provider status???9reviews still a member wtf???

niceguy's Avatar
yes aimee i knew what i was doing and sometimes you have to use exterme measures to get things done and sorry im not the roll over type,and i wasn't askin for help if u read i was demanding an explantion... Good day Originally Posted by california erin

California Erin I hope you will take this in the context it is meant.

I have been on the boards since 1999 and the way you posted this could cost you customers.

I hate seeing a new girl get started on the wrong foot, or shoot her self in the foot.

For the most part these are friendly boards and good attitude is a girls best friend.

The other ladies are also not your enemy.

This place is nothing like the atmosphere in a strip club.

This is also not the place to play the race issue.

The owners of this board are NOT bigots nor is the vast majority of the members.

Those remarks were truly uncalled for.

I do wish you well though.
This makes for some interesting reading, over morning coffee. Sometimes things get miss-placed, or simply lost, or over-looked. Erin, remember, the only person that NEVER made a mistake, NEVER did ANYTHING! I'm glad you got verified, if I get to Dallas, I'll give you a call.
Wheres the attitude?? i feel like alot of people are reading into this way to much and i started with TO Whom it may concern is it my fault that they felt it concern them and i Was mad and i didnt feel it was a time to be polite why i was mad and i vented online and posted and i meant it i got the response i wanted immedatily i patted myself on the back for a job well done and i SAID THANK YOU.. and it was over intil everyone made a big deal about WTF come on it wasn't gonna apolgize for being mad cuase i was where you want me to vent on FACEBOOK no sir not me..not me anywho i dont have an attitude i called it constructive sarcasm!! LMAO but all together i love it and Hemi i know rite i was drinkin coffee too now cookin eggs and bacon and theyre GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Where's the attitude? Really? Just check post #1
Forget it, plenty of info available for folks to decide on their own.
This one is closed.