady in what she calls "forever", but SOME of the ladies do become friends!!

-PT- Originally Posted by PT4ME

Yes, you did make cornbread and OMG! I am still waiting on the next time you want to feed me! The Camaro was nice too, but it didn't compare to the main entree!
I had a "missed connection" with a lady and left dinner hanging on her door. It was home cooked "cabbage & ham hocks",
Originally Posted by PT4ME
That is too cute!
  • PT4ME
  • 01-25-2011, 05:33 PM
I am still waiting on the next time you want to feed me! Originally Posted by reese foster
....ahem, cough cough!!! BE CAREFUL WHAT YA ASK FOR...... BE VERRRRRRRY CAREFUL, LOL!!!!

Huggs to ya!

geecue's Avatar
I never understood the gift thing with providers. I can understand it with a SO in hopes of more nookie or naughtier nookie.

Can someone enlighten me on the point? Originally Posted by Biggayal
Just a token of appreciation thats all it is, I have given a certain lady so far two pairs of diamond ear rings, diamond necklace and a black diamond bracelet just because.
I love my guys that give me gifts...all my regular's give m gifts everytime we meet. I love to be treated as I should, if Im giving a peace of myself then the least they can do is give a gift. All my clients love to lavish me and I love to reciprocate!!! xoxo
beautifulbailey's Avatar
In order to see a provider you have to show up with her donation. A gift however, is never manditory. For anyone to do something extra for me outside what is required is ALWAYS appreciated. I have regifted an item before, a fruitbasket, I was allergic to half the stuff in it and he was super shy and nervous. I did not have the heart to tell him.
gulflover's Avatar
I try and remember to ask their favorite kind of wine and bring them a bottle of it. It's probably cheap bad wine because I don't drink spoiled grape juice and thus know nothing about it, but my hope is they'll drink it later, think of me, and have a small smile. I don't know if it's made sessions better or not.
London Rayne's Avatar
The best gift a guy can give on or off the boards is respect. I don't care if you spend 5k on a hand bag for me....if you can't treat ladies with respect, keep your monetary offerings as they mean nothing.

I have had to toss many a good bottle of wine because I could not take in through airport security (I refuse to check bags), and it was too late to drink it before leaving town. I often suggest writing a check to a charity on my page, as a percentage of my income goes there anyway.
Biggayal's Avatar
Oh good point London! I never even thought about the gals that tour and airport security checks.