Provider Ads without pics

Dstorm's Avatar
If they dont have a pic in the ad, I will rarely bother to visit a website to see one.
semiproxxx's Avatar
we dont have pics in our ad but we do have plenty on our website....its a shame how much you could be missing because of one simple click of your mouse...
johnnybax's Avatar
we dont have pics in our ad but we do have plenty on our website....its a shame how much you could be missing because of one simple click of your mouse... Originally Posted by semiproxxx
As a business owner think how much $$$$$ you are missing.......
boo-boo bear's Avatar
If a lady has no picture in her add, but a link to one, then I will follow the link, no problem. It is not that difficult, or time consuming, and she may not have had the time, or ability to do so. Hell, I am lucky if I can get a link to work, much less upload a picture, and I am a tech savvy guy (well, at least with the hardware side, the software sometimes trips me up.) So, I follow the lead to the pictures.

Now, as to blurred, or no face or head shots, I have no problem what-so-ever with that. The internet is forever, no do over, no do again or un-do. And as I hope that all stay healthy and grow old, there will come a time that photo will come back and bite you in the ass, hard! (IMHO) So I perfectly understand the no face shot, and those with the blurred faces will generally provide upon screening.
johnnybax's Avatar
If a lady has no picture in her add, but a link to one, then I will follow the link, no problem. It is not that difficult, or time consuming, and she may not have had the time, or ability to do so. Hell, I am lucky if I can get a link to work, much less upload a picture, and I am a tech savvy guy (well, at least with the hardware side, the software sometimes trips me up.) So, I follow the lead to the pictures.

Now, as to blurred, or no face or head shots, I have no problem what-so-ever with that. The internet is forever, no do over, no do again or un-do. And as I hope that all stay healthy and grow old, there will come a time that photo will come back and bite you in the ass, hard! (IMHO) So I perfectly understand the no face shot, and those with the blurred faces will generally provide upon screening. Originally Posted by boo-boo bear
I will clarify as this gentlemen did. If there is a link to a pic (and it is clearly labeled) I will follow the link.
I'm not saying I am too lazy to click on a link to view a lady's website, but if there is a pic or two in the ad, that encourages me to seek additional information. There are so many beautiful women that place ads in the areas I travel it is just good marketing to catch the eye of your target audience.
I am also to the point now where I will not see a Provider without face pics. I mean, as the customer here, I want to know more info in order to make my decision. There are so many great choices to make on Providers here in Dallas. Now I may request a face pic, and sometimes get one. Which greatly helps in making my choice. I will even send the Provider a face pic of me if she wants one.

But I am much more likely to contact a Provider who has face pics in her ad. Don't really need nude pics. Just overall pics with some face pics will do.
  • MrGiz
  • 01-09-2010, 10:50 AM
I am also to the point now where I will not see a Provider without face pics. I mean, as the customer here, I want to know more info in order to make my decision. There are so many great choices to make on Providers here in Dallas. Now I may request a face pic, and sometimes get one. Which greatly helps in making my choice. I will even send the Provider a face pic of me if she wants one.

But I am much more likely to contact a Provider who has face pics in her ad. Don't really need nude pics. Just overall pics with some face pics will do. Originally Posted by omaha2dallas
How do you feel about blurred face photos, that still show enough face structure to let you know she's not an ogre.... but yet, not identifying enough to be 100% proof positive ID? In my opinion.... that is the smartest photo approach!

Identifying tattoos are another smart cover-up.... but they run the risk of being criticized for false advertising, if not admitted ahead of time! If a girl is heavily tattooed.... I want to know about it, beforehand! If a girl has annonymity as a goal.... I think that's all the more reason for a case against tattoos!

So.... ya think it's easy to become a discreet escort , eh? Yeah , right!!

I have noticed as I look through the provider ad sections that there are several without pics, but reference their websites. While that is great and I would probably hit their website if interested at any rate, I do find a nice pic or two within the ad catches my attention much quicker. Since in the latter days of the other site, they ladies couldn't post nude pics, such restrictions do not exist here.

I was wondering if anyone else would like to weigh in on this topic.

Happy hobbying!!! Originally Posted by cmpjnky
Some of us are still getting used to the new rules. On ASPD we were only allowed to post text ads in the weekend forum, then the rules changed to no nudity or rates, etc. in the regular ad forums. I think we are all afraid to break the rules on the new site.
Thanks Aidan for making my point. That is really the goal of this thread was to bring awareness to our provider community that the rules from other boards do not apply here.
I have no problem clicking on a web site in ads to check out the pictures and information. I enjoy the hunt to find that perfect provider for what I am looking for at that moment in time. It kind of adds to the excitement and enjoyment when I do find what I am looking for.

Lemontrees is correct.
It is never a good idea to list goods and costs.