The Internet Hates Dannie...

Its still probably very possible to retrieve any data files you stored on your laptop, like pictures and such. Passwords not so much since they are cached in your browser (usually). But you should be able to reset them.
Its still probably very possible to retrieve any data files you stored on your laptop, like pictures and such. Passwords not so much since they are cached in your browser (usually). But you should be able to reset them. Originally Posted by Krunkman
Agreed, make sure you don't throw out the hard drive, it really does have lots of recoverable data on it. I'm pretty busy with work but would be happy to help if someone else can't. I've got all the connection cables and software to recover data.
Redsan's Avatar
Love the new pictures Dannie,
the Internet may hate you but
the camera loves you.
I was just thinking.. you might have smashed up your display, but depending on how upset you were at your laptop, you might be able to still run it by hooking up an external monitor to it. Won't be a 'laptop' anymore, but would work till you can get something better. Plus all your passwords to your sites would be accessible.

Does it boot up even?
Thank you all for sharing your stories of frustration....I feel like we all just had a 'moment' together and we have somehow bonded through this tragedy. I also want to say thanks for all the PM's from the computer savvy fellas. I will probably be taking someone up on their offer before too long!

I did a pretty fair amount of damage. I've had all kinds of problems with it in the last few months and it was just a matter of time. It won't even power on anymore, when I try to, it makes a noise that is almost indescribable, and then it powers off. It won't close all the way anymore, either. In appearance, it looks like some crazy bitch threw it against the wall and then spiked it on the ground, NFL style, before jumping up and down on it while cursing an inanimate object. I'm not going to throw it away, though. Too much stuff on there that I don't want falling into the wrong hands.

I did purchase a HP mini last night after my hissy fit, so I've been working on getting all my settings back to the way I like 'em today.

Glad you guys like the pics, thank you, and thank you for all the support! You guys are the best! OXOXOXO ~Dannie
  • PT4ME
  • 06-27-2010, 05:32 PM
Awwwwwwwwwwww "how tweet" ...... she's all better now!!! Glad to here you are back up and running, life with no 'puter SUX!!!!

Shit.. no wonder.... I just had one tin can and a string... You need two ????
  • MRMR
  • 06-27-2010, 10:24 PM
Pics are great. On another note, since you have come back from your temporary hiatus you have added so much with your presence here.
It is great to have you back. I enjoy your posts and honesty.
Take care and take a deep breath next time.
69er's Avatar
  • 69er
  • 06-28-2010, 12:27 AM
Blame Bill Gates. Originally Posted by pyramider
Al Gore invented the internet... So I suggest you look for retribution there!

Phrodo's Avatar
I have often been tempted, but always managed to resist. Did throw a golf club once (or more). Damn thing landed in a lake, never to be seen again!
I feel your pain hard drive crash two weeks ago.