e-mails when available?

Sounds like a wonderful idea. Maybe would could get a thread going that says, open availability for such and such time?
travelling_man's Avatar
I'd be much more interested in hearing about this type of thing if it was a special offer vs just another random ad that was thrown into my inbox instead of posted on a website. Maybe the girl has already had to shell out money for a hotel room and then her appt canceled. Rather than having to eat the cost of the room and lose money maybe she could offer a discount session to entice clients to help her offset the cost of the room. Maybe it's a girl like Tara that normally doesn't work late, but for some unexpected reason she is able to take late appts until 8pm. Or maybe she has all of a sudden become available on a weekend when she previously wasn't available. That type of information is something that would interest me.

What I don't want to see is an endless barrage of emails to me every time a girl has a couple of hours free. For the girls that only have 4 or 5 appts per week can you imagine how many emails that would be?

Email 1: I'm free at 9am today.
Email 2: I'm free at 11am today.
Email 3: I'm free at 1pm today., etc.

If I'm going to get an unsolicited email it should be for something special that isn't listed in your normal weekly ad. Assume that all of us can read and that whatever you posted in your normal ad we already know. If I get a special email it should be because it contains something SPECIAL that isn't listed in your normal ad.
I was very interested in the Escorts Board Gina started but they absolutely insisted on having a phone number and I only use email with strangers.

Also, they had a rep who wanted to call and "explain how it works" to me. I asked for him to email the info, but he said he had to call. I said I would understand better in writing. LOL. Still no go!

I'd be interested in an area like that here, if the posts would disappear in a few hours.
caliente's Avatar
exactly... i dont mind e-mail when the "hunt" is on I check aeverything on my phone
mikahranae's Avatar
Seems like just another way for guys to find cheaper rates.
Kelly TNT's Avatar
Caliente....I'm free tomorrow from 11am - 2pm.

You're welcome to come see me if you become available.

~Kelly TNT
caliente's Avatar
Seems like just another way for guys to find cheaper rates. Originally Posted by mikahranae

WoW..............I never mention discounted rates.
Please don't change the concept of the idea
Kendra Hart's Avatar
It would be great if eccie had a section for us ladies and gents to post when we had an opening, or if a client cancelled last minute. I've had a few open slots lately that I would like to fill, or better yet get filled. :-)
Bluesplyr's Avatar
this happened to me this monday morning. small opportunity to play between meetings (and while the spouse was in a seminar). emailed several ladies, did not get any responses until late that afternoon. i even sent a few pm's here, but perhaps some of you wonderful gals are not up that early.
caliente's Avatar
this happened to me this monday morning. small opportunity to play between meetings (and while the spouse was in a seminar). emailed several ladies, did not get any responses until late that afternoon. i even sent a few pm's here, but perhaps some of you wonderful gals are not up that early. Originally Posted by Bluesplyr

Now I started calling it "THE HUNT", If you can not schedule something with enough time most likely you will end up leaving a lot of voice mails then they call you back expecting you to know who is calling etc...

at the end of the day "the Hunt" is worthed....LOL

BTW thats the only way I can hobby: cancelations or schedule openings...
pmdelites's Avatar
mikahranae[/b]]mikah wrote, inferring something that wasnt written...

Seems like just another way for guys to find cheaper rates. Originally Posted by [B
for you to infer that might say something about your thought process. what, i dont know and wont speculate, but it is telling.

cliente replied...
WoW..............I never mention discounted rates.
Please don't change the concept of the idea Originally Posted by caliente
ditto!! it could be a way to find cheaper rates [i prefer the phrase "lower rates"] but ONLY if the woman was mentioning a lower rates or the guy started asking for them.

if someone called or texted or emailed me stating that she was available from 3-4pm this afternoon - and i really like her and previously said it was ok for her to do so, i'd probably have a smile on my face and would be pretty relaxed and energized [seeing as how it's now 420pm and i'd be getting back in my car about now]. i wouldn't have gone there asking her for a special or a discount or extra time.

if someone called or texted or emailed me stating that they were available from 3-4pm this afternoon - and i thought she was average or below average -or- never said it was ok for her to do so, she would be off my list in a jiffy.
like the woman who sent a text to me [and probably a bunch of other past clients] yesterday saying she was working thurs and all through the weekend. you might be young and cute, deliver a decent bbbj, let me walk your doggie [and nothing else], be close to my office, and be affordable, but i never said you could take me for granted or mistake me for an ATM.
pmdelites's Avatar
Caliente....I'm free tomorrow from 11am - 2pm.

You're welcome to come see me if you become available. Originally Posted by Kelly TNT
ok if i come and watch??
mikahranae's Avatar
@OP I am referring to the few that stated they would like to know if the provider is offering "specials". I think it is a great idea to help out the ladies that got canceled on last minute. I just don't think guys should feel like they can get a special rate for it. That's my thought process on it. No need for "speculation".

for you to infer that might say something about your thought process. what, i dont know and wont speculate, but it is telling.
Originally Posted by pmdelites
Glad you think this one comment is telling about my thought process. I think that is called "speculation" on your behalf, which you said you won't do.
@OP I am referring to the few that stated they would like to know if the provider is offering "specials". I think it is a great idea to help out the ladies that got canceled on last minute. I just don't think guys should feel like they can get a special rate for it. That's my thought process on it. No need for "speculation".

Glad you think this one comment is telling about my thought process. I think that is called "speculation" on your behalf, which you said you won't do. Originally Posted by mikahranae
I think mikahranae don't get the CONCEPT of this thread. No one is asking any ladies to lower their regular rates. A few tryed to explain it to her. What does a "Last Minute 24-hour small window special" have to to with your regular rate? Raise it or lower it as you see fit, it don't matter to me at all. This is NOT About trying to get cheap rates as mikahranae has said. Let me give you an example: A lady secures an incall for x amount of $ and she has this incall for 24 hours or there abouts. her one appointment cancels at last min. and she has no more appointments for that whole day. she is out the incall amount , her gas to get there and her time. the whole day is wasted and it even cost her money. NO Business for that time frame. Do you think that is a better scenerio than running a "Last Minute 24-hour small window special" ???
In some cases, that "Window" might only be a few hours.

Food for Thought: If her regular rate was so profitable, don't you think she would have had more than 1 appointment for ANY given day??? Process that thought

mikahranae's Avatar
Process for thought....some ladies prefer to only see 1 guy a day. I am not gonna go back and forth. Have a nice day.