So I guess all of us have to get married or masterbate?

VIP Mya Michelle's Avatar
Right. Whatever makes you feel better about what you do. You’re the one that has to live with your choices just like me. You know the truth. You don’t like spiders do you? Lol Originally Posted by Analeese
Yes it makes me feel great every time I collect $500. But its not worth plastering my face all over the internet. In fact it works better for me and the clientele I attract.

But you wouldn't know anything about that because you already said you don't like men with money & power, you said you prefer charity cases and selling ass to make sure your under achieving grown man baby doesn't suffer the consequences of his patheticness.

OP it might take a little more time to find your fun but it’s still out there just takes a bit more effort
TheOracle's Avatar
Is that the plan? Originally Posted by Handsome Nashville
Unless you are just hideous, extremely socially awkward or inept, or both, then just go out there and meet women. It's easier now than ever.

In this day and time of "sexual liberation" and female "empowerment", women trying their best to think like and compete with men, and embracing ideologies that will only lead to majority of them being perpetually single, dating apps/websites, social media, and women running straight to a bottle of wine or cocktail as soon as possible (lol) pussy is as available as it's EVER BEEN. If you have to resort to marriage or masturbation in this day and time then you're doing something wrong.
greenraven's Avatar
I can not pay 500 a pop lol i cant trick that hard
Yes it makes me feel great every time I collect $500. But its not worth plastering my face all over the internet. In fact it works better for me and the clientele I attract.

But you wouldn't know anything about that because you already said you don't like men with money & power, you said you prefer charity cases and selling ass to make sure your under achieving grown man baby doesn't suffer the consequences of his patheticness. Originally Posted by VIP Mya Michelle
I guess I missed the part in which A said she did not like men or money and that she prefers charity cases. That said in the price range you quote you are in fact an anomaly because most of the ladies in this price range don’t provoke others or make tacky statements. It just goes to show that even $500/hr can’t buy class.
greenraven's Avatar
The highest i would go is 300 a hr and thats if im tryna treat myself 500 is like some serious cash too spend for a nut lol im not broke either not a millionaire either but i work with guys that are millionaires and other than there house and cars there cheaper than me i was telling them how much i spend on women and they think im (wild) its no way they are doing it on the low cause they dont know what a eccie is.
There is a reason you don’t show your face remember that . Originally Posted by Analeese
VIP Mya Michelle's Avatar
The highest i would go is 300 a hr and thats if im tryna treat myself 500 is like some serious cash too spend for a nut lol im not broke either not a millionaire either but i work with guys that are millionaires and other than there house and cars there cheaper than me i was telling them how much i spend on women and they think im (wild) its no way they are doing it on the low cause they dont know what a eccie is. Originally Posted by greenraven

I've been charging $500 since 2014 sweetheart, and many men that see me book 2-3 hours at a time and still bring gifts, and we go out to eat.... So ya know I dunno what to tell ya sweetheart.

I guess I'm just worth it

For all of the women who can't seem to figure out how to get the most out of their Pussy I give you some reading material. I am not special... but iam in shape... lol. You TOO can charge $500 hour.

You are sitting on the most valuable commodity in the history of woman and mankind.

And just like money, stock or real estate, you need to know how to manage this asset. Most women think they know this by birth but that’s not so. You have to learn how to manage the pussy or you will waste its value on bad deals from the never-ending machinations of men.

So, let me go over the 10 Rules Of Pussy Management:

Rule 1: Pussy is the most valuable commodity in the world.
Rule 2: Pussy is more valuable than Dick.
Rule 3: Pussy is a depreciating asset.
Rule 4: ABF: Always Be Fucking.
Rule 5: NBF: Never Be Fucking.
Rule 6: Pussy Management Necessitates Pussy Maintenance.
Rule 7: Pussy ain’t free (a/k/a Dick is Not Earned.)
Rule 8: Pussy + Freaky = Death Star.
Rule 9: There is no such thing as a Ho.
Rule 10: Pussy is Power and with Power comes Responsibility.

