It is simple you dumbshit.

Negotiate a better deal...a deal that doesn't let Iran have a pathway to nukes.

What is your third option ? All I have heard from the party of NO is no, but no third option. Unless you are really for military intervention. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
All I have heard from the party of NO is no, but no third option. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Isn't that the same strategy the Republicants have ineffectively used against Obamacare.

Same book, different verse!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Isn't that the same strategy the Republicants have ineffectively used against Obamacare.

Same book, different verse! Originally Posted by bigtex
Right on, brother BT!

They're actually, RepubliWON'Ts.
It is simple you dumbshit.

Negotiate a better deal...a deal that doesn't let Iran have a pathway to nukes. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Then WTF do you think they are doing ? Dumbshit.
I think, and many do, that Obama is negotiating a weak (bad for USA) deal.

It speaks to your stupidity if you think there are only 3 choices =

Do nothing and let Iran get nukes
Go to war
Accept Obama's deal

Then WTF do you think they are doing ? Dumbshit. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
David Burge @iowahawkblog · 21h 21 hours ago
Remember: if you oppose the framework for the understanding of the eventual pathway to the framework, you're a traitor.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
What is your third option ? All I have heard from the party of NO is no, but no third option. Unless you are really for military intervention. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Tell them go fuck themselves, put more sanctions on them, put the military option on the plate, ramp up our military, join in maneuvers with Saudi, Isreal, France, Germany, UK, test a few new nukes of our own, start supporting Irans opposition from with in. Let all that sink in and then ask them if they want to renogiate. But don't ever tell them the military option is off the table.
I think, and many do, that Obama is negotiating a weak (bad for USA) deal.

It speaks to your stupidity if you think there are only 3 choices =

Do nothing and let Iran get nukes
Go to war
Accept Obama's deal Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I asked your dumb ass once what the other option was, and you said to negotiate . You are a typical right wing nut and talk in circles.
Tell them go fuck themselves, put more sanctions on them, put the military option on the plate, ramp up our military, join in maneuvers with Saudi, Israel , France, Germany, UK, test a few new nukes of our own, start supporting Iran's opposition from with in. Let all that sink in and then ask them if they want to renegotiate . But don't ever tell them the military option is off the table. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
50 years of sanctions worked so well you want to impose more?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
That's a fact.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
I asked your dumb ass once what the other option was, and you said to negotiate . You are a typical right wing nut and talk in circles.

50 years of sanctions worked so well you want to impose more? Originally Posted by i'va biggen

Where do you get 50 years? I'm not sure when they started working on the nukes but I'm pretty sure it has been in the last 20 years.

And I also suggested more than just sanctions. My point being...Rather walk out, beef up the pressure and try going back to the table with a little more back bone. As they say, no deal is better than a bad deal.

And please don't come back with "It's this deal or war" that's BS. No one wants a war. If BO doesn't know what he's doing then don't blame others. Any other plans or opinions are always automatically dismissed by this President. He should be consulting with leaders from both parties before making a deal.
Where do you get 50 years? I'm not sure when they started working on the nukes but I'm pretty sure it has been in the last 20 years.

And I also suggested more than just sanctions. My point being...Rather walk out, beef up the pressure and try going back to the table with a little more back bone. As they say, no deal is better than a bad deal.

And please don't come back with "It's this deal or war" that's BS. No one wants a war. If BO doesn't know what he's doing then don't blame others. Any other plans or opinions are always automatically dismissed by this President. He should be consulting with leaders from both parties before making a deal. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Sanctions dolly think sanctions not nukes.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Sanctions dolly think sanctions not nukes. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Try putting together a coherent sentence. Punctuational might help.

I believe we've had sanctions on them since they took over our embassy in the mid 70s but that was less than 50 years ago but more were applied when they started their nuke program..perhaps you should focus on my total answer to you questions rather than quibbling about sanctions not working. After all it was sanctions that got to the table this last time..maybe we should try putting the fear of God in them for the next go around? We need a better deal with them and BO needs to stop worrying about his legacy cause at the rate he's going his legacy will be a mushroomed shaped cloud..
Try putting together a coherent sentence. Punctuational might help.
That is always a good fallback position.
I believe we've had sanctions on them since they took over our embassy in the mid 70s but that was less than 50 years ago but more were applied when they started their nuke program..perhaps you should focus on my total answer to you questions rather than quibbling about sanctions not working. After all it was sanctions that got to the table this last time..maybe we should try putting the fear of God in them for the next go around? We need a better deal with them and BO needs to stop worrying about his legacy cause at the rate he's going his legacy will be a mushroomed shaped cloud.. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
True hasn't been that long first were in 1979 followed by more in 1995 added on in 2006. They are at the table the agreement hasn't even been written and signed so how can you tell if it is a bad one ???
True hasn't been that long first were in 1979 followed by more in 1995 added on in 2006. They are at the table the agreement hasn't even been written and signed so how can you tell if it is a bad one ??? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
If we allow the Iranians nuclear capability and production, and their leaders are chanting "Death to America", you should be able to tell if it is a bad deal or not.

Of all the conflicts that could be solved by air strikes and drones alone, this one is the most viable.
You morons of the Austin Reacharound Club have done a good job keeping it stupid with WTF unable to post here under his banned handle.

It's the Executive branch's job to negotiate treaties. That's why there's a SECRETARY OF STATE.

It's OBAMA who snuck off and secretly began negotiations with the Iranians.

It's OBAMA who said "No deal is better than a bad deal."

OBAMA is trying to get a framework approved. Congress cannot approve or disprove a tentative, unsigned framework.

But to you morons, it's the Republicans that are the issue.

Simply put, if Obama doesn't want to fulfill his oath of office, he can leave early. At this point, Biden would be an improvement.