Did the top lefty posters self immolate due to embarrassment?

TheDaliLama's Avatar
He’ll always have his Yoko.
bambino's Avatar
actually he did give his opinion. the majority simply didn't agree with it.


this forum is somewhat quiet these days. which is better than before with a small group of trolltards posting nothing but intentionally agitating posts like spam in your inbox. to every thread and every post.

now that they are all on vacay it's less "noisy" here.watching the meltdown of the left here was actually ... SAD. take YR for example. must suck to be so emotionally invested in a nothing burger that you starve to death trying to eat it.

in just 72+ hours after the Mueller nothing burger he went postal and got pointed out and banned. it was .. SAD.

BAHAAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
The Mystic is banned? I find nothing sad about that.
Hotrod511's Avatar
The Mystic is banned? I find nothing sad about that. Originally Posted by bambino
Didn't this response just prove my point. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
No it didn't. If other posters responses hurts your feelings you might want to find another forum to post in.
Hotrod511's Avatar
I reckon that TM trolled too much and it backfired on him when he stepped on poop of his own making.

Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
I stopped posting because there is a right wing jerkfest going on in here. No one wants to argue the merits of an argument they just want to fight and abuse each other and get off on it at the same time. Why would I want to be a part of that? Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Here is your chance. Pick a topic, post your comments along with a rationale (or defense) and the we have at it without any name calling. Now I call naming making negative statements that have no basis in fact. Only for the purpose of rankeling someone. That would not count saying someone is ignorant, foolish, or being obtuse...if you can demonstrate the fact. The stage is all yours.

I can recommend some topics because all libs are required to march in lockstep.
Abortion, you're for it
Gun control, you're for it
Trump, you hate him
Socialism, not so bad
Climate change, the world war of our times
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
He’ll always have his Yoko. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
I have a Yoko 45. I use it to scare cats.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
I stopped posting because there is a right wing jerkfest going on in here. Originally Posted by txdot-guy

I stopped posting because there is a right wing jerkfest going on in here. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Guess this is where opinions differ. I see it more as reality is currently bitch slapping the left. Posting the current "winning" of the right and "losing" of the left at all turns from policy through judicial is just what is currently happening.

As other posters have noted, please post a reasonable discussion topic without invective and many will be happy to participate. Ignore the noise, because if you let the noise get to you, deep down you must know it's correct.
txdot-guy's Avatar
Guess this is where opinions differ. I see it more as reality is currently bitch slapping the left. Posting the current "winning" of the right and "losing" of the left at all turns from policy through judicial is just what is currently happening.

As other posters have noted, please post a reasonable discussion topic without invective and many will be happy to participate. Ignore the noise, because if you let the noise get to you, deep down you must know it's correct. Originally Posted by eccielover

This attitude is why nothing ever gets done. One side has to win and the other has to lose. Compromise usually means that both sides win and lose at the same time.

Take abortion for instance. I think most liberal and right leaning people could agree to ban all or most late term abortions (after 16 weeks). But there will never be a consensus because for some people on the right it's an all or nothing proposition.

Politicians need to work together but if the last 10 years has taught me anything the republican party in the senate wouldn't compromise to save their own lives. And they've convinced the democratic party in both the house and senate that they should do the same.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
This attitude is why nothing ever gets done. One side has to win and the other has to lose. Compromise usually means that both sides win and lose at the same time.

Take abortion for instance. I think most liberal and right leaning people could agree to ban all or most late term abortions (after 16 weeks). But there will never be a consensus because for some people on the right it's an all or nothing proposition.

Politicians need to work together but if the last 10 years has taught me anything the republican party in the senate wouldn't compromise to save their own lives. And they've convinced the democratic party in both the house and senate that they should do the same. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
the Democrats are the stonewalling whining bitches. they are the party of racism, hate, socialism. their actions damn them daily as traitors to America.

two words

ball-peen hammers.

Compromise on the left is code for due what we want.
Just like the UNaca...the nightmare that was shoved down the Americans throats...is that the kind of compromise you're talking about...the climate change "deniers"...the left says is "settled science"...that is the left compromising...GOTCHA!!
Please weight in on this txdot...THANKS.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
This attitude is why nothing ever gets done. One side has to win and the other has to lose. Compromise usually means that both sides win and lose at the same time.

Take abortion for instance. I think most liberal and right leaning people could agree to ban all or most late term abortions (after 16 weeks). But there will never be a consensus because for some people on the right it's an all or nothing proposition.

Politicians need to work together but if the last 10 years has taught me anything the republican party in the senate wouldn't compromise to save their own lives. And they've convinced the democratic party in both the house and senate that they should do the same. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Sorry, you picked the wrong topic or have an unrealistic position.

Abortion is the taking of innocent life to some people. How do you compromise on that? Sometimes it's okay to kill and other times it's not?
You also state the opposite of reality; the left seems to hold abortion as some sacred cause and recent events and statements prove this. In New York and Virginia they just passed laws approving late term abortions. An Alabama representative said they have to KILL unwanted children before their born or do it later when they are convicted murderers. The vast majority of people think late term abortion is abhorrent but not in the democratic party.
This attitude is why nothing ever gets done. One side has to win and the other has to lose. Compromise usually means that both sides win and lose at the same time.

Take abortion for instance. I think most liberal and right leaning people could agree to ban all or most late term abortions (after 16 weeks). But there will never be a consensus because for some people on the right it's an all or nothing proposition.

Politicians need to work together but if the last 10 years has taught me anything the republican party in the senate wouldn't compromise to save their own lives. And they've convinced the democratic party in both the house and senate that they should do the same. Originally Posted by txdot-guy

You didn't learn that you only assume it.
  • oeb11
  • 05-05-2019, 08:03 AM
As to Tx.dot - this is the usual DPST blame the republicans for everything.
There is no compromise in the DPST's - He has the matter reversed.
There is no respect for the republicans from the DPST's. Just lies and invective.

They created it themselves - see the judiciary DPST treatment of Kavanaugh.
See Hirono calling barr a "Liar".
Hypocrites selling Socialism-totalitariansim, bankrupting America, destroying corporations and prosperity in America for a One-Income State that controls All.