Rule 1: Pussy is the most valuable commodity in the world.

Men spend 80% of the day thinking about ass, so a properly managed pussy is a pre-sold asset. Also, woman can have babies, men can’t. Without us, the species dies end of story.[1]

Men know this, so they have for centuries carefully crafted a plan to deprive you of your God-given right to control your pussy. They seek to fool you and depreciate your asset with a societal mind-fuck.

But how Kizzy? How are the men mind-fucking me?

Glad you asked. Here's a simple one. Women were told that they should approach sex and relationships like men, give up centuries of female strategy that protected the species and the family and focused men's aforementioned sexual obsession to a greater good. And the result? Women giving away pussy.


Rule 2: Pussy is more valuable than Dick.

I don’t care if the woman is blind, cripple, half dead or on a reality show. Her vagina is worth more than a thousand dicks. Don't believe me? Consider this: Pussy is so good, some men fuck women after they are dead. Let's move on.

You ever see those big women with kids in the trailer park or the housing project? Most of you probably shake your heads and say, “Damn, look at that fat bitch.” But do you know what I see? I see a woman who despite not being attractive, got a man to screw her and create a life and life opens the door to a world of possibilities. So, you think, “Well, a man will fuck anything.” I say see Rule #1.

Rule 3: Pussy is a depreciating asset.

The value of pussy declines. Once you are, let's say, 18 or so, your pussy's value in society slowly goes down. You don't even notice this for the first 10 years or so, too busy screwing like a man, most of you. So the asset has to be sold for whatever it is you want while the price is right. You want a husband, kids and a picket fence? Get married early; trade while the value is high.

The best trick men have pulled is the Myth Of Equality.[2] They have served up this fallacy that men and women are equal. We are not. From this trick, comes the Myth Of The Appreciating Pussy. This lie tells women that their pussy appreciates with time based upon the notion that money, education and wisdom make people think more of them sexually. It’s a lie and a bad one. The asset declines with beauty and that declines with time.[3]

Acceptance of Rule #3 is essential to Pussy Management. It is not a trick, a perception or some kind if cruelty. It’s the truth. Now for certain, a woman herself is more valuable over time but a woman is not her pussy and pussy is not a woman. Shake your fist at the sky but accept it, you must.

Rule 4: ABF: Always Be Fucking.

Not literally, of course. But sexiness is the idea that you could be doing it, that is, letting some man have some. I’m not talking about flirting, teasing or hanging out of your clothes like some thirsty, cock-chasing groupie. Good Pussy Management means initially, the perception of pussy is better than the reality of it. A smart vagina owner controls this perception and places her asset under layers of intelligence, class, grace, humility and above all, modesty.

Rule 5: NBF: Never Be Fucking.

No, I’m not talking about celibacy. I’m talking about moderation and discretion. You know how many guys you’re fucking? As many as people know about. This means don’t give it to loudmouths, pretty boys and idiots. If you do, then you have mismanaged your asset. Sometimes, you just have to say no. And I know it’s hard but see Rules 1 and 2 and Rule 7 below. Just because you can fuck, doesn’t mean you should.

Rules 4 and 5 are tricky because at first blush, they seem to oppose each other but if you are smart they are not. To ABF is to create a perception that your pussy is worth any effort because you dole it out with great discretion because you NBF.

Get it? Good.

Rule 6: Pussy Management necessitates Pussy Maintenance.

A woman must use all of her assets to full effect. What’s the point of having a pussy, if you keep it in a paper sack? Keep the body tight and right. Don’t starve yourself to death, just be healthy. Even though men will fuck anything, it is the quality of men that increases when your asset is managed and maintained.

Rule 7: Pussy ain’t free (a/k/a Dick is Not Earned.)

As with any valuable commodity, pussy must always come at a price to the receiver. Now men don’t want you to think this because well, the only thing better than pussy, is free pussy.

