North Korean troops are now in Kursk to support Russian forces. South Korea likely to respond.

TheDaliLama's Avatar
I lived in Korea for 5 years.

Nobody wants to fuck with the POK army.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
All Wars Are Political Originally Posted by biomed1
Yes, numerous philosophers over thousands of years state the same conclusion.

My fav:
Clausewitz's (1780 to 1831) quote is:
War is a continuation of policy by other means.

Quite a few folks substitute the word politics for policy in this quote which is not correct.

Another fav of mine from Clausewitz is:
In war, the result is never final.
txdot-guy's Avatar
I lived in Korea for 5 years.

Nobody wants to fuck with the POK army. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
I assume we’re referring to the South Korean ROK
Republic of Korea Armed Forces

The ROK Armed Forces is one of the largest and most powerful standing armed forces in the world with a reported personnel strength of 3,600,000 in 2022 (500,000 active and 3,100,000 reserve).

And you are correct. Nobody wants to fuck with the ROK.
North Korean troops should consider what happened to the invincible and feared Yevgeny Prigozhin and his 25,000 member Wagner Group in Ukraine. After murdering mostly civilians 80% of his forced was killed in the first year and Yevgeny Prigozhin died in a "mysterious plane crash"
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
So if over 3,000 NKs were in Russia training, does that mean their North Korean military training wasn't worth diddley?

If so, perhaps the concept of cannon fodder applies.
I think that South Korea will use this as an opportunity to get some real intelligence on how effective the North Korean military really is. See what kind of weapons and tactics they use and how effective they are. This will be done through the use of special forces and other specialized units rather than a general deployment. I think that this is also a pretext to allow the Korean military to move to integrate with other NATO forces and intelligence.

I also believe however that this will be a pretext for the resupply of weapons and ammunition for the Ukrainian military. Something that the South Koreans are quite good at manufacturing.

South Korea’s Competitive Advantages as a Global Military Supplier
Poland is choosing South Korea as a primary partner in defense deals – and it’s not alone. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
I agree. I hope they take advantage of the situation.
texassapper's Avatar
I lived in Korea for 5 years.

Nobody wants to fuck with the POK army. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
I went through basic with a guy that was a ROK soldier. He was fcuking hard. He told us that the US Army Basic was like the boy scouts in comparison to theirs. I believe it.

Every ROK I met after him confirmed the same belief.
Does that mean their North Korean military training wasn't worth diddley Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
The term battle-hardened is what needs to asked. When was the last time N Korea was on a battlefield on foreign soil. There is no hand to hand combat this war is US technology vs Russian technology. N Korean soldiers are going to experience a cyber shock and awe
texassapper's Avatar
I saw this and went to the google to check it out...

Israel and Ukraine have another thing in common now. Both fought North Korea. In 1973, two Israeli pilots encountered two MiGs over Egypt and opened fire on them. The MiGs managed to dodge the attack, only for one of them to be shot down by Egyptian SAMs. Both pilots were Korean.

The unknown story of the Israeli F-4s that dogfighted with North Korean MiG-21s during the Yom Kippur War