Thank you for posting these passages (from the Quran), jma9. Thought-provoking, to say the least......
It's just a hunch (but) I'd be willing to bet the farm 98+% of the US populous has never read / studied the Quran. I would imagine people would be chilled to the very bone if they knew what was contained within this book.
I'm just as guilty.....and probably should get a copy and read it thoroughly. I knew it had teachings of hatred (but) didn't realize how evil these edicts / teachings were.......shame on me for living under a rock.
Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
the last chapter is the worst in Mohammeds book as spoken before he died. from what I understand, this chapter is the one where it give license to ISIS & other mussel men willing to die for allah by committing acts of violence.
I have to ask though....just reading the ones you has a religion (that teaches hatred, violence and the total destruction of others) endured the centuries? I would think a generation would eventually come along and reject a language such as this, ie: common sense and sane thinking would prevail. I suppose these people have lived in some kind of a vacuum, with no clue how others live and co-exist in the world.
Its naive (on my part) to think that way, I suppose. Two billion (and growing) in's not a religion that's going away, to be certain. And all it takes is .01% of that group to create real problems for others.
Islam in someways a very complicated thing as it apparently interweaves with tribalism which is very strong in the muslim north africa, mideast and to a lesser extent south-west asia.
the violence come in as fits & starts before it blows up and the process starts over again when it quiets down.
Being under colonial rule was probably a major factor, as the violence was limited & suppressed by divide & conquer game played by the british empire & French republic.
Islam as practiced in whatever form in many of the muslim countries are subject to the whims of the whoever was the leader of said muslim country.
Prior to the 20th Century, many of these areas had caliphs, a leader who ruled the caliphate
It depends on who is the successor caliphs on how people get treated.
You might have a muslim leader who's friendly to jews & christians, he would protect them as long as they paid the Jizyia (a religious tax). these would be like Assad, Saddam, Mubarak for example of a modern day version.
on the other hand you may have a muslim leader who is not friendly with them and will seek to subjugate them by violence. this would be like the kingdom of Saudi Arabia & Sudan for example.