The corollary of this rule is dick is not earned. As we know by now it’s not an accomplishment to get some man to screw you. I see women all the time bragging about the man they laid with. Really? That’s like expecting a high five for breathing.

Rule 8: Pussy + Freaky = Death Star.

In Star Wars, the Empire had the ultimate weapon, that could blow up your entire planet. A properly managed pussy along with knowing how to satisfy in the bedroom is like the Death Star. Any planet of noncooperation a man brings can be blown the fuck up.[4]

Rule 9: There is no such thing as a Ho.

Hate to ruin it for so many people, but the idea that accepting value for your pussy is wrong, is yet another, you guessed it, Mind Fuck. Men went so far as to outlaw it. Why? Because it deprives women of power. Pussy Management teaches us that demanding value for the pussy whether it be love, respect or cold, hard cash is not evil, sinful or debasing. It is the natural order of things.

Rule 10: Pussy is Power and Power comes with Responsibility.

Most women know that their asset has value, how much is the question. But most never think about the responsibility that comes with it. We all know that you could get pregnant or get a disease but that responsibility applies to you. I’m talking about the Pussy Manager’s responsibility to the world.

Men have strong urges and so do not think as well as they see and feel. If you are mismanaging your pussy, it will always tend to lead them to give in to their lack of control and that ain’t good for nobody.

“But Kizzy, why is the burden always on women? Shouldn’t men learn to control their shit?”

It is the job of the Pussy Managers to keep everything in control. If men could control their urges, it would shift power back to them. They would withhold sex, charge women for children and basically control us with their asset. This is antithetical to nature. That’s why it’s called pussywhipped and not dickwhipped.

Women who believe that every female burden must be borne by men in equal measure have fallen prey to the false equivalency mind fuck. They are argumentative and pissed that their asset comes with such an awesome responsibility. All I can say is, you can’t give it back, bitch. Also accepting value for Pussy Management lessens the burden of responsibility.

So that’s it. Follow these rules and you will be the proud owner of a properly managed pussy. Also, we must teach Pussy Management to our daughters, nieces, cousins and friends. I know it’s gonna be hard. We’ve already lost a generation, so we have to grab the youth and turn their heads toward the light.

Now, get to managing. [5]

ARTICLE HERE Originally Posted by VIP Mya Michelle
greenraven's Avatar
500 a hr is still high though maybe 300 girls do 500 for doubles but what would i know im just a trick
greenraven's Avatar

I've been charging $500 since 2014 sweetheart, and many men that see me book 2-3 hours at a time and still bring gifts, and we go out to eat.... So ya know I dunno what to tell ya sweetheart.

I guess I'm just worth it

For all of the women who can't seem to figure out how to get the most out of their Pussy I give you some reading material. I am not special... but iam in shape... lol. You TOO can charge $500 hour. Originally Posted by VIP Mya Michelle
Pussy aint that important its a luxury like taking a vacation or hiking.
Brandofan's Avatar
MM is drinking her own Kool-Aid and has bought into her own fantasy. You've been saying this shit for years yet nothing has changed, so is Richard Gere just waiting for you to get even more broke down and bitter before he comes riding in?

Let's assume you are making $500 a pop with lots of multi-hour appointments with generous men and you've been doing it for five years. Then you should have made and still be making enough that you've invested a significant amount and prepared your own future. That way, when Richard Gere fails to show up you can still live comfortably without becoming a crazy old lady rambling about conspiracy theories on YouTube.
MM must have a no review policy or no one has cared to post a review since 01/17. Honestly the GPS combined with endless blabbering about how great she thinks she is a huge turnoff.
texassapper's Avatar
I've been charging $500 since 2014 sweetheart Originally Posted by VIP Mya Michelle
And yet you're still out here selling the coochie. 5 years and you still ain't made it.
Sleepy363's Avatar
Generally the ones bragging the most are also the ones lying the most.
AshleyKay of Dallas's Avatar
Damn what the fuck did I just read lol